From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

I do not expect a blue post, since there has not been 1 for ages. I do expect them to fix this, i don’t care how. There was no harm with the barb being strong.


A sad day for the community.

This is LITERALLY a math game with a neat cover on it. All numbers and multipliers, and we KNOW how much each GR level increases health and damage. You don’t seem to understand the concept so numbers won’t help prove you wrong but you are pretty wrong bruh. The entire game comes down to math.


You obviously didn’t think before typing that.


He’s not totally wrong. Bazooka, as example, has the largest numbers but can only be played with a macro. HotA relays in a “non intended mechanic” too.
It’s all about the fun, and not always the top DPS build is the funniest.


This and more so when you don’t focus on the few people with the top clears. Most of the top builds are a pain to play, in my case literally. I get that some people enjoy the challenge. For the people who are never going to get within ICBM range of the leader boards we would like to feel like we’re able to progress without hitting an infinite grind wall at GR 75-100. The builds that need the loot to progress aren’t getting nearly enough usable items and the people who are getting the most loot are leaving it all on the ground because it isn’t worth looking at. Something to consider for the upcoming Diablo MMORPG.


+50% crit damage on a barb who already has 200% equals to a 25% increase in damage. The belts was a direct multiplier, thus its an actual 300% increase. It matters a lot. (please, correct my math if i am wrong here).

IAS works the same way, its an additive multiplier, thus there is a diminishing return the more IAS you obtain.

No because rend have his own multiplier for crit and crit damage base on 1 + CHC * CHD and the 200% multiplier from lamentation is another x3 multiplier.

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What’s the requirement to be able to post links/images?

TL3. More info in the thread…

Posting tables with the 1st 40 clears from the leaderboards


I see an overnight rest has refilled your meme-posting reservoirs.


Not only his :stuck_out_tongue:


Welcome to day five of Blizzard being such a bureaucratic dinosaur that it can’t compose a single sentence to let people know what the hell is going on. We’re not asking for you to declassify the plans for a nuclear war here. Just a quick word on why you’ve, once again, bungled into a huge pile of controversy is all it takes.


Patch note is coming soon just wait

Free is spot on in this topic. Barb WW on PTR felt just perfect. HOTA was still too weak. I did a gr 125 with one minute left at 3100p with WW rend. Used about 20 keys to get a good rift and power on boss. I main wiz and could still do gr125 with a bad floor, no pylon on boss. It’s about time for barbs, and monks to shine. Now i need to find my Iron Maiden record and change its cover.


The biggest worry for me is that because of the difficulty and inconvenience of patching the console versions, the final patch is already locked in place, and the best we can hope is something changes next season. The official patch notes will simply say what the Blizz devs decided to go with pre-Blizzcon, and all this effort on the forums will maybe result in a buff next season. By which it might as well be too late.

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Next season is too late. No more carrots on sticks and promisses.


Free is acting in good faith on what minimal information was personally passed along. I’m grateful for the effort.

If Blizzard makes a statement next week or next month or next year it has no relevance to this being the fifth day without word. In fact Free’s post backs up the idea that Nevilistis can’t get clearance to say anything. The nerf is a problem. Blizard’s responsiveness is a problem despite decades of promising to be more communicative. No matter what they say any further discussion will be made moot as soon as they deign to speak to us with a polished, approved, focus group tested, and sanitized statement. It won’t matter a tinker’s damn that our points are valid. They don’t communicate they dictate. They don’t listen to feedback. You can stage a forum riot and they still will not respond with a single word in a timely manner. Where is Blizzard, the world wonders?


100% support of these statements.

Keep it rolling, we must be heard!