they wouldn’t do that d3 doesn’t even use personal loot they use individual loot it determines what drops for each person (as if they killed the mob on their own) not what drops and then splits the items. that would actually be more work. You get to essentially the same ending if you tune the drop rates but it would requiring adding an entirely new way for the game to roll what monsters drop.
I’m also not asking for Blizzard to take stuff I don’t care about i’v stated my opinion a few times this change is not required since the loot system is works fine for this game. By your logic you’re not allowed to disagree with anything. Should I have worded the original post a little differently? Probably I see what you’re saying and it’s not what I intended my point to be.
Lol that would be silly, the time to click a dropped item is a lot less time than it would take that host to kick the player at the same time as when the item dropped.
if you had a real reason you believed it shouldn’t be added rather than the old system works fine for you than there is no problem.
there are things on this forum and that blizzard has announced that i disagree need to be added but i don’t ask them not to be added or really post about them at all.
the only things i have posted against are things i think would actually hurt the game and have expressed why to the best of my abilities.
Kick should not happen imo, but if it was added, it should be something like; You can only kick people within the first ½ minute of them entering a game.
Can be used for kicking someone who jumps in to spam, advertise RMT, or just a known troll, leecher etc., but not to get rid of anyone during a run.
Still, better not to have it at all.
There should be multiple char creation options with loot changes. It would split the community sure. But this game will be big on release and fade wo mod support or any real substance change or new way to play
The community has already been split since the very beginning over 20 years ago. Players play solo with mf to farm for loot and to avoid bots/pickit players or pk griefers.
Actually, with D2R, the community splits has never been fewer. Even adding a separate realm for innovation, there will be half as many communities in 1.14.
It’s that reason and that there are already options for ploot just not in it’s desired game mode. I also feel the system will ruin the experience you’re hoping for by hordes of leecher’s trying to get experience and loot if it becomes an option to turn on/off per game.
You’re effectively creating a game mode where this will be the first choice for leecher’s to join pub games. Does FFA have leechers? yes but in FFA chance at getting loot is a bit more dynamic (excluding boss fights) and the person doing most of the killing has the greatest chance of picking up the drops. In ploot everyone has 1/8 chance regardless unless ploot only occurs on bosses but that won’t fix drops everywhere else.
I guess ultimately it would work great in private games?
so you should be okay with them putting it in and you can prove us all wrong when we can’t play it because of the leachers.
incorrect, the person closest to the loot drop has the greatest chance (excluding ping and disabilities) which is not necessarily killing, like ranged classes built for dps over survivability do.
You think theyve given everything theyve got at combatting hacks? No… they havent cared that much about D2 over the last decade because their priorities have obviously and understandably been elsewhere. Im not an expert in that field, how could I give you explicit examples of actions thatd be meaningful? Changing game mechanics isnt the de facto answer if we arent coming up with sophisticated tech answers to this issue.
A couple months ago someone far more knowledgeable than I brought up very sophisticated captcha-type systems that did not require users to pause their play and validate themselves - AI-informed systems that could be very useful. Id leave it to Blizzard to figure out where to put their money. They could hire many more GMs to monitor looting statistics - perhaps a pickit user could be recognized from afar when they have inhuman reaction times too many times in a row (thatd be speed and # of items collected within a short time). Then the greater fleet of Blizzard GMs could respond. Or, invest in some programming that autokicks characters who have those inhuman looting patterns too many times in a row, then send a GM to investigate and potentially shut down the account. These are just quick thoughts.
But giving hosts the power to kick would change the dynamic of the game for all deeply. And that’s not the dynamic I want in D2. That’s too much power for hosts. Undergeared? Kicked. Playing solo? Kicked. How about kicking everyone just as the boss dies? That resolution isn’t justified just because we here dont come up with an alternative - we are not Blizzard programmers. I dont think Blizzard has invested as much as it could into the issue. Though this is all premature anyway, we have no idea if pickits etc will even be as prevalent in D2R. Blizz has definitely made some great advances, and therell be a muuuch larger community to dilute the effect of those scummy cheaters.
By the way, you’re not allowed to use that avatar.
hmm, have you ever heard of people doing things without looking at the consequences. I know that I have and I am sure that devs have done the same thing before. Otherwise they would be perfect game creators. I am sure you have heard of the problems with Cyberpunk 2077’s disastrous launch.
If players that want ploot don’t agree that playing solo mf runs and playing with others that have agreed to share the loot is a form of ploot then what else would work other than giving them all of the loot drops in multiplayer. I can’t think of anything else other than putting their character’s name on the loot as well.
You are the ones thinking that there is only one way that the devs can implement ploot.
If there was no complaints on FFA then players begging for ploot wouldn’t exist.
You want to actually believe that it can never happen. That VV/Blizz has only one way of implementing ploot and it is the exactly how the majority wants it. You could be proven to be wrong.
That might be how it sounded. But I do think the real reason lobbies won’t be in D2R console version is because it would be harder to have named games on consoles due to lacking a mouse and keyboard.
Don’t fret too much shadowA. They are purposely misrepresenting the idea in the worst possible way to try to get people on their side. It’s a technique hitler used to use to make people believe him.
It’s a bigger win to convince reasonable ones what the idea is. Then try to convince those who don’t like to learn what a better system to a crappy one they’ve been using for the last 20 years is.
You could literally be showing them how to grow diamonds. They will stand on their turd pile until the end of time. xD
Diablo 1 did not have chat on console. Diablo 2 was never fully designed for console. With the amount of complaining, they might as well have stayed PC exclusive.
I don’t think he was asking for higher drop rates. I think he was giving a scenario. He edited his post because people like you were taking it out of context to make it look like he was asking for improved drop rates.
Arguing against higher drop rates is a legitimate argument, but that argument is not a ploot argument. Just because you think one means the other doesn’t make it true. One can still happen with or without the other.
It is silly you. Ploot is not increased drop rates.
Your opinion of a potential outcome based on fear isn’t a valid reason. You can fight the increased drop rates IF that day comes, but the fact is that isn’t what’s being asked here.
It doesn’t seem you’ve learned anything at all. You say remastering software isn’t clearly defined while at the same time trying claim it’s the reason why D2R shouldn’t change while at the same time ignoring a definition.
I know I am asking for one thing and you’re arguing against another thing claiming they are the same when it’s clear they aren’t
I don’t know what this is supposed to prove. There’s a lot to read there. It would have been easier if you just quoted the reference rather than give me a link to a huge thread.
If so, then ploot will die a quiet death as they all “jump ship”.
This is nothing more than an ignorant assumption.
Then we will fight together to stop increased drop rates. Using the “don’t do one because it could lead to the other” argument isn’t an argument.
If you think it is then I submit this argument. They shouldn’t make D2 into D2R because it could lead to ploot which will lead to increased drop rates. It’s silly, right?
That’s actually the irony behind it, and IMHO a oversight of People who argue for such “forced” features. Like they geniunly believe people will stick to something which they don’t have fun with in longerm, in reality it happens that they either move on or find a alternative way to play (Solo/Private or via Modding). But afterwards making a suprised pikachu face, or even worse are angry/bothered when people move on. In the end nobody gains something out of it.