From a Veteran Diablo 2 player, played 16 years

No one is forced feeding you anything, if anything purist force feed others into this idea the game is perfect and needs no changes. I’m done with this sort of elitism that infests all of gaming.

I have played the game without a single charm, my gameplay was barely impacted, I completed hell no problem ? Play classic d2 and tell me they are fundamental, when they aren’t even in classic d2.

Power vs progression should never come at odds it was bad gameplay design.

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Who is force feeding WHO, when someone wants the Game to be the same as it always been, and you come to the game…

Or players that didn’t like aspect of the game and are asking to change the game…

YOU are the one coming to DIABLO 2.

I didn’t come to the D2 I’ve played it since it launch in 2000.

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You’re not answeing my quesiton.
Who is trying to force feed stuff to the other… the one asking for a game to change, or the one defending what it is already ???

Its not the same game, the game that is d2 will exist even after the launch of D2R.

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it is the same game, it has the same name…
Now you’re trying to play the " i’m selling a game called DIABLOS 2, it’s a new game, look it has a “s” in DIABLOS 2, it’s not the same game"
Try telling that to a judge in court…

it’s the same game

I have waited for it as long as you purists and I don’t want to play d3 or d4 for that matter. I’ve been wanting these changes to D2 since at least 1.07.

Its Diablo 2: resurrected its no longer the same game. If it were we would all get it for free, it would just be a update to the existing game.

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do you want to know WHAT EXACTLY is going to kill this game? if THIS blizzard trys to put any changes in the game. look at this huge pile of SHI… names diablo 3 after all! NO balance, boring itemization, boring skillsystem, annoying stupid story and MUCH more crap.
and YOU want THEM to change the game ??
You will completely screw up the best ARPG ever.

If you do not like the idea of charm inventory or rune/gem stacking just don’t use it. You are the minority and If we want our favorite game to last as long as possible the QoLs are necessary. Think about your grandchildren playing diablo 2 :smiley:

I played D2 on launch and D1 near launch. I’ve put more hours into D2 than any other game aside from WoW and for me the more QoL the better. I don’t mind changes as long as they make the game a better experience without altering it’s core. I am for the majority of the regularly discussed suggestions on these forums.


Then if you want changes THIS IMPORTANT since the begenning… you ever tought it was just not a game for you ??? now you’re trying to force feed me some care bear things, cauz it’s not a game you fully enjoy.

Diablo 2, if it wasn’t the same game, it wouldn’t have the same name,
you know what is a TITLE, and a subtitle ??? ressurected is added to not get confusion between, Diablo 2 (2001) and Diablo 2 (2021).

We just want an updated d2 we don’t want d3 or D4 you and other purist just don’t anything to change at all! Why???your game right now is bot fest! You have such a low playerbase it’s laughable! Blizzard has failed d2 by not giving us a modern ladder where we have changes! All your arguments are meaningless in2021! D2 is a basic simple game thst can be cleared with ease! Because you picked broken classes at the start of ladder!!

Telling people its choice having charm or picking up an item??? Rofl most people legit roll there damn eyes like really??? You enjoy going back to town that much??? It gives you power ??? The game requires little to no effort and most people aren’t playing mid max or not the meta builds anyway!

Most of us played this in high school and were all in our 30s and we just want to farm with friends and not worry about out clicking or sitting in discord but we’re all in different games! PD2 has shown us that it’s just to anti social and trading is very tiring they need to come up with a sure fire way to trade spamming forums and people or making games is also a LOL moment it’s 2021 who legit has time for that or would want to waste time doing! As of right now this game will be a ghost town In a month and you’ll have no one to blame but your self but hey enjoy the bots


just…go…away… lol

rarely read so much nonsense in one sentence.
You want to know what a simple and boring game is? Diablo 3! and why do you all want any changes ?
because diablo 3 is no longer enough for you! BECAUSE IT IS TOO SIMPLE. And exactly the same you want to do now with D2! (because you just don’t seem to understand the word REMASTER)
you do not like Diablo 2 as it is or was ? then play something else! Very simple thing!

Such a narrow minded point of view, did it ever occur to you you can love a game but still know flaws in game design that if corrected would make the game overall better and more enjoyable ?

Its not the same game, no amount of squabbling over minor details will change that. As they are changing the net code, they are overlaying a new graphics engine over the old. It being charged as a near full priced game. The amount of work alone they have done to and with the game, is enough to say it in fact D2R is its own game. While the classic d2 can still be played after its release, unlike the Warcraft reforged debacle where the classic game got overwritten, we can both agree they have a much better team as well as resources working on this one.


YES, that’s why i don’t mind changes like : being able to see normal games when you’re in hell, shared stash, new menus…

you’re just to dumb to understand the impacts of some changes.

It’s the same game, They took Diablo 2 and remade the game.
and a game being sold at “full” price, it’s actually impacted because it took ressources to MAKE THIS GAME… which is DIABLO 2…
you seem to not know what impacts the price of a game. has nothing to do with it being just NEW game, so ill put this price.

No i do not agree, i don’t care about comparing 2 teams, or which one is better, it’s completely irrelevant.

A bit off topic, but I totaly agree with you on why lighting getting a freepass whereas cold gets such a high immunity that you can not even break it.

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That’s a disadvantage of ICE, since you get the advantage of slowing them down, or making them completely immobile… There’s advantages, and DISADVANTAGES. it’s called being balanced.

Too true OP I felt the passion for diablo in that one. It’s just so backwards and insulting for an oldschool d2 player to even think about having a charm inv implemented outside of mods.

As I’ve said before, this is actually a nice feature but it changes the game too far from what diablo is (imo) the fact is this would ruin pvp because lazy novices don’t wanna trip to town so often,or drop a handful of charms…

I hate to be THAT guy, but if this is implemented I probably won’t play…which is kind of a shame because this is easily my favorite game and I consider it to be a timeless masterpiece and the full HD remaster is a dream come true.

Leave this one for the mods yeah ? Yeah…


Yes, well said, people are being more and more LAZY in games…
and are trying to force feed us with their laziness.

-i don’t want to go to town so often, it’s a waste of time

DUDE, you’re playing a video game… how are you not ALREADY wasting time ??

Again with the personal attacks, it is clear to me you are too irrational to have a discussion on the potential impacts any changes may have. Because your merely reactionary and don’t think through things other then your own emotional attachments.

No game is COMPLETELY NEW, iteration is standard with in the game industry. Otherwise we would get new game much less often. It is a new game I’m afraid to tell you.