From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

Yeah, passing 70 should not be really hard, I myself can do a 80 and I’m so bad I cannot pass a 99 for now with my best build, if I can do it, you can do it too ! Cheers !

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I met him on a Monday and my heart stood still
Da do rend-rend-rend, da do rend-rend
Somebody told me that his name was Bill
Da do rend-rend-rend, da do rend-rend


I like Queen way too much:

I’ve paid my dues
Time after time
I’ve done my zero dps
But committed no push
And bad dps
I’ve made a few
I’ve had my share of sand kicked in my face
But I’ve come through

We are the barbarians my friends
And we’ll keep on fighting 'til the end
We are the barbarians
We are the barbarians
No time for trolls
'Cause we are the barbarians of the world


If we’re referencing Queen lets all have One Vision :wink:


Lol, there is the temptation to make one that has lyrics like:

We will, we will, whirlwind you.

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Still no response huh… I hate it when I’m right :frowning:

Oh, man that really sucks, I can relate a bit, I just got news I might have to meet my surgeon for the 3rd time for kidney cancer.

Good for you! I try to stay positive but I am getting tired.
Well hang in there, and I am glad we have something in common to take the edge off. I have played Diablo for what seems like forever and the WW build, no matter what flavor has always been my favorite build.
Good luck with your life and good luck with the GR70 or higher, If the buffs to the Rend build stand, it should be possible for you.:crossed_fingers::v:


“we will we will rend you”


That doesn’t scan. Change it to…

We will, we will, REND you!

[ EDIT ] Damn, Fuzzy got there first by a whisker. :wink:


I caught you a lyric… Oh you almost had it, gotta be quicker than that.

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It is amusing how close those came in.

Well, as I said, something like it. You guys chose a much better word.

“A river cuts through rock not because of its power, but it’s persistence.” - unknown

Keep the rationale reasons coming.

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Here’s hoping that today’s the day!


One of the things that frustrates me the most about the PTR changes is the utter lack of feedback and transparency from Blizzard.

We should not have to rely on photos from Blizzcon to know where they’re headed, leaving us speculating over whether or not the changes are intended.

Having actual two way communication during the PTR and feedback from Blizzard would go a long way toward healing the community.


I CURSE YOU ALL!!! I should be studying, not writing lyrics. I am certain this could be better, but I get to leave for a test soon.

Buddy, you’re a troll, make a big noise
Trolling for a nerf, gonna be wrong someday
You got ego on your face, you big disgrace
Kicking your lies all over the place, hearin’

We will, we will rend you
We will, we will rend you


I hear what you’re saying, but without the rest of the conversation for context, it didn’t seem all that funny. In fact, it looked like it was intended to make Fluffy look like the bad guy, especially with the title: “FLUFFY NERFED BARB - CONFIRMED”. If that title was meant to be a joke too, well…sarcasm doesn’t translate very well through text :man_shrugging:

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What confidence do you think the devs can grant after this D3 BS? There wont be a D4 for me unless they un nerf this and fix broken stuff from other classes (monk hello). I ll decide whether i ll end my 23 years of support for this company and Diablo depending on next patch notes.


DieHarder was the “downvoted guy” back then and now he is one, if not the most, amazing lad at these forums. Cheers to you my friend


Perhaps another PTR can solve this a bit, let us test the changes. Also the new monk set, doesnt this need to be tested after such a big change.
I am pretty sure that the dev working on D3 now is not one of the top monks or barbs. Someone who played the new crusader set it is pretty good, cruising speed good.

I have a fun build, like whilwind
Come on join me and REND with me
Take a spin downtown
Check out who’s around
I’ll show you where you want to be
And the spinning never dies, let the fury take you higher
I know what it means to burn
That’s how I began to learn
So never give up, never give in
Rise from the fire if you’re gonna win
Sing with your soul, soon you’ll be old
Fight the trolls in front of you
There is no limit to what can be done
Climb every mountain with power so strong
Dusty roads on the way, leaving the past behind you

Masterplan - Spirit Never Die lyrics

I guess no one ever heard that song. So sad…:disappointed:

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