From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

I felt like it should be buffed to 400-500%, personally so I could take the bloodlust rune since I still find the build to be underwhelming defensively. As it stands, the only viable rune is bloodbath because it’s stacking rend 4 times (minus the GR).


So what do you think is the top potential for the ww/rend build in terms of greater rift non-season @ 200% and at your proposed 400-500%?

yep I like 400-500%. Best idea yet!!!


200% with bloodbath is about equal to 400-500% without it. Rend itself was never the issue.

Sure I would be happy for 400 or 500% buff.


Really so it’s all about math?

So mob density and type, map layout, fishing, pylon layout and a builds ability to take advantage of them or not, grouping up mobs efficiently, choosing a mobility skill over a damage initiation skill, etc. etc. don’t matter?

There’s a difference between math being the basis for something and math meaning everything.

Why are you still talking? That trash about “just use Witching Hour” should’ve been enough to detour from future posting.

I think the point that some are making is:

Two identical and ideal greater rift maps exist. One is GR 139, while the other is 140. The same player using the same character with the same skill set would need to do 17% more damage to complete the +1 GR rift with a similar time, assuming that survivability is not an issue.

Aren’t computers using just 0 And 1 and do all logic and calcullations from these?
So only math I recon.

Yes. Just math. No player skill. No decisions about which elites are worth engaging or skipping. No luck in choosing the right route to take during certain mob layouts. 1’s and 0’s.

That would make perfect sense if computers were playing other computers.
Unfortunately in the computer human interaction of gaming one of the parties isn’t logical. Games need to be fun as well as mathematically perfect.

Decisions about what to engage still uses math, which offers more progression to time? Thats math. At any rate, these decisions are not whats under scrutiny here. The nerf was unjust and WH is not a viable replacement, no amount of testing required.


So player just brings random effect also transferred to math :wink:

Now back to main theme:
Pls. Do not nerf Barbs

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Alright, this is getting ridiculous. For a forum post to have 1.2K comments and nearly 8k views, and still no response from @Nevalistis or any Dev.

Blizzcon can not be used for an excuse here as this topic arose post Blizzcon. Blizzcon that was a week ago. There are devs and CM’s active in other games forums post Blizzcon, so what gives. It’s time for answers.

Is the nerf happening or not, and why.


Agreed on that. I was mistaken on WH being any sort of use on the build.

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The thing that is scary about some math whizzes is they can make the numbers right, even when they are wrong and then make a table to prove it. :thinking:
Yes back to topic, don’t Nerf Rend, we need that Buff!

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But that’s all secondary. Without the right numbers (damage), your skills/decisions are worthless.


S18 ends in 2 days… Where is patch 2.6.7 at?

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Pleople asking for 500% damage for lamentation :man_facepalming: .

Cmon guys stay real, we don’t even know if we are getting at least a part of the PTR version damage and you are asking for actually WW buffs.

Lamentation at 500% it’s like +8 GR levels of damage (compared to the 200% version of PTR), so that thing would mean WW has the potential to clear 150 solo…

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Who’s asking for 500?