Forcing people to play your way

What are you talking about? FFA loot was a main feature of Diablo 2 since it’s launch. That has nothing to do with the remaster, other than the remaster should also stick with FFA loot to remain the Diablo we know.

as a jsper it is your job to keep ffa the only option as it makes you more money.

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It’s impossible to force people to play your way by advocating the game come out the way it was designed. Forcing people to play “your way” would require the game be changed in favor of someone to accommodate someone. The only ones begging an crying for changes with the most comments on these forums are ploot players.

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If that’s what you think… I get most of my items from solo games or farming off somewhere quiet in MP ones. Anything I get in XP games is just a nice bonus. The loot system works, and is a big part of what has always defined D2.

Yes everyone knows how botting works.

i think many would argue it doesn’t, the loot system is great but the distribution system is rather broken which is why almost no games ship with it exclusively since an alternative was introduced.

it may be a big part of what has defined d2 for you but that is not true for everyone and that also wouldn’t change for you if you just keep playing ffa only games if they added a ploot option.

Not really, since the difficulty in getting loot still comes from the slaying of demons, and personal loot doesn’t mess with monster difficulty.

Since you don’t want any changes in the first place, and personal loot would come after launch anyway… what other issues?

Why do we care about competitive balance in a game that ultimately has no measure of competitiveness?

Also, are you saying that personal loot is inherently the better system? Because you really shouldn’t care if people are willingly reducing their… “competitive balance.”

That can happen now, so won’t players still scream bloody murder and ask for drop rate increases? Or do you really think seeing items but not getting items is going to appease them?


Things like fixing NHAM, Fend, AR not working on bow skills, etc…

The competition is in gearing up first and getting the best items. PLoot gives an advantage by giving GUARANTEED loot drops at higher player count games.

Yes, for two reasons:

  1. Because it’s always been that way. and
  2. Because they at least had a chance to grab the item, rather than having the computer simply give it to someone else. That’s if they even see it all, since the easiest implementation of Ploot would be to stick the items directly into players inventory.

If loot drops are guaranteed, then why would people complain about not getting them, as you said in your next point? You’re contradicting your own arguments.

Loot drops are guaranteed over multiple runs. Experienced or more serious players will realize this and pick this option.

Casual and new players will scream because they aren’t getting an item every single time.

would they though? Casinos, gameshows, the stock market all easily disprove this fallacy.

when given the option of having a small sum of money or prizes vs taking a chance on a gamble that can get you either less or far more people will gamble more times than not.

The reason diablo 2 works is because it appeals to a gambling addiction. It is not as predatory as maybe a loot box type system but it is what those systems are built on.

If you want to gear up first, then ploot will never get you there. It will gear you up in a much more average time. Whereas FFA will allow wider variance, with some gearing up much faster.
And then, lets be honest here, if you want to gear up fast, you wont use either ploot or FFA.

Honestly who cares how many play.
Lots play solo anyways, and money coming in has zero to do
with quality updates.
D3 is still having things added, and it’s an absolute bore fest.

I laugh every time someone says “its up to the developers to decide”… OH GOD I HOPE NOT. I would rather trust the people VV hires that have game design skills. Developers are garbage at design unless their hearts and passion are really in it.

Source: I am a dev in the industry

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It changes where you have to position yourself if you aren’t in a rush to pick up the drop. Currently the game has a high risk high reward factor that comes from standing close to targets you are killing in order to be eligible for the immediate drops. Throughout the years of playing on hardcore I’ve seen players dive into monster packs to acquire a piece and end up paying the price for reckless behavior. There is an added difficulty in the mix from the system that makes the game slightly tougher in MP games.

If it was a main feature since launch then i am sure some of the people who do reviews of games would have picked that up. None! Absolutly none! Why?
Because FFA is simply picking up loot. It’s hard to believe when you like the system but guess what, i prefer it as well. Raw and simple.
There is nothing else to it except the competitiveness that developed over time within the community.
EDIT: There may be several reasons as to why they choose this format and why there are no reviews featuring the loot system back in the day. However the fact that it is as simple as just dropping the item(s) is unchanged.

Me too but the unfortunate truth is the ones in charge make the decisions eventually, Some are right, some are wrong, good or bad.


You literally proving his point here: casinos = “Experienced or more serious players”
However you spin it, what you ask for is option for best exp and guaranteed drops.

more like you are literally missing the point here.

a person playing ploot would be someone not going into a casino or if they go in not playing any games.

the gamblers would be the “experienced or more serious players” and they would play FFA

it’s not like there is not a ton of people who lose everything at a casino but there are some who do actually make a living off gambling either way if the safest path was the obvious choice for everyone.

Casino’s, The stock market, Crypto, Gameshows, loans and many more things in society would not exist.

All of those things are risk reward ventures that you would be safer avoiding but people don’t because they think they can use those things to get ahead.

The same is for ffa loot people will play it because they think they can get ahead with it.

Some will win and some wont but in the end it will be played and the ones who win will be the top of the leader boards not the ploot players but we know that going in and are fine with having fun instead of trying to top everything.

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No they wouldn’t - the same way as they aren’t in poker. They would play most efficient mode and you can’t argue that mode with best exp and guaranteed drop is not most efficient.
Besides in plot setting you can literally walk behind party naked and pick up stuff game assigned to you without ever seeing mob. And this stuff may be Jah for example. In FFA if you try to do that best you can count on, are some scraps nobody wanted.

You know that’s a terrible analogy right?

It would be more along the lines of I don’t want broccoli, but I’ll choose between peas and corn and carrots instead.

This is probably wasted on a troll who resorts to acting like a parent scolding a child though.


You couldn’t be more wrong. Sales and player retention counts are the ONLY data that Blizz will use when determining how many scarce “off the top” dollars they will invest in maintaining the game. The lower these numbers, the fewer dollars available. It’s that simple.

Keeping these numbers as high as possible is in the game’s (and player’s) interests. It’s why I hate it when someone tells a potential player to “play something else.” If they do, a lot of bugs will never be fixed.

And from what I’ve seen at beta is that’s a huge problem. Unless you think D2R will be perfect at launch, you should start worrying about these numbers a lot.

The problem is made worse, since Blizz must be currently building a war chest to deal with upcoming litigation. If they’re paying out millions as a result of these lawsuits, Activision may even pull Blizz’ plug entirely, so they can write off the damages.

If any of these outcomes occur, the IP may be transferred to some kind of entity, but I’d imagine maintenance dollars for 20 year old titles (and their ilk) will be nil.