Welcome to the new people venting on the forum today

Your deeds of valor will be remembered. :beers:


The lack of notice with season ending was simply a warm up for the wrath and venting released today.


Drama! There needs to be drama! Don’t you understand?! This is the end of the wold! Our lifes are ruined beyond repair because of these events!

Okay, i’m done. :laughing: It’s fun to read all these people acting like this not going to lie. :yum:

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Today has been like an episode of Cobra Kai but without the fighting. I swear, every conflict on that show would be resolved if they knew how to communicate more effectively.

Beeing angry is quite popular these days it seems.

Nobody is defending the poor communication of Blizz, and it certainly would be nice to have the altar and fissures in non-season.

But seeing how so many folks get a foamy mouth because a game mode that hardly anyone cares about doesn’t get a present they hoped is rather pathetic.

One can only hope they stick to their words and quit the game and forums/reddit, thereby making it a better place.

I only play seasons so I am not affected, but will eat some extra :popcorn: for the people that play NS.

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Season? Ended? I haven’t even played for months because I’m afraid of burn-in on new LG C3. People have already reported that D2/D3/D4/D5 cause extreme burn-in on LG B7/C7.

…the (shortened) info of my clan:

MSP - More Serotonin Please!

It’s a (team) game! Not real life! It’s bad enough when you are stressed on your job! So relax!

TLDR; Don’t be an Anti-Social Subject Of Mankind!

…and the message of the day (since the clan started):

…and don’t forget: relax… :wink:

“Now” that I “play” the forum more frequently I realized that I can stop wondering why the clan never got bigger. The clan info and the MOTD probably scared them all away…

A bit more than 50 hours and the forum will become a bit more “quiet” place… :slight_smile:

If we don’t voice our dissatisfaction as much as we can it’s less likely that changes will happen.


I’m not angry, I’m just very disappointed :neutral_face:

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