Forcing people to play your way

This. Just add him to the ignore list. There is nothing constructive nor consistent coming from that K. guy.

Do not feed the troll.

Have an Original 1.14 server, and a Changes server. Then they can never hurt the original experience.

David disagrees with you.

Im the one whose name shall not be mentioned? :smiley:

I am just glad we both agree ploot would be good for the game and not affect ffa

Doesn’t seem like he does (more that he would be willing to play both). Not that I particularly care if he did disagree :stuck_out_tongue:

Adding in ploot game-mode options in public multiplayer would be resurrecting Diablo 2 with an altered personality. The multiplayer community dynamic of D2 is such a huge element of D2’s personality. Adding in optional ploot game modes would be changing the multiplayer community dynamic for all at a totally new depth.

I see what you did there, but what happens if you copypaste my entire post from those quotes, instead of a fraction? Like i did with your post, i wouldnt want to twist your words. Quote the ENTIRE post? :stuck_out_tongue:

That is probably the best way to tackle it but for how long is that solution sustainable?

i don’t he can misquote me all he wants it doesn’t change the fact i would prefer a ploot version of a tombrun because the tradeoff is worth it to me from on an enjoyment level.


And how many ppl will be sad when they find out their friend is on different server so they cant play together :frowning: So many downsides to this.

you took mine out of context too i was just doing you the favor of trimming out “un-important” bits like you so clearly wanted to do for me.

What parts? i quoted your entire posts, nothing was left out.

You just marked the beginning of the answer to the question i asked.

like us west, us east, eu, or asia?

That is core to d2 splitting up players is what makes the game so great it adds to realism and keeps the game “hard” we don’t need handholding make it easy to join a game with your friend that wouldn’t be d2. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Forever after? :smiley:
Dont ever add new stuff to the 1.14 server, only to the Changes server.

Luckily we can have multiple characters in this game. Heck, it is known for starting fresh servers every so often. Not to mention having a SC/HC split. Not exactly an issue.

And this.

Wasnt an issue due to ladder being the main driving force, however as it currently stands there is no incentive to reroll on ladders, better to just play NL forever :frowning:

The modding community will jump on this oppotunity and will try to get their own server. It will end up as a final solution to a problem where the community / devs can’t decide what’s best.
If you give them your finger, they will try to get your hand. IF you give them your hand, they will try to get your whole arm…

You mean like my EU friend randomly choosing to play on Asia or NA, instead of simply picking a different server with same geographical location? not comparable.

Most games have server transfer for this purpose between continents, sadly wont be an option on D2R changes server would destroy the economy when people migrate over with broken runewords etc.

That would be great.

But wouldn’t really matter for how long this solution would last. The 1.14 server would be preserved, with the original experience, no matter if Blizzard started to host modded servers.

Which would still not affect anything. That 1.14 server would remain.