From a Veteran Diablo 2 player, played 16 years

I have played d2 since launch day. I disagree with you completely. Go play the old game. Same logic to you saying go play d3. You are not new with your appeal to authority as a “veteran”, nor with your hand waving of things people want.


Hmmm looks like when you was in high school you also had problem with clicking. Because:

I wonder how you get your items. Im pretty sure you never used 3rd party programs. Oh wait…

What a surprise. Somebody could tell me why always the ploot supporters admits such things. :thinking:

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Please do not over-generalize. I support optional instanced loot and have never cheated in any Diablo game, starting with D1.

I would not say the OP represents all supporters of the status quo.

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Its still odd tho, thats second person who want ploot and admit to be a cheater, just saying :smiley:

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Well its not odd. With bnet support boters going to have harder time. Ofc there will be anyway but you know these kind of private players who just botting for themself and not for a 3rd party site they fear of ban. But with ploot they can just follow players and getting free loot.

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And with FFA loot, leechers do not even need to follow players killing monsters to get loot. Wait in town, let others kill all the monsters, go to cleared area, and scavenge all leftover loot without any risk whatsoever. FFA loot promotes the epitome of doing nothing and getting free gear.

To me, it seems like one of the largest groups who want to keep FFA loot are cheaters who want to be able to grab all the good loot using “tools” that violate Blizzards ToS/EULA.

I dont think this arguments really is valid. Lets say I would run a bot. I will create FFA games and not ploot games, problems solved. If all games will be ploot, again it doesnt matter for cheater, bot will run 24/7 and accumulate ploot in the same way, maybe little less items but all others bots will too so its not changing anything. And with ploot, botter doesnt even have to risk showing off pickit.

This is incorrect. Uncollected items disappear based on a timer based on item quality.

And how many purists have admitted something smilar?

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And this is the main thing. With ploot we never going to see bots cus we are focusing our private loot and bots can freely rampart trough the whole game and flood the market with cheap items.

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But you said they wait in town then they follow us. Every fat loot going to be picked up till town players join. I have no problem with that. These kind of players get maybe some xp. Again i still rly dont care.

Well search on the forum. I havent seen any.

If anything, personal loot will reduce the number of items in the trade economy due to cheating.

In FFA multiplayer game, there is a lower “no drop chance” resulting in more drops. The bot is set to pickup the good/tradeable gear with inhuman reaction times. In an 8 player game lets say the bot gets half of all “good” drops.

In a similar instanced loot 8 player game that bot on average only get 12.5% of all good drops (with a binomial variance). Therefore, instanced loot is far better in keeping the economy free of botted items.

You are incorrect in your assertion.

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Some of the changes LoD introduced were bad. I wouldn’t mind if they nerfed a few of the runewords and some of the strongest uniques. But no more power creep like a charm inventory.

Ideally they should focus on the remaster aspect.

Depending on the implementation, a charm inventory can be a nerf to player power. Currently, some players will have their entire inventory almost completely full with charms plus a couple books and the cube.

If charms only work in the charm inventory and its now half the size of the current inventory, this is the antithesis of power creep.


Not a bad idea. I actually support it. But players can already choose to do this with their charms so it isn’t really needed.

Wait this can’t be true… you never even potion-duped, not once?
You’ve got to be a damned :unicorn:!

Never. I have not cheated in any diablo game ever.

Incorrect. This is what I wrote about personal loot versus FFA loot for gearing up for legit players.

If we extend this to cheaters, FFA loot will result in all A-tier gear collected but the distribution of the best gear will accumulate with cheaters and less for legitimate players.

Exactly in personal loot and not the cheater/bot who gets way more of the good gear (and legit players proportionally less) in a multiplayer FFA than what would be expected by RNG with personal loot.

This is not accurate. I have explained repeatedly my motivations for preferring personal loot and it is focused on valuing integriy.

Are you sure? The two D2R surveys that Blizzard e-mailed its players looking for feedback had 19 and 7 changes, respectively., including questions about dedicated charm inventory, balance changes to skills/items, and personal loot. The post-technical alpha interview where Blizzard was explicitly asked about personal loot, the answer was now now, but depending on player feedback it may change before launch. The quote you ae thinking about was in a paragraph answering a question about item duping where parataxis raises question since Rob was soulbound.

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I disagree with your post in general.
Lots of veteran gamers here are asking for QoL improvements, myself included. Have you been to 99 multiple times before bots? I have and personally I’d love to see QoL improvements!!! Best of luck to you. Hope you have a nice day.


That’s so crazy. You should honestly do an AMA on Reddit lol.

You never had godly plate of the whale, a staff with 255 charges, etc?

That stuff was so much fun…
Don’t get me wrong I had legit chars too but man, I couldn’t say no to oculus rings when they were around hahah.

I live a pretty ethical life. I got sick of all the tom foolery in D2 public games. Consequently, I played primarily solo and earned all my gear. That is why it is so laughable to me that some claim I want free loot where almost all of the D2 loot that I had was almost exclusively due o my efforts and no one else.

In D2R, it would be nice to play more co-op games.

For all of D3’s faults, D3 multiplayer co-op is much more pleasant/less cheating than in D2.


I will admit I always got bored of being overpowered with any cheats in d2, or d1 eventually joined a legit-only duel forum for D1, and got bored of occy rings maybe a month into their existence.

It is much more fun playing games as intended, but I couldn’t help but throw dreamflange rings on at least once In public bnet. All the power to ya.

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