Forum statistics Weeks 1-5 and Trust level 3

The new forum is now 5 weeks old. Below is a table with the weekly summary of new topics and posts.

Week New Topics New Posts Note
1 280 ~3,300 Forum Starts
2 175 ~2,300
3 393 ~3,900 PTR Released
4 253 ~3,300 PTR Ends
5 223 ~2,750
Total 1324 ~15,450

Week 3 saw a big jump in topics created and posts due to the PTR. Subsequently, the number of new topics created and posts have declinesd as a function of time.

As of now, we remain above the 400 posts per day average needed to become TL3 at day 50 if someone is motivated.


How many lions, tigers, and bears?


And for the next 43 days, you must read 400 post per day to reach TL3 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Did you actually spend 15 hours reading those 3300+ posts?


I’m not sure how it calculates read time. For example, if your browser is open to a topic does that count. Also, how does it know that you read anything rather than simply scrolling through the posts?

I think that intellectually there are flaws about their requirements for trust levels.


Yes, adding counters to forum actions is not the way to calculate communication “trust”. But we have no way of knowing if they measure other things than post- and flag count…:cookie:

Edited original post to include week 2 statistics. If week 2 is representative of the new forum going forward, one would need to read all posts for the next 7 weeks to reach trust level 3.

Edit for week 3. The PTR led to a big increase in posts. We are now anove 400 posts per day. I suspect that tbese numbers will drop fown when the PTR ends.


Interesting numbers. The good news is that this forum is more active. Some of the other forums (different language D3 forums) will not reach 20,000 posts.


I have to be honest here. It’s pretty damn weird to see people theory crafting about forum grind levels.

I suppose their metrics to boost EnGaGeMeNt (I freaking HATE that term, btw) are working as intended.

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TL2 privileges are completely negligible considering I was TL1 when I successfully posted a bunch of cat vids in Meteor’s thread lol.

Imgur is trusted enough globally, TL2’s should be allowed to post direct pic links from it.

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Yeah, it is a bit odd. However, data is always kind of cool so whatever makes folks happen is fine.

Nope. There is no way the other language forums are going to get there. Not even sure the EU English forum will.

There are several sites that really should be white listed for linking at TL2, or even TL1. The first one that comes to mind is Blizzard’s own website so we can link to the news articles, Game Guide, Support Pages, and other forum posts. We had that on the old forum software and really should have it now. Much of the helpful info players ask questions about is already covered in those links.

Admittedly, I only tend to read / contribute to General Discussion over on EU (i.e. I don’t look at class / tech support forums) but I have read every single thread in there since the forum migration. After 22 days I’ve read 70 topics (threads) and 593 posts. The posting rate was much higher when the forums were shiny and new so there’s even less traffic now than three weeks ago but if we average this out we get a figure of 3.18 threads a day and 26.95 posts a day. Over a rolling 100 day period that would be 318 threads and 2695 posts, well short of the 500 / 20,000 required to obtain TL3.

I checked the English language Diablo EU forum. Assuming that I didn’t miss something, I see that there are 79 topics total and 655 posts across all subforums. There are no posts in the Barbarian, Necromancer. or Wizard forums.


Well, you’d also think the Discourse parser could create non-clickable links like the old forum software did automatically, but alas, it doesn’t. Players have to jump through hoops to do simple things like that below TL3. From everything I’ve experienced with my recent forum project, whatever iteration of Discourse Blizzard has set up is a fustercludge of mismatching parts and whatnot. I mean, half the HTML supported is HTML 4 only, preventing use of modern HTML code (e.g. anchors), while the HTML 5 allowed elements are crippled because CSS is disabled for the non-Blizzard posters (it’s why underlined text via HTML is impossible and you have to use a curmudgeon of HTML and meticulously placed markdown or exploit the quoting system to do the same as Perusoe has had to do).

Not much surprises me anymore with regard to missing amenities. :wink:

You’re preaching to the choir, gurl.

But as I pointed out, the bigger issue is that the privileges are all messed up. I was TL1 when I posted those cat vids lol - which I shouldn’t have been able to. Only became TL2 yesterday.

And TL2 is no different than TL1. Can post vids, cannot post links to so-called trusted sites, even Blizz’s own page.

So TL2 is a total waste.

It seems fairly common for EU players to actively post here - and that it has been this way for years.

It is 'new forum " day 23 according to my summary and we now have hit 10,000 posts, half way to the 20,000 posts relative to the TL3 requirements.


This Trust system or whatever it is kind of garbage.

Can’t quote. Can’t link (even to D3’s own webpages). Can’t post too much a day. Heaven forbid you actively participate in multiple discussions at once.

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Yes you can. Highlight the section you want to quote and click the quote button that pops up. What you can’t do is quote the whole post when replying. They did that to prevent wall of spam quote reposts.

This is silly and should be fixed. All Blizz sites should be clickable links like the old forums, regardless of trust level.

It takes 15 mins to get to TL 1 which lets you post all you want.

Something you can also easily do once you hit TL 1. You are, in fact, already TL 1.

Your limits now are on links, number of likes per day, number of reports per day (something we all have no matter TL).

How do I get to TL1?

This getting timed out is annoying.

And not being able to quote a whole post is not being able to quote as far as I concerned.

Quoting half of what I want strips it of its context.

Obviously I don’t need or want to quote walls of text. But when system deletes my posts for quoting two sentences, that is no good. Bad design.