I haven’t laughed so hard in awhile this thread is priceless.
Fixed that for you…
“Mortik’s Bracers” - Part 2.
It seems they just can not balance melee classes at all,
- Monk - role zDps( was a rgk in distant past)
- Barb - role zDps( was probably in the meta when Diablo was younger!)
- Crusader- , that big shield is an enormous waste of space!
More 2.6.1 “Plowing 125”, had they waited till tomorrow or not said anything at all would have been Mortick’s 2.0 but it was close.
Bonus: They were wrong on 2.6.1, they are wrong this time as well.
So vyrchantodo gets a slight nerf which will be irrelevant since fixing Squirts will mean the 100% damage bonus will stay and not be bugged.
Whirlrend gets a buff which still would have MAYBE brought it to the same level as vyrchantodo nerf.
And your first reaction is to nerf whirlrend so much so that it cannot be used for speedfarm or solo push?
I will not play season 19. That’s enough patience for balance from people who clearly do not play the game.
Thanks for responding. Patches have been implemented previously in PTRs and the changes were allowed to be tested. If it’s a matter of resources currently, then that is more understandable. Obviously, we would have liked the opportunity to provide additional feedback on the change during the course of the PTR. If that’s not possible anymore…I think letting the PTR testers in on these details would have been beneficial.
A little more transparency for where things currently stand with the dev team would go along way in alleviating these situations. It’s just better to be up front with the players then to try to do damage control after the fact.
Thanks for the response, at least now we have a better understanding of what to expect.
Maybe should have just stopped right there.
What kind of euphemistic figure of speech is this, are you sure or aren’t you?
Regarding said “overshot”:
By a little?
By a lot?
Do we maybe have an “overshot” the other direction now?
Would anyone care to speculate on what this blue quote really means?
My guess: I’m not rolling barb with any expectation of solo DPS parity. Not S19, maybe not never.
We’ve been doing this song and dance a little bit too long now.
I’m less than pleased with this too, but you don’t have any reason to be attacking Nevalistis over this.
I wonder with the removal of the belt buff, will barbs still be the fastest class to clear GR 75 solo to unlock primals and T16 public rifts
Unfortunately, other than the above and continue to zdps, there are really better options for metas and solo pushes.
Silo relating to ‘isolated’ as in they nerfed one item.
Yeah, let’s not attack Nev about it - Don’t shoot the messenger as they say, even if she is the bearer of bad nerfs ;p
Why wasn’t this strategy taken with…
Necro Thorns?
Can we get some insight as to why you (the general you) came to the conclusion WhirlRend was performing 7 GRs too high for your current expectations?
Also, I find it ironic that you’re worried about overshooting the Barbarian updates while AoV: HF is projected to be one shotting 145 Rift Guardians at full health. (Hyperbole, yes)
T16 is nothing lol, even without the rend thing WW barb can speedclear T16 easy
That’s not even English.
Thanks for the clarification.
I think the Barb is the only class that has suffered major game changing nerfs from the PTR.
First Morticks (which honestly was not THAT big), and now rend…
Im not attacking her at all. If 100% of your playerbase say please don’t NERF. Then you go ahead and NERF. Pretty sure that indicates that our feedback means garbage. Blizzard needs to put there monry where there mouth is and show us they listen by putting back the buff. I mean if i was running a business and 100% of my customer base enjoy something. Im not going to just remove it. Being CM comes with good and bad in my opinion. Our message of how we feel werw pretty much ignored needs to be heard. Thered 0 evidence so far to show that were listen to at all and its only thanks to photo leaks from Blizzcon we evenknow this
I’d really love for someone to show me something tangible to the contrary.
It is certainly not 100% of the player base.