From a Veteran Diablo 2 player, played 16 years

New game ??? Sorry am I missing something ???

Wrong, too. Many old players donā€™t have problem with some changes ;).

So yeah, D2 Original will exist after D2 Resurrected release. So you can play the original.

And sure, it is totally obvious that OP has some huge mental problems.


says the guy that wants to have commodities, because he doesnā€™t want to have to make choices between 2 thingsā€¦
It affects the game WAY TOO MUCH. and you donā€™t take time to think about the impacts of what youā€™re asking.
it pisses me off, because You are trying to change the game because YOU DO NOT WANT TO LEARN OR ADJUST TO THE GAME, youā€™re asking the GAME TO ADJUST TO YOU.

personal insult : Youā€™re a spoiled little kid, Give me this, give me that. this is too hard.

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I have followed the development of many games, one of which was D3.
D3 is bad game in many regards and Iā€™ve written countless topics and comments as to how the D3 devs never understood D2 and what made it good and successful game, how D3 lacks proper itemization, skill system, trading, PK and things like thatā€¦

However, there are some things, that D2 can use.
One of which was a feature, that was scrapped during development of D3, which was called Talisman and it was meant to be dedicated space for charms. While D3 never got charms, the idea was decent. I tried to use that name, because ā€œtalismanā€ is shorter than ā€œdedicated space for charmsā€ or even ā€œcharm inventoryā€, but since it bothers you so much, Iā€™m fine with calling it a charm inventory.

As to D2, the game never had charm inventory officially, but it exists in mods. It makes the game more enjoyable, at least the way I see it. It would allow me to actually utilize my inventory without gimping my character.
You can think itā€™s an interesting trade off and thatā€™s fineā€¦ although considering, that the game can be beaten by a naked or MF geared character, it really isnā€™t.

The only thing the lack of charm inventory is suited towards is to allow noobs to pick up gear, which you seem to be against, and yet youā€™re opposed to a dedicated charm inventory.

And the whole ā€œthere never has been charm inventoryā€ can also be applied to other conveniences such asā€¦ shared stash. There never has been shared stash in D2 officially, rather in D3 and modified versions of D2.
If thatā€™s the principle, then might as well remove the larger, shared stash as well.

You kinda forget, that you can be in the back without necessarily be lower level, but ratherā€¦ because ranged characters existā€¦

Iā€™ve played thousands of hoursā€¦ in Single player only, with friends over LAN, over both open AND ā€œclosedā€ battle netā€¦ Iā€™ve played mods as well, my favorite being Eastern Sun. Iā€™ve tried others, but I donā€™t like them.
ATM I have 92 sorceress and 83 necro just on Single Player.
On my current account (because many have expired over the years), I have 2 94 characters, necro and soso, 76 wind druid.

I am not playing actively ATM, becauseā€¦ guess what?! I also play other gamesā€¦
Iā€™ve also played MMOs throughout the years, and one thing those games have over D2 (and even D3 is better than D2 in that regard) is the freaking interface. They have a freaking skill bar, so you can cast with the keyboard wile pointing with the mouseā€¦ as opposed to having to swap skills constantly with the keyboard and casting with just the mouse.

D2ā€™s interface, especially in 2021 looks incredibly silly and uselessā€¦ even the console interface has a freaking skill bar (you can see it on the site).

And the reasons, since youā€™re a D2 veteran should be pretty clear. There are builds, that donā€™t use 3-4 skills, there are builds, that use 10 or more skillsā€¦ something like a necromancer.

You can call it ā€œcore elementā€, I say, that while Iā€™ve done it for years, in retrospect I think this control scheme is dumb and the game can use a proper action bar, that is not going to change the gameplay, but it would alleviate the strain the constant freaking clicking has put on my fingersā€¦ as Iā€™ve played video games pretty much every day since 1999 and nowadays I take pills to help me regenerate my tendons once or twice per yearā€¦

Because for a veteran player, you canā€™t seem to figure out, that weā€¦ like it or notā€¦ are getting olderā€¦

And if youā€™ve had the chance to play the beta, or at least have seen some videos, the game claims to have accessibility features, but nothing, that would reduce the crazy clickingā€¦

Your analogy, thatā€™s suggesting, that the game is not for me due to my one critique of the interface and the control scheme (that were most likely a result of technical limitations of the time and not actual design decisions) is inadequate to say the least.

Yeah, Iā€™m sorry, I lied. I am actually an entitled 16 years old, that only recently started gaming and I am here to ruin the remaster for you by turning it into D3. I apologize!
Iā€™ve never even played D2, I only saw it in a videoā€¦


It wonā€™t effect the game a large as you think, the biggest changes is charm inventory and balance changes I understand the impact and thous want a different realm for them ? Will this happen I donā€™t know but I will ask for it till the game is released and move on if it isnā€™t.

Also Iā€™m done talking with someone who hasnā€™t grown up since they were in grade school.

If I follow your logic, I should also be able to slow down at least cold immuns with my so called ā€œadvantageā€ which I canā€™t, since with my lightning advantage I can even kill lightning immun monsters if I break their immunity. Plus lightning gets as advantage a crazy amount of maximum damage, thatā€™s actually the real lightning advantage. I wouldnā€™t call this balanced.

Ok let a player who has been playing since d1 lay it down for you.

Outside of mods that have additional content like postgame areas with large increases in mob density & difficulty this change has no business being added because it does far more harm than good. And Iā€™m sorry if you are too blind to see it.

I actually fancy the odds of this atrocity not seeing play in vanilla.

Why are you talking to me about Diablo 3, I donā€™t give a damn about Diablo 3ā€¦ im here for DIABLO 2.

itā€™s like im talking about Iphones, and you try to convince me, with arguments on a chinese copied iphoneā€¦ I donā€™t care about MODS, iā€™m still talking about DIABLO 2.
never played mods.

No, it makes the game easier, and less impactful decisions, which is more punishing for new players. ( GAME KNOWLEDGE is what makes GOOD PLAYERS, not just running around clicking and getting loot )

CHARMS = Decision between more space or more power

Charm inventory = Charms become a STAT, and you only decide WHICH ā€œstatā€/charm youā€™re gonna use. no punishement.

understand the differenceā€¦ please use your 5 IQ to think about real hard.
youā€™re asking to change what charms are because you donā€™t want to get punished if you have no clue what youā€™re doing with your charms.

Shared stash doesnā€™t affect ANYTHING on the game. it just more convenient to NOT need to Transfer stuff in other characterā€¦ which i am all good with it. you donā€™t seem to understand mechanics, yet you keep talking.

I havnt played d3 since the end of season one ladder expansion I Isboxed 4 wizards and ended up with a top 200 solo wizard spot and stopped playing. Iā€™ve been playing mods for years and I think itā€™s funny when people say the passion of d2 when the game is a ghost town filled with bots! Your mistaken that this 20 year old has very flaws and the mass amount of people that want to play d2 want changes! This forum has the same people posting the same things over and over and Iā€™m told to go away why? Iā€™m sure after a month of ladder when this game is a ghost town I will? I donā€™t want to put the effort in for trading or doing runs rightā€¦ my laziness more like my time is more valuable to me then spamming forums and proper for hours! Work for it lol you clearly donā€™t value your time or others a simple way to pay for items via a AH or some way to buy and sell through tabs like an upgraded POE system. The ladder seasons are shorter So this would be nice or simply double the drop rates due to cutting my farm time In half! Most people donā€™t want a simple remaster just a few thousand purist when 100s of thousands want a modern game!

Again what is hard about d2 nothing ladder resets Iā€™ll be 80+ day one and power farming!! I pick the correct class on ladder reset because you know class balance!!!

Keep pretending your game is perfect and doesnā€™t need updates! Youā€™ll quickly learn your wrong when you see a ghost town of players as bots trickle in!

We donā€™t new threads from new people we get the same threads over and over responded by the same purist and few ppl wanting to save this game!!! Unless beta multiplayer gives us hope this game is a walking talking ghost town! But hey you 3000ish purist get new graphics and again enjoy that and your bots I can simply play mods or POE2 I donā€™t touch d3 or D4

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And thats exactly reason for some Qol changes and later content, thank you for understand that :slight_smile:

Also dont call me kid, thank you :slight_smile: I am 36 and played from release.

Who is acting like a kid now?. And Actualy its remaster , not remake.

You mean play 20 years old game same as before? They have feedback 20 years back for that LMAO.


The OP seems to make the argument that Diablo 2 Resuurected should be the same as Diablo 2/Diablo2:LoD since each video game contains the words ā€œDiablo 2ā€ in the game title.

To this point I will simply ask, are Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction the same game?

Since the answer to this aforementioned question is that D2 and D2:Lod are in fact different, I will next ask: what are the differences between D2 and D2:Lod?

Do these changes impact gameplay, even though both have Diablo 2 in the title?

The idea that Diablo 2 Resurrected can not have changes simply because it has Diablo 2 in the title completely ignores the fact that D2 and D2:LoD are in fact different, including 2 new classes, a new act, the introduction of 33 runes, balance changes to skills/items over time, the introduction of new items, larger storage space, and so on and so forth.


I have already corrected him on this remaster/remake on multiple occasions and even gave him a direct quote from Blizzard.


I missed this. As you said its not perfect, qol and some balance changes can make it closer to perfection.


There are so many deficiencies in the OPā€™s arguments logically that it has little merit in my mind.


I believe its what we people have inside us, we are generaly speaking afraid of changes. Afraid that change will have unknown results when current state is fine.


I died inside laughing. This is great. I think you forgot, Blizzard isnā€™t developing this, Vicarious Visions is. Furthermore, D2R isnā€™t using the rendering engine that Diablo 4 is lol. Entirely different games, entirely different platform, entirely different software.

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Heā€™s not too keen on logic, youā€™ve wasted your time with such a beautiful argument! LOL


I guess thatā€™s the bottom line then huh.

What will probably end up happening is the only real change you see is the controller support one so the carpal tunnel arthritis boomers can actually play.

reply to OP

Lol Enigma

the increased inventory size and stash is needed for the trading to happen.