Forum RNG Theory

primals had been pretty poor up until 2 or 3 nights ago. Have had 5 drop since then (3 of which have been post finishing the altar, so double primals!). Not much good to me, since I already have a perfect primal HPS quiver and we can only equip 1 crafted primal per character. Unless RNG grants me a perfect primal HPS drop, this will be it for me lol.

petrified screams have been very poor this season - I am nearly p1100 and I think I’ve had 6 or 7 drop. Like you said, the shards have been a boon (and should be made permanent imho).

Rama gifts were very bad up to around p900 and since then they have been dropping like it’s no One’s business. This season, very few LGFs are dropping (not that I want them) and TP ammy vs duncraig ammy have been 50/50 on drop rates, rather than their usual 10/90 respective drop rates for me since s17 or so.

Very few HPS quivers dropping as loot, but getting quite a few from Kadala, which is unusual.

Getting more than my typical chain of shadows dropping, at least compared to the past 13 seasons.

Primals from reforging, and even ancients from reforging have truly TERRIBLE both last season and this season. Basically making reforging a worthless option to me and I’m now reliant on natural loot drops. I am pretty positive drop rates for them from reforging have been silently reduced by Blizzard.

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Bravo! This is the first post (at least to my knowledge) asking for the season theme being made permanent! :sparkler: :clap:

Meant in a friendly manner :grin:


The RNG is bad in the game at times. Here is an example of it. My grand daughter vs her step grandma. Both of the played together and played about the same amount of time too.
Plus have about the same paragon.

My grand daughter has 3 primals. Her step grandma has 16. All she needed was 5 primals to finish the altar. She did get 4 from her step grandma. So she only need 1 to finish. She went over 1300 drops with no primals.

Then she doing screams in a public game and got one. But use it on her character. She did 4 more screams and got another one. This time she could finish the altar. Plus she then went for 200 drops and got her 1st two primals.

The point I’m making is yes the RNG sometimes is good for people. Then other times it is really bad for people. It is part of the game and they will not change it either.

It is a video game live with it and play the game to have fun not life & death!!!

Err, don’t really want to say it… It’s a bit ridicolous… But as “promised” I played a bit from 2024-02-07T00:00:00Z on. The 12th GR115 a primal fell, the next was either the 18th or 19th run, and then I don’t know…

Good thing is, I could finish the Altar! And some hours ago “of course” I had 2 double Primal drops thanks to the finished Altar.

Bad thing is, the forum RNG theory is hereby confirmed, proven, official (as in authoritatively issued)! Means, it can be used in upcoming game guides… :rofl: :partying_face: :clown_face:

…as long as it does not “end” like here: The Platform (film) - Wikipedia:fork_and_knife: :zombie: :skull_and_crossbones:

Ye, now that I read it, I actually think it’s a great idea!

Especially for HC players; they (which includes me ;-)) only need to risk a heart attack once for a Whisper of Atonement rank 125 to sacrifice on the Altar, and two Petriefied Screams would be good enough for a complete season (in the Altar). :slight_smile:

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You “checked” my clan’s motto??? (The thread (title) is not related, just my post)

No, I championed the idea back at the end of s25…

Of course in s30, it’s been weakened down so much to be practically ineffectual…ruining the theme.

The RNG is very inconsistent. Defenders of Blizzard will tell you “small sample size” ad infinitum. RNG rates should be the same over small and large runs.

yes, the petrified scream crap is horrendous. Whoever designed this crap at Blizzard should have been given the immediate boot. It’s truly horrible for HC players and a massive risk. I have to run my s6 impale build without dark heart vengeance rune, as I need the hatred replenish from seethe . it leaves the build dangerous weak at higher tiers in the echo. For a HC player, it’s a nightmare. Blizzard defenders will say ‘oh, HC players don’t need to run screams…’.


I meant for this season it’s the first post asking for the theme to be made permanent :grin: :+1:

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Ah, now I get you mate. I’m surprised at this. I’m not on the forums a lot, so I just kind of expected others would have said this too. This is my favourite theme. I mean, s27, sanctified was utterly useless, since it only covered 3 DH skills. If I want to play s6 impale, why should I get nerfed by bad seasonal theme design that discriminates against this, and other, DH builds? Ethereals of s24 were just as bad, and for the same reasons. Both of these seasons were incredibly popular, but that’s cos Blizzard was smart and applied the themes to the most popular/played builds and said FU to anyone else playing a different build. This is how Blizzard treats its customers.

I stand by my comment that the shards theme is the best. I would also like to see it introduced on a permanent basis, and at its original design. I mean, I did a GR137 (I stated 138 in another thread by error due to a typo and forgot to fix it) in s25. I’m not gonna match that, even with both the altar and the s25 shards theme in s30. This is utterly ridiculous. Meanwhile, the most OP builds are all hitting GR150 cos hey, they ARE OP. Instead of balancing things properly, Blizzard does a half rear ended job. Oh, and shadows set got a buff too. And I still won’t match s25 result, with 3 buffs (shards, alter and shadows set buff). You know the game is badly balanced when stuff like this happens.

I barely played s29. I’ve played s30 more cos I really like the shards theme. Future seasons will see me do the seasonal journey and then quit/ignore the game until the following season and rinse and repeat. I have lost interest in the game. I have lost faith in Blizzard. Neither will be restored anytime soon.

The cheating on consoles, in particular, PS4/5 is out of control. I’m seeing s6 impale players on SSF doing GR 150 and there is NO way that they can do that. I’ve done a GR128 in 5 minutes, and still need to get BIS gear and augments on 7 items, but I suspect I’ll top out around GR136-137 at best. That’s 13 GRs lower or roughly 6x more DPS than I am doing. I put money on it that these players have 10k paragon from save wizard (since the consoles don’t show other players paragon points on the LBs, it’s easily hideable). I’ve also heard talk of modded gear with hidden stats that don’t show when other players inspect the gear from said player on the LBs. Blizzard needs to pull the finger out and do online saves. It’s DEAD easy. For years, they said no to SSF and Blizzard fanboys defended them, mimicking Blizzard’s official statement of NO SSF LBs. And yet, they did it. Funny that. I am once again proven right and the fanboys disproved. If they can do SSF LBs they can do online saves.

Blizzard needs to work with Sony to ban PSN accounts caught cheating too. Permanent bans. It’s a violation of the Sony PSN TOS for starters. But Sony isn’t interested cos it doesn’t want to lose the $$$ from the PSN sub. I keep forgetting to cancel my PSN sub, but games like D4 require it to even play now, even if playing solo…thankfully I quite D4 in disgust with those changes back 6 months ago. Screw that crap.

I rarely play games on my PS4 now, it’s mostly YouTube or Disney +. I spend most of my free time in the field with my birding photography, and then processing the images on my laptop in Lightroom Classic and Photoshop. I was hoping to get into studio portraiture too, but money ran out, and no funds for studio lighting etc. My birding setup is like 15k AUD :wink:

Reached my seasonal goal, a rank in the top 100. On the Asia server: Demon Hunter: Overall (Hardcore) - Rankings - Diablo III. Currently rank 93. Time could have been better, I guess about 2 1/2 minutes better, because the second level was terrible: Bastion’s Keep with frogs/leapers or whatever these annoying little jumpers - that appear in millions and do lots of damage while being hard to hit themselves - are called.

Ah, to come back to the OP: of course now Primals ara almost raining. :wink: Found nice pants for her and 4 pretty good rolled and useful (!) pieces for 2 other sets, only that I don’t play them.

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If 125 is too sketchy for your HC char, get overwhelmed at like level 100, then GR the Atonement up to 125.

They really need a way to end the EN’s other than getting overwhelmed. It should be if you survive a tp the EN simply ends (instead of sending you to town).

EN’s caused my only HC death this season. Was doing the 3 gems to 65 Conquest. Got to 65 on my Marauders. Ran around to get overwhelmed and my stupid sentries got me up to like 110. Belial poo proc’d me. Got overwhelmed and Belial poo killed me.

Does any body play HC? My grand daughter got bored with SC. She started playing HC. She got up to lvl 40 on paragon. I ask her how she was doing? She fine but it is very slow going because there is nobody playing.

I said get on the HC chat and ask for some help. Well that was a mistake all she got was rude people picking on her. She said forget it I’ll do it myself. All I’m getting here is rude people giving me crap. Well there was one guy that did come back and said I’ll help you.

Well she doing good and she did die once. Plus HC is still a ghost town.

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Great pun (with all the dead heroes) :+1:
Nice to see that you are in a great mood.

There are rude people on both HC and SC chats. Most people, though, are generally helpful on either mode’s chats. A lot of the time, it is what is asked and how it is asked that gets rude responses.

Yes we all know there are Rude people on both sides. But to come on a chat to attack somebody for asking for some help is very SAD!!!

So a 14yr wants to play HC. This is how she ask for help. Can any body give me a little Boost. That guy that did help her. Was 1st to reply as to say “that really not going happen”. She said she need a little boost to get out of the hole being at lvl T1 & T2. Then she got attack.

That is when she reply by saying. Forget I’ll do it myself because that people here have done nothing, but given me crap for some help. She then cancel the HC chat and move on. Then a few minutes later the 1st guy that reply did help her out.

But that is how this game is played I told her. I would normally been there to help her. But I didn’t play this season because there was nothing there I wanted or needed.

Isn’t the age rating higher than 14?
Anyway, the internet is full of rude remarks and language. It’s sad but we might as well get used to it… and learn how to deal with it. Hopefully we will all try to do better.

It is totaly a lotery…

There is no tatics ir methods ir any thing…
Just keep farming, rifting, swim in this ocean of trash, until you get your most wanted itens…

Every thing in game is lotery.
Players are totaly dependente on luck, to get a good Rift, to get ring and amulets with no idiot Rolls: (vita, armor, ALL res, loh). You can keep repeting for 100 years that they need to rework itens arc, rifts bestary…

Maybe 300 years… They wont understand.

Says the person who doesn’t know how random works.

I’ve been playing computer games for almost 50 years now. In all the time there is ALWAYS someone complaining about how something “isn’t random” in some game. 999/1000 when the numbers get run, they are wrong. The 1/1000 time when they are right, it is pretty obvious right away.

You just have to realize that people’s “gut feelings” are very very bad at recognizing when something is random or not.

I know how random works. RNG isn’t random. edit:,value%20to%20approximate%20true%20randomness.

as I said, not random.