G150 ceiling cap bad idea

And how in your mind does the balance DEPEND on a cap? What are you talking about anyway? I still don’t see any logic in this reasoning.

What question?

Blizz balance the game based on GR130 and 5000 Paragon.
They also balance based on being within 10 GR levels of that.
Based on their balancing, all sets should be able to do GR120-140 with 5000 paragon. These new sets feel like they’re probably GR120 worthy with 5000 paragon, whereas the WD/Crus sets are GR140+ and the Wiz set is closer to 130.

If people can do up to 150GR great, but 150 is not the balancing cap, it’s there as a nice whole number to stop at before hitting the technical cap.
They could increase the cap slightly, but having a cap of GR158 or GR157 would seem odd.

Increasing the cap puts at risk people causing crashes and major bugs as a result of hitting the technical cap, and they don’t want that, so even creeping to GR155 would probably be too much of a risk.

Also, many people want to be able to push past T16.
It would provide a way to farm more GR keys more quickly, a better way to farm for gear, and more gold/gems when farming Vaults etc…

It also provides a higher level normal rift/bounty area to play around with different builds, so that you don’t waste GR keys, which with T16 you can’t really do beyond knowing that it’s capable of GR75.

Increasing the T cap would provide more materials from Bounties so that you wouldn’t have to do as many, or you could do more reforges for the same number of bounties…

All of these reasons for why people want to do higher than T16 are the same reasons that Blizzard don’t want to increase the Torment cap, but this is entirely separate from the Greater Rift cap.

As we get closer to D4, it is highly likely that this cap will indeed increase, and I wouldn’t be surprised to be see T24 or even T30, this is likely to be a ‘make the community happy and give them free stuff patch’ just prior to the D4 public beta or demo, to get a few more people back in to D3, in order to generate more noise for D4.

For now though, what is it that you’re not understanding about the cap and class balancing? Why are you coming across so angry about something that doesn’t matter to 99% of the player base?

This is the issue. If they bump up the Torments, you’ll see outcries for damage buffs because people can’t farm as fast as they could in T16 before the new torment release. This will lead to trivializing current difficult GR and Torment which causes outcries for new Torments… All over ‘gotta farm max Torment fast!’

This broken record has happened repeatedly and it always comes back to this…

IF they actually added new Torments, the smartest thing to do is leave drop rates and EXP as matching those in T16. Those that want to farm can stay at T16 to maximize their farming speeds, those that want the challenge could move into Torment 17-whatever.

Increasing Droprates and EXP in higher torments hasn’t solved anything. Seriously, look at the previous patch track records to see this is true.

You’re getting in to territory of “let’s cater to the whiners and not the people that have legitimate suggestions”.

I’m all for keeping it at T16, but I completely understand why in the past people have wanted to increase it, I was one of them and with good reason.

The rewards from T6 and T12 were abysmal.
However, the rewards from T16 are actually pretty good. Would it be nice to have greater rewards? sure, but is anyone really crying out for it?.. not really

I don’t think they’ll make any changes here 'till at least Season 25+, once we’re getting closer to D4, because at that point people will be more interested in D4 or POE2 or whatever, and changing the game that late in its lifecycle wouldn’t be a big deal.

Nobody is going to be complaining that GR150 is too easy because they can do run speed T28s. At the moment, there are tons of people that can do speed 120s or higher. I can do GR95 in 7 minutes on my S21 necro with the new set, which is bad, and my gems are only lvl25, with no augments etc…

So if they increase Torment to T28, that’s roughly GR115-125, people will be able to easily speed farm that if they have the right setup without any power creep, and if it’s done 6 months before D4 comes out, nobody will care anyway. It’ll just be a quicker way to get more loot and resources.

Maybe the following levels (151+ ) could give affixes to the trash or double affixes to elites.
Perhaps double rift guardian or rg with affixes.

150+ (monster will have exactly same life but extra damage and new red aura)
151 = rift guardian with affix
152 = rift guardian with affix, elites have an extra affix
153 = rift guardian with affix, elites have an extra affix, trash with affix
154 = rift guardian with 2 affixes, elites have 2 extra affixes, trash with 2 extra affixes
154 = double rift guardian with 2 affixes, elites have 2 extra affixes, trash with 2 extra affixes
155 = triple rift guardian with 2 affixes, elites have 2 extra affixes, trash with 2 extra affixes, insta die if traps of map touch you (fire, poison, traps, spikes, etc)

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The technical cap is GR 446 however:

maybe D4 is the main focus now? haha

So we are all in agreement then! Grifts must have no cap; we need more torment levels with of course increasing drop rates spawn damage & health etc & Kinataro’s suggestion should be implemented on grifts that start at 100 effective immediately!

Ladies & Gentlethings it has been a pleasure!

Peace & Love!

No, we’re not all in agreement. Raising GR won’t solve any of the other myriad of issues with the game. It just bloats HP/damage of mobs. I won’t even touch the part where you mention increasing drops which leads to outcries of buffing farm builds, which trivializes the difficulty and creates outcries for a higher GR/Torment…

then the cycle begins anew.

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You are right, raising the difficulty will not solve anything, but there are already many people who have already reached the maximum (150) and need a new challenge.

Well … you yourself speak of one of the problems that this will solve.

After some time in the season, a good part of the players stop, because they have nothing else to do, they have good items, gems in the cap, caldesan in the cap and the only thing that remains infinite is XP.

The situation in NS is MUCH worse. Imagine that most NS players already have everything, they are limited to a cap of 150, they can no longer compete as before (much earlier), they can’t get their gems up, they can’t even progress their caldessans. NS is dead, there is no incentive that existed before we reached the cap, it is sad.

Your challenge is in beating GR150 faster. If you say that’s a lower skilled challenge than pushing I’d agree with you. In fact when Challenge Rifts were introduced (even when they were announced) I warned that fast times snapshots aren’t competitive and this will kill the mode. No one heard.

What they can do now (as a semi-optimal fix) is to uncap either Season or NS. The optimal fix is to improve the Challenge Rifts mode with tier progression at least so those that want to measure their pushing skills move there.

However, none of these would be done since the only thing worth coming back regarding D3 are its forums.

Use a non-meta build and see how far you can get. That’s one of the original main attractions of D2 and other ARPG: Create new builds and push them as far as you can.

Bigger numbers won’t solve anything. We’ve seen them do similar and offer bigger rewards for those new ‘difficulties’, and all it did is cause outcries for buffs to sets so farming builds ‘are not punished’. That trivializes the new difficulty and we’re back at square one.

Instead of bigger numbers, they need to create new, different challenges for players. instead of just rehashing GR all over again, create a new game mode that is not just a cheap knock-off of GR.

I like the idea of cutting dmg, it would give meaning to GR levels between 25 and 100, right now those levels are just a waste of time. Before you could do 5 GRs of gem leveling before challenge kicked in, now must do 20 mindless runs before dropping your speedbuild.

Do you really think the culprit was the infinite scale ???


Are we talking about D3?

That would be interesting too. But imagine that the whole dmg scale was reduced to GR levels between 80-100, in NS for example, players with 10k paragon, gems 150 and caldesan, would be 100% invincible for new players, as they would never have their gems, caldesans and mainly comparable level of paragon.

Partially, yes. That and the demand for moar rewards in the higher difficulties. Infinite scale is definitely not the answer.

Yes, yes we are. GR being set up as the ultimate end game was a bad idea the day they thought it up.

The real culprit was the old devs for listening to requests for buffs and more unnecessary buffs … If we were still with the same buffs from years ago, even with 10k paragon we would still be a long way from the GR110 in 4p.
The fact that there is an infinite scale does not automatically oblige the devs to buff the builds infinitely, the infinite scale of GR never served this purpose. If some players ask for buffs, just ignore them, simple.

Bro, there will be no new game modes for D3. This is the reality of this game, you can only ask for improvements in the existing game modes.

In addition, removing the cap will not prevent you from continuing to play with your favorite build, you can still “see how far your build can go”.

If the cap is removed
Players will be able to push by level.
Players will be able to push for time.
Players will again be able to up their gems.
Players will be able to up their caldessans
Players will have (slow) progression after the endgame in addition to XP
Players will always have “something” to do.

The game must NOT end, this has ALWAYS been the proposal of Paragon and GR’s.

The game isn’t ending with a cap on GR. It’ll still exist.

As to everything you list, it’s nothing different. The numbers are getting bigger is all that is changing, whoopity doo. There’s no change in anything that is gameplay altering.

More numbers is not an improvement, it’s a bandaid they slapped on so many times the old ones underneath have rotted out and infected the wound all over again.

Numbers are part of an arpg game since the first Diablo. If so, then remove all buffs, remove passives that only serve to increase power.
Numbers are not just numbers, there is ALWAYS a scale of power, be it fast or slow.
If numbers are nothing, then just stay on GR 1, just stay in “normal” mode, don’t upgrade your gems and never go beyond paragon 800 because “they are just numbers”.

I think a “band aid” is much more consistent in the situation of this game than a “New game mode”

I had a character that did exactly this. 0 gem upgrades, 0 augments, 0 set bonuses, 0 paragon. More fun to play that most of the other class builds I tried and deleted. Had more fun playing that character than I did running GR with a character with bigger numbers.

Numbers are part of an ARPG, up to a point. Just because numbers are used is no reason to make them go infinite.

as to a bandaid being consistent… You’re right. It consistently didn’t fix anything in Diablo 3 each time they used power creep bandaids.