Both FFA and plooters go into the casino to play slots. One goes to the slot with a handle that you pull. The other has a bad shoulder so they go to the slot where you push the button. Both machines pay out the same.
Stop pretending you’re some pro gambler because you want to leech loot.
Wrong again. The choice isn’t eating broccoli or candy. It’s eating broccoli with your fingers or with a fork.
I do. More people equates to a better economy.
No one is stopping you from where you chose to position yourself… and lets be real, standing next to a boss a 1% life waiting for someone else to kill it so you can spam your mouse clicker isn’t “high risk, high reward”.
Well, no. It isn’t harder. Your “you can literally walk behind party naked and pick up stuff game assigned to you without ever seeing mob” is based 100% on ignorance. It’s been stated many times that if you aren’t within range and actively helping you will not be allocated loot. All you will end up with is the stuff no one else wants.
What you are describing here is only possible in a FFA loot system. A naked sorc can follow someone, have zero participation in killing anything, and port/pickup loot at will.
not sure how you would assume that ploot would be the best xp it is likely to be slightly worse xp and 1/8th the potential loot per player isn’t most efficient unless you don’t know what efficiency is.
the most efficient mode would be the one in which you can have 8x the loot of ploot which is ffa if you click fast enough.
even if this were true you realize that this would dictate much slower xp farming so you disproved your first point right?
i don’t want to leech loot that may be why you want personal loot idk but it is not why i want it and i think you will find very few games that people will be willing to play with you.
It is unlikely ploot would have the best XP. That would be reserved for FFA.
While I agree with your point about risk/reward (which FFA represents), one is not like the others here. Not being in the stock market is the worse option for basically everyone.
FFA is when you buy a few random stocks you read about on Reddit, while Ploot is buying a market wide ETF.
Not that simple honestly.
Future sales matters a fair bit. Losing money on a “dead game” can be an investment into selling more of your next game.
Only reason Blizzard bothers with D3 seasons, I would assume.
It kinda is. It is also just immensely bad gameplay.
Oh and the risk here is not that your character dies. That part is nearly a non-issue. D2 is an easy game.
The risk/reward is only how many items you get compared to the average.
Perhaps. But, I’d offer that a company with as murky a financial future as Blizz, I’d expect them to be stockpiling a war chest about now. The availability of O&M monies might be substantially less that otherwise normal. Things like “goodwill capital” are therefore meaningless at times like these.
Leads me to believe that D2R has to really stand on its own two feet - meaning sales have to cover the development and ongoing costs as a business case, but player retention numbers will dictate whether the suits believe it’s worth it to invest in anything beyond keeping the server lights on.
This is why both sales and retention will drive game maintenance (i.e. patching). If the numbers are bad, D2R will never be patched. If sales are good but retention is low, scarce maintenance dollars go elsewhere. If sales are bad, no one at Blizz will give a rat’s butt about retention.
This is also why we need to find ways to encourage potential players to both buy and hang around, and stop telling them to play something else. We need as many players as possible for as long as possible, otherwise D2R will never get the patching it most-certainly will require in the future. They’ll only fix crash items on the bug list, nothing else.
And we can forget about any QoL improvements if these numbers aren’t even significantly higher than the suits expected.
I don’t want ploot, I want people to have the option. I’ve stated many times that I only play multiplayer when I’m helping out other people and that I would choose FFA loot for the ease of allowing the people I’m helping get the drops.
If the option helps people with disabilities and keeps the player base stronger, then I’m good with any option that I can turn off without effecting anything.
It may be high reward, but not high risk. These guys are acting like they are risking all the get a chance at good loot. The reality is, they are playing dbags to get all the loot and pretending they are video game tough guys not looking for a handout. It’s ridiculous.
Exping in 8players group is most efficient way to lvl - loot system has nothing to do with that. In FFA if you exp in 8players group you do not count on drops - anything you pickup is a bonus. In Ploot you get guaranteed drops. Your gambling example was pretty good here. Exping in FFA you may get lucky jackpot, exping in ploot you basically House.
No I don’t - first of all both examples refer to different activity in same loot settings. Second of all as long as you remain in exp range, how is xp farming slower??.
You don’t know that though do you? As long as players count scale xp same in both systems it doesn’t matter what loot system it is. Only difference is that in ploot you get guaranteed drops.
Thats wrong. I am well aware of the range argument - whatever your suggested range is it will still be bigger than in ffa where you basically have to stay on edge of the mob hit box while it is dying. If ploot range is the same or slightly bigger then you just invalidated all the arguments about ranged classes. Actively helping is not always suggested and anyway naked sorc can “actively help” much easier than support barb.
And not it is not possible in FFA, naked sorc would have to teleport on the mob at exact time it is dying to grab anything, if the mobs are grouped naked sorc can either watch others pickup the loot till only few mobs left, or port in the middle of them and die.
Looting will be slower, for anyone who want to pick up something the winner of an item didn’t want.
But no, we dont know how much that woulld impact speed.
This is why Blizzard should make a 3-6 months test ladder with Ploot toggle. So we could see all the actual effects it might have, instead of only assuming.
I for one have had enough great experiences with game devs that i still trust some. Being cautious is good, stroking them all with the same brush is not a very healthy assessment.
Assuming you are living in the U.S., i doubt you have met a representative number, the majority, let alone all of the ~66.000+ devs.
But yeah, let’s stay cautious. And what is the best way of being cautious? Correct! Making good, constructive suggestions as a community.
Lol another paper thin personal loot appeal thread.
“Forcing others to play your way” ? A laughable and foolish idea. By that logic if someone were to advocate for…oh I don’t know what’s another bad idea…oh here’s one. Shot out of a cannon… Battle royal pvp where you jump out of an airplane into sanctuary…you’re saying we’d have to support it because if we didn’t we are forcing others to “play our way?”
See how foolish PLOOT sounds when you apply the same argument. Stop demanding hand outs. Get good. Get to farming. Or stick to Diablo 3.
Still you need to make your mind up. Either ploot people cannot play and only leech, then their xp is inferior to FFA.
Or they are the same/better than FFA players, then obviously you could play Ploot for exp, but then they would also deserve their loot.
You cannot play both cards in alternation. Decide which trump you wanna play. And then see that precedent sink.
You are mixing up the sentence “the house always wins” with “always getting loot”.
In diablo you do not have to get loot to win. You have to get good loot to win.
Because getting zero loot is very, very unlikely.
What matters is how much you get in comparison to others. And in that sense, you will never “win” in ploot, because you will never get more than others (over the course of many games).
Just because you do get your fair share of items, you are not tricking the system like a bank in the casino that gets more out than it puts in no matter what.
You are confusing a system where you are placing a bet and need to get that bet back!
In d2 you are not placing any bets. You are always getting more than you had before. The question is how much more and how much more compared to others. (per game)
In ploot people agree that they are fine that they will all win, lose, draw on the same average outcome of the loot. That is like playing poker for cents instead of your car and house.
You simply reduce the chances to lose hard, but you also cannot win hard.
This is why we are saying low risk, low reward. And this is why your claim is just a false perception/equation with gambling.
It doesn’t matter if you think it’s wrong or not because no one is asking you to play using auto allocation loot.
This is what the FFA looters don’t seem to be getting. No one is asking you to play in a way you don’t want. If you don’t like it, don’t use it… it’s quite literally the purpose of this post.
Casual and especially new players will scream because they aren’t getting an item every single time under FFA, as well.
That is a good thing.
If you were melee, you were standing there anyway. Where’s the risk?
Not everyone plays hardcore.
Personal loot doesn’t guarantee drops, it just guarantees an equal chance at drops. Crucial distinction. I mean, sure, you’re eventually going to get something - but the same is true in FFA.
You are spot on here and kneecaps have nothing to do with it.
Have literally no idea what you talking about here.
Lol of course I can. Actively exping and leeching are 2 different activities ploot is beneficial for both. And skill example from you is irrelevant. One player in FFA will get exp at the same speed as he would get in ploot - difference is that in ploot he will have guaranteed drops.
No I am not and I love next quote:
Thats my whole point - In FFA 8p game, only thig you have guaranteed is exp, in ploot 8p game you have guaranteed exp and drops. Therefore if you are in any way competitive player you do not have any choice, but play ploot mode. This also answer next quote:
No you cant as explained here:
This is literally what it does. There is no distinction. Once the game allocate drop to you it is your guaranteed drop.