From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

Is there any other way to get 10k paragon?

That’s actually brilliant


Yes there are rumors of them nerfing some Wizard and Necro builds. If they absolutely have to do a slight nerf so be it. If they’re going to neuter them like they have done to Barbs multiple times I’m against that too. There’s a tendency for people to want to pull up the ladder after crossing a barrier to protect their gains but that is so short sighted. The problem with nerfing is if you go too deep you end up with some players with gains that can’t be repeated by others even with the exact same build. You can’t undo the damage of power creep with nerfs you just make the game harder for those who come later. I guess my conclusion is they need to stop making random changes and really think about these things before they go live. Revert the nerf, balance the classes.

Lol this whole thing reminds me. Trolls vs 300 barbs. Give them nothing, take them everything.


Another thing the idea that you can just fix Barbs one season and Monks the next is silly. These changes don’t act in isolation. If you’re making changes in isolation without revisiting previous changes your’e going to end up undoing any progress toward balance you have made every season. Don’t be shy about making small adjustments as needed. Like raising lamentation from 200% to 300% or even more as needed. Just because you changed something recently doesn’t mean you can ignore it for months on end if it’s wrong. The game is in maintenance mode the constant screwing with it needs to end so we can reach a final fair playable balance for all builds.

If the Lamentation goes live with 400% buff, barbs:

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Chiming in to support BARBS: This nerf is over the top and I think it should be reverted. Absolute worse case scenario should be about 150-200%. I’ve played every class on and off and honestly, I’m sick of barbs being at the bottom of the barrel. Every patch. Every season. All the time.

p.s: Also support the notion that FREE get’s a legendary in D4! One of the few, constantly constructive, supportive and friendly people on the forum!


Yes man, barbarians are like the gladiators of the D3 universe. Always opressed, always nerfed. And they are angry.


We need to find ourselves a Spartacus, then


It didn’t end well for Spartacus. We need to pick someone who wins. Was George Washington a barbarian? I like to think so. No one nerfed his belt.


Cenghis Kahn may be?


Attila the Hun?

Both are good, but I really dig Hannibal Barca, of Carthage.

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I couldn’t agree more, and i don’t see any point playing season
19 and doing rats for 9th season in a row barb was a great idea and a different way to get xp, not to mention the involvement of different classes like dh in xp group which makes game experience way better for players that don’t like playing necro.
it is almost like blizzard is trying to destroy the game completely when we hopped finally there was a nice change happening.
Seriously don’t nerf rend barb cause this game dies for sure


Welp. That pretty much confirms I will not be participating in Season 19. Season 19 was hyped up with Barbarian updates now they’re all taken away.


Devs please stop pulling the rug out from barbs. Mortlics, 1st ww Nerf, Ik Nerf etc. Now this. Enough with the knee jerks, you’re going to have a hard time hyping up d4 if the same balance practice you use for d3 applies.


Goooood Morning Barbarians. Hey Blizzard, any word yet on this bungle? Wishing you a nice nerf free Barbarian day.


Almost exclusively Wizard here, but wanted to show my support for my barb brothers, but you’ll probably still be shafted in the end.


Barb community cried hard for Chant nerf. Show them hell, blizzard. Show them what is karma.

Nerf their favorite builds to complete trash no one is ever using, like Chant was for the whole history of d3.

Stop spreading lies, little troll


I want to take back my words a couple of days ago, when I said lots of players enjoy nerfing other classes. Actually the minority of players are trolls. Lots of support here, from different classes main. You guys are amazing, all of you.