From a Veteran Diablo 2 player, played 16 years

This remaster is already broken anyway, as they intend to support 32:9 resolution where you can attack monsters on a range where they don’t attack back, and it will also totally destroy PvP balance. This is much bigger game change than stuff like charm inventory or personal loot.

The game is for ever broken because of this! I don’t think they will remove or change it and if that’s the case then they should have just done a full 100% over haul and remake the game! You can’t police it and and this is going to make picking up items up even worse so stack wider monitor on the list of why you know what never mind we needed a 100% remake and if the giant monitor breaks the game then so be it

Well, from the sounds of it, you already have a game you enjoy. You want to be old and crotchety about it, go ahead. I’ll stay off your lawn, but stop hold everything back because “back in your day…” The world has moved on. So should you.
They are updating the game. Things change and improve. Get over it.
I played day one of D2 release as well for a good long time. It got old because it is old. A new coat of paint does nothing for a cracked foundation.


I’ve been playing D2 for 40 years which means my opinion is superior.

And I say the game should be updated.

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I agree the game can be up dated but what you said here cant be right haha:


I’m a Veteran myself, I played on and off since 2001 and I support the Charm inventory idea as well as some balance tweaks.

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Perfectly said honestly, even if one were to disagree and want some changes, they would have to admit that your reasoning is pretty sound. However, I share the same opinion as you… If the original game wasn’t so successful they wouldn’t be making a remaster. The fact that they are though proves that this game is one of the best rated games of all time (on IGNs Best Games of All Time list)

I pride myself in following the path of my older brothers who introduced D2 to me and my twin. We are in between two generations but we always grew up with your generation. We have played D2 for as long as we can remember playing any video game.

The original game (overall) was perfect and there is no reason to change anything but polish and remaster for modern systems.

Don’t fix what isn’t broken… D2 was never broken, never needed fixing (except bots) and despite what people think, even though they will argue with what I just said, yes, even balancing doesn’t need to happen. There are many “imperfect” things about D2 but just like other games like Zelda OoT on the N64, the glitches, bugs, or imperfections shows the beauty of the game in its own way. The challenge in games made for a hard working generation doesn’t need to be made easier for an entitled one.

Many changes people want would ruin D2 and people don’t realize it. And I know there are veteran players that want changes too but I think a lot of those changes aren’t game breaking implementations.

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I think where the OP is coming from is more of the fact that this game is widely considered as one of the best games of all time on many different lists. And the game is remembered and still played by many people. D2 is what makes Diablo a franchise. D2 is the reason there was a 3rd and there will be a 4th. Part of that is because D2 “Veterans” still play and love this game and show other people the game and pass it along. In a way this game really never died, I know tons of games that have died but this is the Bo2 of call of duty, this is the OoT of zelda, (idk what other examples to use) but this game has been kept alive in a way by players like him who still appreciate it. (I hope you get what I’m trying to say)

You can understand how the current generation wouldn’t play the original D2 and call it a great game, I have tried to get my friends and GF to play it and they say it is slow and has bad graphics. In this current generation there is little patience and where a lot of people are coming from is that the people who can’t appreciate the original shouldn’t have say over the remaster. D3 players shouldn’t have a say on how D2 is played if they don’t even like D2.

sorry my thoughts are all over the place let me just end with another example many could understand. If Black ops 2 was remastered and modern day fortnite players wanted a battle royal and dance move rewards in Bo2 Remastered than everyone who had waited for Bo2R would be super super pissed. It is a slap in the face to the original game and the players who have waited or hoped for a remaster

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I agree with you that Diablo 2 is a great game and it is the reason we are all here and compared to other titles there is little that needs to be changed to incorporate into “todays standards”

but if it didn’t need any changes, we wouldn’t have remastered it, it’s pretty simple and there is plenty we can do to fix certain aspects of the game that do need some polishing, even if some people want a completely different game I assure you they are a minority and most of us grew on this game all the same and expect some form of improvement from the base game if it be compatibility, graphics, quality of life, bugs and the like

so no, you don’t have to keep it “exactly” as is, otherwise there will be no point in remastering it in the first place

we want to enjoy it for 20 years more at least, no need to worry about a few changes

well I didn’t mean “no” changes to it. As I stated in an earlier response on this thread I think the game will look amazing with updated graphics and better optimization on modern PC’s/Consoles. But even in the word “remaster” I think it is implied that the game was already mastered when it first came out. Kinda like “repolished” it was polished before, it was shiny and new and people loved it when it came out. But now 20 years later it is being “repolished” and suddenly people want it to be a new game with new ideas, new additions, new mechanics. Even from a totally logical point of view, without any regard to being a fan of diablo, D2R should be a polished version of D2. The game is called “diablo 2”. If it was a remake then they can remake it anyway they want (that happened with other games I loved) but they told everyone it was a remaster. They would be doing a disgrace to the original game to change it in any major way that made it seem like a new game.

My argument is simply that people who want new additions, new lore, new loot, new mechanics, to turn a beloved classic into a modern title, should go over to the Diablo 4 forum and make their argument there. This remaster is happening because of the fans who loved the original and they are the most important fanbase with this game, not new players.

Even this changes is fairly significant as non 4:3 screen dimension have significant effects on what players can see, how monster aggro, the range of attacks/teleport, and overall strategy. This is more significant change than many of the suggestions being made.

Many of the changes being suggested are not new additions, new lore, new loot, etc…, but rather long-standing deficiencies that drove in part the popularity of mods.

This is simply not true. Blizzard has said this game is for both old and new players. Moreover, the remaster presumably is being made since Blizzard thinks it will make a profit. Blizzard/GoG reintroduced the original Diablo 1. Waa there a fanbase clamoring fr this? Not really, but they did it anyway to make money.


There may be some deficiencies, like bugs, but other than that it seems to me many players are confusing deficiencies with intended gameplay mechanics.

Charms having a drawback is an intended mechanic, not a deficiency.

Barbs being a specific mastery was an intended mechanic, not 2h Barbs wielding any weap, as in pod.

The rpg aspect has been greatly diminished in popular mods, which is also definitely not a deficiency.


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To most players you are the one appearing confused about what is quality of life or not

they made good changes and I think many more veteran players trust them after seeing how they handled the project so far and yes they can even add stuff like charm inventory and more (which are quality of life)

No need to fear changes as the studio knows what it is doing and wont break the game, they will make sure everything is in order at least before release, can stop with the mass panic

I’m not confused at all.
Charm inventory is a QoL change, as well as a balance change. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Anyone who has played the game for longer than a season, especially with mods that have extra inventory space for charms, should be able to recognize this simple fact.

Anyone who states charm inventory is only a quality of life issue, is lying to themselves. It’s simple math.


I would have no problem with them allowing gems, runes, and skulls to stack.
Even jewels, although I rarely have found two of the same kind.
But the charm inventory is a bridge too far, for me. That would partially or entirely eliminate an important strategic dilemma the player has to solve, and I guess that’s the point where the conservative purist in me prevails. I hope they leave that alone.
But, my voice is only one, and I’ll be okay with it if I’m overruled. One less thing to think about, I guess.

it’s either not both, you also think vendor refresh button is balance change.

I have played for many years and I think I played on any patch imaginable, charm inventory is a quality of life feature, not an issue, you see an issue in that it’s pretty clear.

Sorry but this just isn’t true. It will improve the ‘QoL’ of the people that want it.

It is also a balance change, as it allows prebuff space you wouldn’t normally have. Pre buffing in d2 is quite powerful, and can account for a lot of extra bonuses, from MF in pvm to sorb in PvP.

Also, gamble refresh isn’t a balance change, excepting the fact that it will be slightly faster in D2r to gamble than it is now.
It’s no more a balance change than getting rid of realm down ban.

(Just read again and it seems you’re talking about vendor refresh, not gamble refresh, which could be argued to be a balance change for how easy it would be to shop certain classes)


again it’s either a quality of life or a balance change not both, you know it’s a quality of life change by now and can’t argue with that anymore I understand

and again if Charm inventory would have been a balance change, shared stash would have been a major Balance change because now you don’t need to exit the game and change characters, you can just use the extra space and shared space, compared to charm inventory that would only mean 1 to two items minimum

you are blowing everything out of proportion and don’t understand what a quality of life change is

I literally just told you about prebuffing, which is shocking you state you’ve played the game before but don’t understand how prebuffing works and how much it can change pvm and PvP.

Those are by definition balance changes, things your character cannot currently do without travelling to town stash or use a second char.

By your logic, charm inventory is then not QoL if it can’t be both.


Oh I assure you I understand, the one not understanding here is you as usual, prebuffing still happening in pvp even though a lot of people play with full charms(not even a town portal tome present) they are prebuffing either way, all the more reason it’s a quality of life change not a balance change, further more even if you thought that point is valid, even if I were to add second slots for every item on your character( like weapon swap) it will still not be considered a balance change

the one not following the premise of the conversation is most definitely not myself

you just demonstrated how all of what we are talking about is Quality of life changes by stating people are already participating in those actions, even if you could carry an arsenal of different weapons like on dark souls games, it will still not be considered a balance change.

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