Frenzy Barb! Patch Notes!

Ah so that was the same issue…ok. They worded it a bit differently but reading it again that makes sense. So we don’t have to worry about stacking a certain type of damage on our weapons.

I still have yet to try out a proper Pro-Slam. Maybe build one on the side this next season. Poor WDs. Nerf bat hit them pretty hard.


That’s really a disappointed move. This is not a promised small change.

I mean they should do it early to test the performance. I really don’t like to take rollers-coasters…

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So any of you pro Barbarians going to be making a guide for this set?

Pretty interested in seeing if you guys think we should just drop WotB from the build for IP instead, and use APD for the extra defense.

Just read the patch notes.
My reaction can best be summed up as… sigh

Whilst the changes to the 2-piece to include stuns is a nice change, there’s absolutely no changes to the mitigation on the 4-piece, which means it’s still squishy as hell. So, it plays pretty much like IK/HOTA but without the survivability.

Looks like Season 20’s going to be Guardian and done for me. Oh, well.


I really don’t think I’m going to play it. WW is still far ahead of it. As Free has said and other barbs “its DOA”. Its a sweet transmog, that’s it. It won’t be RGK. Poison Nova Necro is vastly superior to it for RGK and for speeds its going to be rat runs…again.


yeah s20 might be a skip for me
the season theme does nothing for most builds and the new barb set is 1. a little to simplistic and 2. mediocre in strength

lets see who’s faster in delivering decent content:
d3 s21…
wolcen bugfixing/patching…
poe (not for me…)

I think it does, and I think dropping WC for Stomp to Stun a mass of mobs into an Oculus bubble is going to be the best DPS option. At least until they all go CC immune from the Frenzy Stuns, which will only take a few seconds. :upside_down_face:

I do think the build will be competitive with Pro-Slam, maybe slightly stronger, and if that’s the case, cool. It doesn’t really stand out, but it won’t be total garbage, and Blizzard has expressed a willingness to re-tune if necessary.

I’ve got too much on my plate as it is, so I’m trying to twist Rage’s arm so he’ll write the guide. Maybe if you all twist with me, we can convince him.

What do you say, Rage? :smiley:

The easiest way to get around this is to get Freeze on hit on either belt or weapon, then use Parthans as your bracer. It will make you much harder to kill.

All in all, I think the devs played it too conservatively with this set, and they were clearly not willing to address the major problem: the 2-piece bonus neutralizes itself due to a Frenzy rune granted by Undisputed Champion. This is still a bit of a WTF set, but for Barbs who have long wanted Frenzy to be competitive with other builds, well, you got your wish, and it is fun to play.


How far behind is Sankis from EF?

Great question. Hard to say.

Folks who crunch numbers might be able to offer a more precise calculation, but if you’re not looking to push the build to its leaderboard limits, you can pretty much use any secondary weapon you prefer. Sankis is still a great option–it has Fire damage and a little built-in mitigation, and those are always groovy.

My advice to most players is to use whatever weapon has the best stats and damage. If all you had was an ancient Sunkeeper, you could also use that! The build is, thankfully, very forgiving when it comes to choosing your second weapon, and I really like that aspect! :slight_smile:

Of course, for most players, it’s not outgoing damage that’s going to be a problem: Incoming damage will likely be a bigger issue early in the gearing process. In fact, I think a lot of players are going to need to ditch COE for Unity until they have the CDR and/or secondary rolls to add in IP and Parthans.

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We need an updated EQ guide too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yes; Right; Correct.

That’s my ptr build:) 7F Cold Frenzy AZ + APD.

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So what is your estimate of the top solo non-season GR potential of the H90/frenzy build with the latest change?

I’m no guide writer, but I’m more than happy to do some basic formatting, dropping in anchors and the like, so whoever does end up writing it can focus on the more important stuff :kissing_heart:


Now that stun is in the mix, we no longer need Azurewrath or freeze on belt/Oathkeeper?

I was expecting more traffic on the change to H90. I know that many were saying that it was too squishy. Maybe that Devs can increase the DR to 8% before Season 21 goes live.

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I’ve done a GR120 on live with H90/Frenzy and I still think the limitation is going to be the mitigation rather than the damage.


Guys, not very experienced player here on regard to fine details.

Reading your concerns about the mecchanic of the new set, made me wonder IF it would be possible for the devs to change the fear into a soft CC. Even if it can be done whith some workaround.

As I understand it fear, frozen and stun are all hard cc’s so instead of making the players life easier it actually works the opposite way.

I would be tempted to work in all three in my build which would make the mobs immune even faster. Correct if I am wrong.

So if the set allowed fear to “[a soft cc] the target” as an example however poor.

They could have used taunt (which we have a shout for, helps grouping mobs and fits the set theme much more).

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Moved this reply here, since it’s the proper home for it…

Hmm, not sure what you mean by this bit here. All the damage you do with Frenzy, whether via direct hit or by Bastion’s chain, is eligible to proc AD, at whatever % of AD you have on paragon and gear. The amount of AD dealt to enemies around you is relatively constant, since with each added enemy, the damage of the Bastion’s chain gets split up more and more. What this means is that in high density, most of your damage to the mobs around you comes from AD and from Bloodshed. I should remind you, too, that Bloodshed doesn’t proc AD.

So, here’s an example: Let’s say you’re fighting 30 mobs, all packed into the 10 yard AD radius (this is near the max for monster density on most mob types). And let’s say 1x Frenzy does 100 damage, so the Bastion’s chain does 1000 damage. That’s 1100 damage total, split up among those 30 mobs.

When you hit Mob 1, he’ll take 100 damage from Frenzy, plus 1000/30 = 33.33 damage from the chain, for 133.33 total. Mobs 2-30 will also take 33.33 damage from the chain.

With good rolls of CHC and CHD, 91.4% of your damage comes from critical hits. So Bloodshed will do 1100 (base dmg) * 0.914 (crit damage share) * 0.75 (Frenzy proc rate) * 0.40 (Bloodshed proc rate, doubled by H90 2 piece) = 301.62 damage to each of those 30 mobs.

And I still think 114% is a good amount of AD to aim for, so, in this case, Mob 1 will deal an average of 133.33 (Frenzy / Chain damage dealt) * 0.2 (AD proc rate) * 1.14 (AD%) = 30.40 damage to Mobs 2-30, while all Mobs, 1-30, will take 33.33 * 0.2 * 1.14 * 28 (# of mobs dealing AD) = 212.78 damage.

So damage dealt to enemies is:

Mob 1: 133.33 from “Frenzy Effects”, 301.62 from Bloodshed, 212.78 from AD.
So that’s 647.73 total, 20.6% from Frenzy, 46.6% from Bloodshed, 32.8% from AD.

Mobs 2 - 30: 33.33 from “Frenzy Effects”, 301.62 from Bloodshed, 243.18 from AD.
So that’s 578.13 total, 5.8% from Frenzy, 52.2% from Bloodshed, 42.0% from AD.

And note that that damage to Mobs 2-30 is really the most important number, since that’s really what’s filling your progression bar during most of a rift.

So: for solo pushing, you really want both Bloodshed and a good amount of AD. There really isn’t a reasonable way to collect a whole bunch of Attack Speed on your gear without surrendering a ton of damage.

I’d say Sankis is maybe 1-2 GRs worse than EF in terms of “maximum potential”. That said, the IP it throws up periodically can save your bacon once in a while, so if you like using it and aren’t too worried about pushing everything to the max, then I say go for it.

You may want to consider using Azurewrath, though. If you wear APD’s you’ll get a bunch of toughness, and in terms of damage AZ is better than Sankis since frozen enemies will take extra due to H90 2-piece.

I say JustinFan is way more qualified than me, since he both understands the mechanics very well and also actually pushed the set quite far in the PTR. I barely played the build beyond smacking skeletons…

What do you say, JF?

Oy. I’d love to do that, but I’m really bad at guide writing. Maybe someday!

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