Forcing people to play your way

Good lord are you STILL trying to push this ploot stuff? Good lord can’t you get over it? They have TOLD YOU that ploot will not be in D2R, they have told you that, why do you keep doing this to yourself?

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Honestly… It didn’t click yet because it doesn’t make any sense to me to have a password protected game with ploot and you spam it somewhere in general chat for anyone to join?

Exactly. Or someone could log on and in an LFG channel type “+6 Hell Baal SPEED” and right click and add anyone who whispers+

It would even help develop friends lists for all those new to the Diablo franchise.

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Your hypothetical scenario would not be better for you. Why? Because you deliberately made it be worse for you.

The more likely scenario is that the bakery will still keep making chocolate cakes, because they like making chocolade cakes and their customers are still there to take them.
And there is also no strawberry cake but a milk chocolate cake as an option over your bitter chocolate cake. So the bakery might be making other cakes and might even hire new staff to bake these cakes, who knows. In any case, more customers would be happy and the bakery has a more steady income and better planning capability.

There is even the chance that some milk chocolate fans will try out the bitter chocolate and vice versa.

That is the likely outcome of our scenario given the surveys that were run and the feedback on this forum.

Surveys say: 39% pro-ploot, 40% pro-ffa.
Some undecided. 13% ploot with trade-off.

So clearly the numbers are neither suggesting to remove FFA nor ploot. Unless they are wildly off (which is unlikely) they are quite an indication to add this option and that after adding it both game modes would still have a sizeable junk of the community playing them.

Yes, we get that. But sitting on the receiving end of the way they are trying to express it is not exactly a joyride.
Kudos to you for showing that reasonable people exist.

Yes, we know. It has been stated (by ffa-supporters) many times that 99% of the loot will be collected in private solo games.
Even if that number is not accurate, we are talking about an absolute minority of loot that is being decided by this ploot adjustment.

And now you would have the choice to either play private games (for loot) or public games (for a cooperative experience).

Yes, some of us have said exactly the same.

And that choice is still there. Just one more option:
public ffa, private ffa, private solo, public ploot, private ploot - all depending on how you want to play at that point in time.

And now look at these choices from the perspective of a player who does not have the ability to compete in ffa pubs → they are forced to private solo or private ffa
This means they will be completely missing out on the public game experience or have to do so at great stress. It is not a good choice. And it is not costly to improve that set of choices for that segment of the population.

The current gamemode already excludes and hurts certain players. They are forced to play solo or private games (if they have a friendlist to support that). They cannot play d2 the way they would want to (with others in a public game). And can only do so by opting in to the predatory environment.

The point is that many people do not like this predatory environment (at least not all the time) and would be happy to play with others who share that view. It is essentially the same as a private game (which they would have done anyway) just shared with others. They would get the same items and share them by the fair allocation system.

Yes, some players might not be in these ploot games and they are “excluded”. But who is excluding them? Their own choice. They have the choice to play ffa or ploot or any of the other choices they also have. They chose FFA. Which is fine, so why complain about not being able to play with people that do not want to play with you (“you” being the toxic player)?

We already play that way though. We are creating private games, playing with friends, playing solo. But we want to have a more convenient way to create these games. To find new likeminded people.
Many people want to play that way and will do so one way or the other.
Providing a QoL to do so makes sense when 40+% of the players want to play that way.

No. I am walking into a den of thieves and i am trying to go in with a party that does not rob me while going in there.

Problem is if they rob everyone coming to their den of thieves, there would only be thieves entering at some point. Which is essentially what happened with d2 over the years.
Ploot players simply didnt enter the den anymore. So they are fighting for people to rob that were not coming to their den to begin with. All they are fighting over is some fishes that will buy the game, get robbed, stop playing the game and never come back.
They are literally fighting for keeping the community smaller. Gatekeeping.

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What part doesnt make sense? :smiley:
It basically just means you wont see the games on the game list, and has to be looking more specifically for them.
Inconvenient, but not a huge hindrance. Probably enough to cut down the amount of Ploot games substantially though, if that is something you want.

Sigh. Why are you here? Does the troll need to be fed again.

I appreciate the effort, but no.

One of the main arguments for ploot is accessibility.
Some of us are arguing for people of various impairment to have the option to play with other people.
Sure, they can “just make friends” but not everyone has this option nor should be forced to make friends in a game that provides public games.
It would be a great benefit for these segment of people to be able to play with likeminded players.

I gave the example of sitting volleyball in the past. It is still a challenging and competitive game. Players with various impairments can participate, but also those who are not impaired and are simply willing to sit down while playing.
That doesnt take anything away from the volleyball match on the other court. It just allows them to enjoy the game as it is meant to be played: a team game.

It seems you are not familiar with bnet 2.0 yet.

IF ploot doesnt get released, i will definitely create a community for plooting (one of the bnet 2.0 features).
It is comparable with a clan (but you can join multiple), has its own chat and “friendlist” and allows you to quickly find people to play with.

But it would still be a very high threshold for new players to know and join these groups. So i would prefer a systematic approach over the social-engineering one.

This is no different to create the option on game creation and adding a tag in front of every ploot game or FFA game. You don’t need the password here and make it more complex.

You still dont need to be friends to join a private game. It wont be significantly different from joining a public game as I see it. Unless D2R has some UI/lobby change I am unaware of.

I obviously do agree it is not the optimal way to do it though.

Oh, I strongly agree with that.
As said, it is not a great solution, but if it is what makes anti-plooters accept it, then sure. It achieves nothing beside making it more cumbersome to join the games.

Fair point.

We are not asking for a mode to MF in.
We are asking for a mode to play as a team in. Cooperative. Without stealing loot.

It does not have to be efficient.

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Yeah, feels like the “this isn’t about competing with solo MFing” gets repeated every few post. But hey, why not repeat it some more.

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Where is the difference? This is literally the suggestion that people didn’t want and try to argue against for the past X amount of days?!?

Inviting non-friends is arguably harder than to invite friends.

First you have to find them, then you have to invite them. Friends can at least join your game right away. Or stayin your group for the next run. (if you use d3 party system as a reference)

A tag does not ensure that the rules are being enforced.
Also FFA players most likely will not tag their games. And might even join ploot games and grief them.

I thought the tag would be applied automatically to showcase the games in the lobby more clearly.

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Now you lost me. What is the benefit of an automatic tag over the automatical filtering based on a toggle option?

That was how I read your post too :slight_smile: and would make sense to auto-tag the games yeah.
Even with a filter, since some people would not use the filter, due to being open to join either type.

What about filtered tags based on a series of automatic toggles?

Good idea! As usual you bring some outside perspective.

Tell you what, why dont you go and create a new thread for this brand-new innovative suggestion? I am sure you will find someone to talk to there.

Now you are thinking with toggles! (sorry, bad Portal joke)


One can never have enough filters and toggles I always say. Bonus points if they are automatic.

The toggle will enforce the ploot or FFA ruleset. Either of them or both will get an automated tag “FFA” or “ploot”, so anyone can quickly see what ruleset was chosen.
It wasn’t common for me to scroll down the list of games, so i am not sure if it is helpful.

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