I Am Just Waiting

Hard-Core Solo Self Found as a Wizard is going fairly well for me this Season. Probably because not many people are playing it. Overall, out of 295 Wizard players I’m at Rank 91, and for really the only Wizard build I like, Hydra, I’m at Rank 25.

Now I’m just waiting. Waiting for that disconnect that kills my character. It’s going to happen sooner or later. I did the Season Journey on the EU server on Normal mode, because it’s literally impossible to play there without constant disconnects. No way I’ll play hard-core on the EU.

So I’m just ranking up gems, trying to complete the Alter not really concentrating on completing the Season Journey, but just waiting… Waiting for that horrible moment when everything just stops and my character runs around impotently slashing at the air, all the while I’m wondering, “Is the game going to catch up in an explosion of an instant, or will I get that dreaded dialog box that spells the end of my character?”

We’ll see… I’m just waiting…


As a former HC player, yep, HC players are always just waiting for that eventual connection or server issue to strike.

Here’s what I do on HC:

Have a secondary set of gear and use that for any T16 stuff, or low-midlevel GRs when you are gem leveling.
Level up a back-up set of Leg gems and use those for T16 stuff.
Save your “A” gear for pushing or higher xp runs.

Gear drops like crazy, 125 augments are super easy to get, and you don’t need your “A” gear to do any T16 stuff, so don’t put it at risk. I have lost more characters over the years doing farming stuff than pushing, so I mitigate it by protecting my “A” gear.


Exactly. If you’re trying to get a backup char fast, “get” a RORG fast (that saves you two pieces :wink: - one for your GR pusher, one for your T16 farmer). No real need for the “extras” like weapons, jewelery, gems etc. Maybe be a bit careful with visions at the start. And as soon as you have the same set in your stash (a third time), you can really relax. :slight_smile:

The only time I sometimes become scared is when playing on the Asia server. Almost 50% of the time “in the orange”, rarely “in the red”, but then I try to “stop” whatever I do as fast as possible and get somewhere save, and wait for the game in the background to go back to green or orange (which might take some seconds).

Not 100% sure, but I guess with that “trick” I have not lost a char in quite a while. Bad is, when neither your char nor the game is “moving”, then the very old trick might (!) work (it did for me several times (not always) in the beginning of Diablo 3, when server quality was, best said, debatable) - pull the network cable, reset the internet connection, hope for the best.

Well, did I jinx myself? Not two hours after I posted this, what I just so articulately described above happened in an Echoing Nightmare.

I’ve got two lifesavers, one from the character, and one from the Follower. Nine times out of 10 when this happens in the open world, those will keep me alive for the 10 seconds it takes to get out of the game on a disconnect. That 10th time, when I log back in, I’m a ghost. Other times, the game will come back in an explosive fury, I’ll have both lifesavers popped, but I’ll be able to get to a safe spot, regain some defense, clear an area and get back to town.

Not in and Echoing Nightmare.

Lost a couple of good natural Primals too.

It’s hugely frustrating to lose a character due to the tech I’m playing with and not because of a stupid mistake I made. And I’ve made a few. But I guess that’s why play hard-core, so I have something to do in the game, collect that next set of backup gear for when I die, and spend some time redeveloping the character.

Still, when I play Normal, it’s a breath of fresh air knowing that I’ll never lose that Primal that just dropped…

C’est la vie, que sera, sera…

That’s actually damn good advice. I can’t think of a reason I’m not doing that already.

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R.I.P. At least this season there are enough ways to get up and going in a hurry (Altar for plvling yourself, Visions for gear).

Are you going to get back on the horse or rage quit?

I have rage quit several times over the years only to be sucked back in by the HC blackhole.

Actually not. The forum works in the way that you get what you wish for when you post about it. Like if you haven’t got a primal or a ramaladni or something else, you always get it after you post about it (if you continue to play that is).
In this case your “wish” was: “I am just waiting” and you didn’t have to wait that long. Still sorry for your loss of course :frowning_face:

In that case I would like a primal non crafted Dawn, Squirts, GoD Hat, boots and gloves, a Fortress Ballista, Depth Diggers, and Focus and Restraint.

All with appropriate rolls, cold on the squirts please.

Thank you RNG Santa!

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There is a caveat though. You get what you pray for in forum if you continue playing. But the more specific your wishes are, the longer the timeline will be. A Squirt’s necklace? Fine, it’ll drop soon enough. A perfect primal Squirt’s? Were looking at a timeline going towards infinity. :grin:

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Now that I know “it”, I could not have said it any better! :slight_smile:

The “Forum RNG Theory” has been hardened by death…

…thinking of Monty Python once more: “Always look on the bright side of life…”

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Yeah, I had already collected 4 Ancient pieces of my set, took about 15 minutes to get back to 70, got my new gems up to 60 so far. Primal crafted weapon of course, and I was a bit nervous about doing the first Echoing Nightmare, but it had to happen, so I went for it, and uneventfully got to 130 and augmented my new weapon. So realistically, what, a couple of days to get back to where I was.

Still, that Primal Winter Flurry I lost…

But now I have three lifesavers, the third one now the shadow from the Fragment of Destiny. if I die to a disconnect now, I’m going to find something of little value in my house and break it…lol

PS: Every mechanism in the game is refusing to give me Ancient shoulders.

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