From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

Thank you brother!

Tho I’m not perfect, I’ve learned that honey is far better than vinegar.


^ make me laugh so hard, coffee coming out my nose!!!

#Reverse the rend nerf


This is one of the more salient points in the discussion.

Some folk think that the leaked images from BlizzCon were just console versions of the patch, perhaps a version that didn’t have all the buffs. Others think that consoles were nerfed, but that the PC patch will go live as tested.

The point is, we shouldn’t have to guess. BlizzCon or no BlizzCon, if the patch was set to change, they should have let us know–and they shouldn’t have made such drastic changes without another PTR, but that’s a whole other can of worms.

Let’s imagine a scenario where we never saw the BlizzCon images. The patch goes live. Everyone is excited! Then Lamentation drops and . . . uh oh. Is this a bug? A fluke? Another drops. Same thing. The forum posts start. Silence for a day or two. Then poor Nev drops by to deliver the bad news.

The community would go nuclear. And with good reason. This would another Mortick’s all over again, but worse. It would also be par for course regarding how the Barb community has been treated the last few years.

In a sense, the BlizzCon leak allows Blizzard to save face and address the situation before it gets out of control. And what we’re advocating for is that if they’re even considering nerfing Lamentation, don’t do it. Just don’t.


You would not even have to wait for it to drop, just a look in Kanai’s cube and “wait what?!”

True. Even worse.

I’m just trying to imagine the feeling of loading up 2.6.7, ready to have so much dang fun with my Rend Barb, only to see that we’re missing a massive multiplier and the build is barely stronger than it used to be.

I think even I would end up getting a forum ban.


Yep, I’ve tested it on PTR, from my calculation, Rend was doing around 1500 billion damage (compared to WW doing between 30 and 50 billion); loosing the multiplier means we get Rend doing around 500 billion.

Yeah, it’s nice and whatnot, but that’s not so much, I mean, I do 500-800 billion per hit with my LoN Hammer build and I strike way faster due to the bracers and the Frenzy mace.

In the meantime, in season with a Wizard and with 500 Paragon less, I was already hitting for 10-20 TRILLION with Chantodo AND with a far less optimized stuff (And it still is today with 850 Para as of now) compared to my LoN Barb, I mean…Give us the multiplier back.


This is my main issue as well. This whole thread started because of screenshots, what if nobody noticed at Blizzcon? We’re just left in the dark and we would just see the change on live, too late to even complain about it.

Furthermore, it happened and now people did complain. Is it so hard for someone to address our concerns after the fact? At this point, even a dev comment in the lines of “We saw the complaints, but we think this is the way to move forward, sorry” would make us feel better.

This complete lack of communication or updates is astonishing.

Yeah, what folks don’t understand is that Lamentation was, aside from the Wastes set, the sole multiplier for the Rend skill.

Without it, Rend is doing significantly less damage. Even with the Rend detonations, the double stacks, and the Wastes 6 bonus, we’re still calculating Rend damage with one-handed weapons, and we’re still not dealing enough damage with Rend.

Lamentation’s multiplier is a REALLY big deal.


Now that is funny!
I turned a Blackthorn’s set into a leveling set, It is so OP it’s unbeatable and it is super uni-class set as well!
Analyze that if you can? I dare you!
Oh darn, the analysis is in and the tables and graphs are all done the set has to be Buffed 120 GRs +3 to be balanced. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
In all seriousness keep the Topic up, if the people in charge don’t see this for what it is, any hope for a good strong WW Barb is :musical_note:“Gone With The Wind”:notes: Sorry Meterblade it’s the best I could do. :cold_sweat::woozy_face:

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And I’m thinking about one thing, that bugged me since I saw the description of Ambo: it says the total damage of Rend is applied in 1 second. The 2P description of the Wastes says it increases the damage of each tick of Rend by 500%, and it multiplies it’s total duration by 4, passing it from 6 seconds to 24 seconds.
In that case, what about Ambo’s bonus? Does it take into account each tick that would happen with the 2P wastes and makes it only one damage count, or does it scrap it altogether and applies the +500% damage only once since there’s only one tick instead of 24?

For this you have to make your own test i guess but logically he must calculate damage from how many ticks you deal on monster and deal it in 1 sec


Micro is that you?? Same question

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Challenge accepted!

Born to Rend

Rend To You

Rend To The Hills

Rend Rendaway


Rendaround Sue

The Rend

West Rend Girls

Rend Rend Wine

Little Rend Corvette

Rendberry Beret

Return To Render

And finally, if the nerf goes ahead…

It’s The Rend Of The Earth As We Know It

Yeah, I know. I should get out more. :wink:


I almost spit my coffee when I reached “Rend to the hills” :smiley:

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Rendaround (blues traveler)

Rend me right round

Love me render

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Yep, but I hoped someone more knowledgeable than me would have an answer. I mean, I did some maths: the bonus of the 2P gives 500% more damage per tick to Rend, the 4P gives 300% more as long as you are using WW, and the 6P +10,000% damage will also buff Rend, that’s 3 different bonuses.
Ambo makes Rend deal it’s total damage in 1 second, and it asks the question whenever the 2P +500% damage per tick is applied only once, or if it considers the total amount of ticks that would have occurred without Ambo, meaning 24 (If I’m not mistaken).

Yeah no: I redid the math, and I just confused myself, it doesn’t change anything if each tick is multiplied or if the total is.

However, the other consideration still exists (Even if it’s highly improbable considering Ambo is obviously made to work in synergy with the Wastes)

There’s also the question about whenever it takes into account the original duration of Rend, or the increased duration given by the 2P, which would in that case essentially mean a +300% bonus.

Either I did a mistake somewhere (Which is totally possible), either it doesn’t add up, I mean: 500% + 300% + 300% + 10,000% + (200% from the belt), I dunno, 1500 billion seems too low.

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Dear DEV team. We appreciate for your changes applied related to the barb on the PTR server. And hope that you’ll avoid barbs nerf. Cause it was really great.


I think Blackthornes was used by zdps classes back in S1/2? Oh wellz, good old days :sweat_smile:

Skaal! Keep the logic coming and the BS to the curb.