From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

Yes, I like it! Give us a reason to switch from Wiz back to Barb for at least one season!!! :rofl:

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  1. 2nd law applies only for isolated system. (A compact closed manifold). You don’t know the world is open or closed.
  2. Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness has not yet been proved.

You know, I’d be more inclined to believe you if you added a table. :wink:


Nah too really make them mad, so they loose their sacred position in META as damage dealing class lamentation should be buffed to 400-500%, Skull Grasp to 700-800% and 6 pieces wastes bonus to 15,000%.

While everyone else got massive buffs to their sets, barbs got pretty much nothing, so I don’t mind even if they can push up to 144-148 GRs solo. If that happened with two builds I would definately try barb again…

Turbo charge IK with buffs too along with supporting this set legendaries. This way barb may have not one, but TWO strong builds for pushing the highiest GRs.

Oh and leave all the buffs for min 4 seasons. When it’s time for S20 than it might be Monks turn, to join barbs in pushing 140-145 GRs.

Do the same with crusader in S21 too or buff both Monk and Sader to be capable of pushing over 140 GRs in S20…

Honestly wouldn’t mind if the difference between any class whether it’s barb or any other were just 4-5 GRs as long as we got closer to 150 GR, so by the time D4 gets a release date even average players could clear 130-135 GRs pretty easily…

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Just want to remind folks of a few things.

  1. Nev is not a developer. She doesn’t get to make the final calls on things. In my talks with her, she has been nothing but supportive. Do not, under any circumstances, direct any nasty vibes toward Nev. She and the rest of the Blizzard team are still getting things settled after BlizzCon, and I’m sure we’ll hear from them soon.

  2. Streamers like Fluffy aren’t the problem. Yes, he’s wrong when he calls the potential Lamentation nerf a “small nerf,” but he’s also not a Barb expert, not a secret insider to Blizzard, and not someone who should be hated. I don’t think streamers have any real influence on Blizzard, either. I can tell you with 100% certainty that the work Rage, myself, and the Barb community did on the proposal was far more meaningful to them than what streamers and YouTubers said about it, even though those other outlets helped publicize and promote. And for the record, Fluffy helped to bring attention to our proposal by discussing it at length on his podcast.

  3. There are numerous trolls trying to twist words, quote things out of context, and post a dozen charts that mean, in the end, nothing. IGNORE THEM. DON’T REPLY. Just keep up the discussion with supporters, because at this point, there is no criticism to be made.

Barbs finally got a meaningful buff that brings them in line with other builds. Let’s talk some facts about those other builds. Even with the Chantodo nerf, Wizards will still be capable of 140+.

Know who else will be capable of 140+?

Witch Doctors, Necromancers, and Demon Hunters. Crusaders are already at 139, and both they and Monks, depending on how strong their new sets turn out, may be 140+ as well.

If anyone is worried about fairness and “balance,” it’s time to consider that what the Barb community has been saying all along is correct: Barbs and Monks are the weakest classes.


And the initial 2.6.7 Rend buff finally helped to even the playing field. It finally let Barbs play on the same level as other classes.

Don’t nerf what we’ve fought so long to get: Fun, relevancy, and power.

Keep the support and message unified. Y’all are doing an outstanding job in coming together for Barbs! We’ve got 189 likes on the OP at the time of this posting. Let’s push that well over 200!


Hey Free a I have a case of player who believes nerfs fix everything in this thead:


Maybe you can talk with him. I already got a headache from his responses…

He believes barbs have been left out when all the powerceep with sets started and that the powercreep is the reason of all that is bad in the game…

I guess some people would be happy if they could only clear max 90 or 100 GR in game :roll_eyes:

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Which post? I didn’t see it when I skimmed through…

Bluddshed spoke to devs at blizzcon and they said they can get a patch approved in 24-48 hours so there’s still hope.

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Last 10-15 posts of the thread…

I wish players like Free, Rage or Prokahn would get invited to Blizzcon, so barbs could finally be a playable class at least for me…

I cleared a 100 GR on PTR with WW Rend without any augments at all and pretty bad items equipped too with 1600-1700 paragon only and I haven’t played this class for real for years…

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She is the only one who support this toxic forum. She also has to get a plenty of stuffs done recently.

Blz should pay her more.


A Lot of the people crying about nerfing the WW are just ones with childish behaviors. I see this behavior in my 7 yr old and 3 yr old. I give one child a new toy then give the other a new toy a little later. Soon as I give the other child their new toy, the other one instantly doesn’t like theirs and wants a new one even if theirs is “more expensive “.


I’d be genuinely shocked if the Monk’s new set could pull it off. Looks super super weak. Crusader set might be OK if they can deal with their super slow stacking damage mitigation. Don’t let that detract from Barb’s struggle though. I can want Barbs to be awesome and wish for an awesome and powerful proc build for monk separately.

That would be a great description about how others reacted to Barbs finally getting a new toy, yes. You nailed it. People need to stop being so jealous that Barbs got a new toy for once. With you 100%


That brings to mind something else. Wouldn’t people like to play with a Monk Barb combo now and again? I rarely play in public groups but it’s something I never get to see. To have reasonable chance of that happening we need to make that grouping viable. I suggest we reverse the nerf on lamentation, balance it, get the Monks some defense and whatever else they need.

There have been leaks of updates to the new sets, and the leaks looked promising. I suspect the new sets will be 5x-10x more powerful than their initial PTR showings.


Great idea!

Remember, Barbs aren’t asking to be the most powerful class. We want to be powerful, sure, but if Wizards, Monks, or Crusaders edge us out by a few tiers, that’s fine. We just want to join the 140 playing field that has become the norm for top-tier players, which will make the mid and low tiers for our classes so much better and less frustrating!


+1 to OPs message, stop with the nerf.

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If that doesn’t do it, it’s hopeless. And honestly, if you want to copy/paste my response and spread it around whenever someone starts in about “powercreep” or balance, you have my full permission.


Thanks, he was so annoying in the Squirts necklace will need a nerf if thread, that I was close to explode and get banned…

He was advocating for a nerf to Squirt’s, (chantodo’s too) because in his opinion it was broken, cause it benefited ranged classes more than close combat ones and of course his biggest problem with the game was always powercreep, he blamed it’s the reason this game is so bad…

Anyway I need to calm down, cause I don’t want to end up silenced again -.-, for being against nerfs and supporting classes to be on par at least in 4-5 GR range…

God, this guy, he keeps saying I don’t care about barbs and that I’m no barb and that I only care about my UE Multishot build and wouldn’t mind if any other was nerfed as long not mine…

I even admited I might said something like that earlier way before the PTR in the Squirt thread, becasue I didn’t believe barbs actually might get anything based on how they were treating for years and always forgotten and neglected…

Of course other classes buffs are the reason why barb is so weak and just because Squirt’s Necklace isn’t designed for barbs or any other close combat class it needs to be nerfed…

I just can’t reply to him directly or it might end bad for me…


If barb is to be close wiz 200% lamentation isn’t even enough. Maybe 400%. Sounds too much? Do the math. We need more, man.

Also thanks Gasnick, for your support. I know you ain’t a main barb. This mean too much