From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

Agree 5000% I’m 60 myself.


Good morning Barbarians!

Have they reversed the nerf yet?


Then you know what to do!

Revert the Nerf!

Keep it classy…and cheezy

I’m an Barbi Whirl
In a Barbi World
Spinning Faster
A Rending Master


That’s amazing man. I’ll certainly keep my gaming routine when I grow older, too. Better than doing nothing all day, or taking care of other people business, like some retired people like to do. Cheers to your old man and I wish we have WW Rend in a good place so he can have fun with it.


You can’t touch my rend
it will be your end
thats something devs should use before every nerf proclamation :smiley:


You can’t touch my rend
it will be your end
Is trolls frustration



The belt now for sure deserves its name; “lamentation”
Ok, ok, bad joke, I know where the exit is, thank you.


The name origins from “lame” and “intention”


Me too, I’m 57 and my hands and reflexes are not what they use to be in my thirties.


I actually liked that.

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Maybe we should be focusing on fixing D4 before its released so the franchise can be repaired

Let me hold the door for you :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe we should focus on fixing D3 RoS first instead of repeating it’s mistakes in D4…


Please stay focused.
I Will never play support zBarb.
Buff Lamentation, no nerfing please.


sure, fixing a game that will come out in 2 years over something that probably comes out next week. :laughing: good bait i fell for it

Game is fundamentally broke; there’s no come back for D3 unless its remade.

It really warms my heart that there is quite a few older players still play, being 68 myself.
I feel if they don’t keep the PTR WW build intact or even higher, this time around, the WW is doomed to be a second rate build for the rest of Diablo III life.
That my friends and Barbs of all sorts, it would be a total shame for a Diablo signature build and from what I am seeing here, except for a very small minority, a vast amount of people feel the same.
Keep this topic up folks, it just might make a difference. :v:

Edit some punctuation.


I can back this one, and for a lot more brutal reason than most.

Brain cancer can screw you up real good. It is not fun getting tired for having to think hard. I have already had to start searching for a new type of job since the ones I excel at cause that problem in hard and dangerous ways. Driving tired is never a good idea.

Some of my weird sentences are because of it as well.

So yeah…, I really prefer not having to think about what to do next some days. That is why I have worked on various primary only builds. I liked WW before, but now I REALLY prefer it.


Truly sorry about that, man.


Eh, it could have been worse. I got one of the few types that do not kill you in 5 years. Current bet is I die of old age, even though I am 40 now. Just is making finding work really hard since I have worked jobs that require a lot of thinking “of” driving in rush hour traffic.

Edit: and there is the problem. I think “or” and my fingers type “of”.

I do not give up.

That said, back on topic, WW is very fun and very good. Let us keep the buff so I can finally try and push past GR70.


These problems are nothing in comparison to real life ones, specially the ones that threatens what is most important to us. This is just a game, but it can, surely, help us relax for a bit after a stressful day at work, just to release the pressure and tension from our routines.

Hope we get that build working, man. It’s an iconic and fun build.