From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

If you read my posts above you would notice I admited I might say something like this and besides I don’t have to prove anything to you.

I know I said that, but ONLY once, cause of all the nerf cries.

I’m not asking you to provide me with an evidence that you’are programist, so stop accussing me that my support for barbs is fake.

I probably could even show you a sceenshoot of my main account showing how many hours speant (just checked 1330h on both EU and NA server on main account, didn’t check my 2nd acount though) I have on barb on both EU and NA server and you would still not believe me that I ever played with a barb…

So just give me a break…

Not a barb main, but…



REVERT THE NERF! ThX ! Im a 4k Hours Wizz Main.


I’m not asking you to provide me with an evidence that you’are programist, so stop accussing me that my support for barbs is fake.

I already proved in my first screnshot that you were a fake barb supporter.

The second one is just for fun, atm i’m just programing a basic game so i took a screenshot for you, hell i even added an easter egg in the code for you xD.

I played Wizard in vanilla D3 quite a bit. I like sorcerer a lot in D2. I played over 500 hours as it.

When RoS came out, it changed how Wiz played by a LOT. I didnt like the options at that time, but I HAD played Barb on occasion. Now I have over 600 hours in Barb.

I have quite a few items for Wiz because I play it sometimes when new things like Deathwish came out. Today, because of all the discussion, I decided to try a standard Archon build.

I blew past the best I have ever done on a barb with my bad gear. I went past what I did on WWRend on the PTR. Yeah, if you want to talk about a build that that lets you push fast and hard being bad, they need to look there.

Why punish Barbs for having something good, but leave the archon builds where it is?


Chantodo is getting nerfed as is the necromancer’s thorns build. Rumor has it that bazooka is getting nerfed too if the reports from Blizzcon are true…

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Not a regular poster but long time reader of the forums and barb main since release, so after reading Free’s call (that should be a legendary item name in D4) i decided to jump into the discussion too.

Like some people have already said, this is not the first time a situation like this happens to barbs (and probably with others), they make a hasty decision that leave barbs broken and take a long time to retract it.

Also what`s the point of even touching WW at all if you are not going all the way in making it useful? Every other change wont have any effect without Lamentation and the set will be left in the dust, again.

There is nothing that justifies this nerf, 200% should be kept along with Remorseless and Fjord Cutter buffed further.


and up u goooo berrrrrrrrr

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Signing this. Barb definitely doesn’t deserve the nerf. Please Blizz, revert the change back to having the 200% modifier!


This nerf is ridiculous.

Do you even play your own game Blizz?

Un-nerf barb!


I guess at this state it is more than just a reversion of the Lamentation 200% dmg. With the latest live data on solo clears worldwide, if the new average top solo clears across all classes ‘allowable’ is 145 (& not 140), then even a 300% dmg increase on the belt isn’t too much tbh. By Three They Come, we can compromise at 333% :sunglasses:


Pls keep the 200% buff,i’d say the average GR level should be 130-135(above that hard to stay alive…),everyone can go fish a thousand time for perfect map,ww is a solo build,there’s no place in meta with the ad lag…

Lamentation needs at least 100%. It feels pretty unanimous, even from those who wanted a nerf.
Even so, it was fine the way it was, and 0% is crushing.

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Hat in for support from a DH here…former Barb (and Warrior from D1) that was looking forward to a competitive boost to my favorite build.



I think it would be sweet justice if it was a barb who clears the 1st 150 solo GR … keep the Lamentation buff even if it is for 1 season.

I was a vanilla barb almost a exclusively and when I came back to the game I couldn’t believe how weak they were, relegated to support only.

Let the big dog eat!


lamentation should be 250-300



My platform is: BUFFS FOR BARBS!

And that’s pretty much it :stuck_out_tongue:


I would be honored.

But thank you for your support!


So, have you registered the domain yet…

I sure hope this nerf isn’t due to bots…