GoD nerf must be reworked

Yeah I agree as welll.

Oh yes, switch your main but what class is worth being played for the next patch? Wizard? Necro? It’s very likely Wiz could be nerfed eventually berfore the end of PTR, which makes the NEC winner again, and NEC is a class that costs you extra $$. Now, you see their true intention?
They want to make more money as possible as they can and I’m totally fine with it tbh, as long as they didn’t do it in some ridiculus reason like “fixing the MD issue” crap. :sweat_smile:


can you show me how you can build a lead on transformers@146? I can barely do that in a 138 :slight_smile: (talking non-season)

Don’t have to eliminate every variable, but at least make it reasonable to be taken seriously.

People want balance and when the devs try it, people complain. What’s new. I mean, the devs even put in new follower features for solo play to even it up with multiplayer a bit more, and what do some ask for? These new follower features to be included in multiplayer. How does anyone expect devs to get any balancing done this way?

On the up side, at least this is PTR and maybe the nerf will be eased off a bit before it goes live.

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not everyone wants to change their class, everyone wants to play want make them happy, why change a class just because the one that worked fine, got nerfed unfairly, all classes can have a strong set, not one class 4-5 strong sets other none


yep very true …

GoD set is wiped out now.
PTR Season I have 1200 dps with 25 lvl taeguk/striken/simplicity and can’t go past GR 98 @ 700 paragon.

Follower is wearing:
can’t die skeleton key
leorics’ crown w/ Diamond
Wearing all Diamonds
Most gear rolled with CDR.
Aquila Cuirass
Witching Hour
Hexing Pants
Nemesis Bracer
Oculus & CoE Rings
Illusory Boots
2 hand bow Odyssey End

Follower’s Stats:
849k Damage
39 mill tough

Guess, I’m going back to WW barb for T16 speed key runs.

Maybe, it’s time to quit playing D3.

Sad idea but D3 is not fun anymore.


I disagree, I cleared a 146 in NS with 5k para, a 149 in s22 (4.8kp) I can’t come close to a 130 in PTR with 6.6k para.

Try it yourself… the changes are horrific.


Yep I’m still trying at 5.3k para an 130+. It’s like I’m healing the mobs. lol


Fair enough. At least you’re giving a good and consistent comparison.

I have tried a little and yeah the nerf does feel shot compared to what it was, but I haven’t played the higher GRs to see the greater difference. Not saying it’s not there, just that I haven’t played high enough GRs to give credible feedback on it specifically.

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They must be reverted, not reworked I think…


I would like to add my 2 cents worth in support of those who are saying the GoD nerf is way too much. Both in nonseason (with better equipment and significantly higher DPS) and in season (with lower DPS but with the seasonal buffs of a clone and a 4th cube slot) I tend to power level gems at about the same level (grift of mid 100s) with my speed build in 2-4 minutes, generally averaging around 3 min. with decent maps and a couple of pylons. I tried doing the several same level grifts in the PTR using the same seasonal DH and same equipment, sans seasonal buffs but with 1.5 mil DPS added to help compensate. It took me 5-10 min. to run the same level grifts, depending on maps, monsters and pylons. That is a considerable time increase, around 250%.

On the higher end, I chose my push build and using my seasonal DH with the same equipment (again sans seasonal buffs but with additional 1.5 million DPS) to try a grift level that I can typically do in 6-9 minutes. I gave up after a few minutes as it was clear I would probably not succeed in under 15 minutes.

These experiments tell me that what you have done to the DH using the GoD set is way too much decrease, and that I would never again want to play DH or use the GoD set until you have fixed this.


GoD nerf is a huge hit… I read lots of roasted butts complaining they could not use this for S23 to rack in ++trillions exp/hour…

Pretty much the same feelings in some ways. Needs to really be re thought and another work around.

I hope their fix is not something like: increased the max time a enemy can be pierced to 3/4 (was 2)…

If this isn’t fixed then I’ll only comeback for the season journey and after that weekend I’m gone.

Full ack, these “devs” have shown again that they have really and I mean REALLY NO CLUE what they are doing to the game right now. Instead of removing this useless (rare) missle dampening effect from elites they nerf the most played set into the ground and beyond. If thats their intention of balancing the whole Diablo 3 experience we will face bad times in the near future. They don’t listen to experienced players like e.g. Wudijo regarding balancing numbers instead they always do their own unbalanced numbers crap. This is ridiculous and inexcusable. Those “devs” or maybe threshold workers? are not playing this game for a long time now, if feel ashamed that they release a PTR patch to their experienced playerbase with even thinking about what they are doing regarding those number changes. Internal pre-tests for that = Negative! Otherwise those numbers wouldn’t have made it to the PTR. This is not a rant, unfortunately only the reality…


This is actually a simple fix from blizzard. Don’t touch the GoD set, remove missile dampening. It’s that simple.

The nerf is far too severe.


My same thoughts too.

Or perhaps change the quiver to shoot double? Not sure if it would be enough or it would be OP. But perhaps makes this too similar to the impale quiver :confused:

Or buff the entangle one, so that would be similar to the current used primary skill. I guess entangle doesnt have the dampening problem right…

I have no sympathy for you Demon Hunters. Before you get your build “un-nerfed”, I want my wizard builds to get un-nerfed first. All of our builds got destroyed in the past year and we got excluded from GR pushing for the sake of Necros and Demon Hunters.

Deal with the nerf as we had to. You had your time. :skull: