Forcing people to play your way

What a mystery is it that people simply ignore the counter arguments. :thinking:
Or is that just their strategy of asking the counterparty for more counter arguments until they go insane and give up? :scream:

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no i said if it was a ploot game in that scenario it likely wouldn’t exist without ploot. if it was a FFA game sure it would still exist it might not have 8 players but it would exist.

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Well, could be so, NOTE the EXACT same game wouldnt exist, but a portion, if not all of the people who created the PLOOT game would now create FFA game instead, but atleast my effort wasnt pointless, i produced an argument for BLASH AND LUMPUS why ploot actually effects people, (migration) part, someone who isnt wanting to play FFA is forced to join ploot or play private.

Ok. So we can get option for remove immunities, unlimited life and mana, instant lvl 99 etc etc…
It wont affect you. Wake up from your lalala world.

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right of course it affects the ones wanting ploot the point is it doesn’t effect ffa players in a significant way.

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That is highly dependant on what is being changed in the future. One change can surely ruin the original expirience and if they truly want to preserve that then they have to be very careful.

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OP says it has absolutely no effect on anyone. And yes it affects FFA players if FFA players are forced to choose between ploot game or private.

However, there is more significant effects too that i have mentioned before. And i wouldnt say game lobby accesibility is insignificant.

na that’s unlikely Ploot* players would create a ffa game ploot players might play one but people who want to play ploot will likely create private games to hunt for loot not public.

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What’s a mystery is that you refuse to link your “arguments”. Almost as if they didnt exist.

It is not a strategy to ask for more arguments.
But it is a common aspect of discussion that a debunked argument holds no merit.
So far all anti-ploot arguments have been debunked hard and repeatedly. Hence it would be nice to hear something new again.


Irrelevant, you dont hunt loot in tombruns, i didnt choose cowrun for example, with this specific reason.


oh in that case people would play whatever is available this isn’t about loot and it changes nothing about xp.


So are you saying now that if given the option to choose ploot for tombruns, you wouldnt?

Im pretty sure several plooters core arguments have been to be able to have ploot as option when doing playthrough etc.

Auto gold pick up is a good example that’s currently in the game. Another is a toggle to turn on and off seeing people that want skins. I don’t want that and I don’t want to see it, but if it’s something I can toggle off, then who cares.

Currently, the big one is ploot or auto allocation. If you don’t like it, don’t toggle it on and don’t join games that have it toggled on.

Some people are against options that will have zero effect on them. Some of your examples aren’t options, they are flat out changes.

Except the bug they did fix drew complaints by the same people that don’t want ploot.

Besides, they already said it wouldn’t be implemented on launch so it wont get in the way of anything. But it is something they should look into in the future.

More people might play multiplayer more if they knew the FFA leeches weren’t running around being worthless so they can vacuum up all the loot.

The fact that it’s an option invalidates your opinion that it forces anything. That’s kind of the point of making something optional.

This is your “real reason”? Still nothing of value other than petty insults and assumptions, probably because you have no legitimate reasons.

So most people want FFA but your worried about not having a FFA option to join?

Make your own FFA “Tomb Run” game and let all the masses of FFA looters join your game.

I still haven’t seen a legitimate reason. I see a lot of assumptions. I see a lot of woefully incorrect mathematics being used. I see a lot of “then don’t play”. I see a lot of “most people don’t want it”.

Not one legitimate reason.

I keep asking and I keep getting assumptions and bad math. When shown how incorrect your assumptions and math are, you and your ilk resort to “Go back to D3” or “if you don’t like it then don’t play”.

Getting your b.s. negated can be frustrating.


no i would but why would that matter the loot doesn’t matter in tomb runs


Exactly, so what is the function of ploot then? Its not good for playthrough like you said. Its not good for hell endgame, since ppl say if you want LOOT you go private mf or solomf in full game, like you said? Right now your tearing apart every ploot advocates core arguments they have been building for weeks.

i didn’t say that. also you are missing the key point of ploot, being able to play with people while still getting loot for people who would otherwise not get loot for whatever reason, or who just don’t want to fight over loot at the time of making/joining the game.


He’s not missing the point. It’s called being obtuse because he has no argument. To combat the lack of a solid argument, he makes up things or purposefully misinterprets what you say.


I never assumed that. I already corrected you.

We do know that they removed regional servers. The PC battlenet should be consolidated.

Are you claiming that anything that has an effect should not be allowed in D2R?

Im claiming that OP is either DENSE or a lier. Sorry to say it dont mean to be toxic.

Isnt that supposed to be the main premise of his entire argument? 0 Effect on anyone? Quite alot of people seem to now starting to agree its not 0 effect.

To be able to, yes. But if you want more XP it might be better for you to chose FFA.

No, that is a strawman. The same one as always. It is not supposed to be better than FFA. And much less solo games.
People will do tombruns in Ploot, because they enjoy it more, even if it is less efficient.