Fix Gears of Dreadlands

Momentum stacks is just a stupid thing. Should be stacked automatically. #fundied


MTG - the crackhead barbie. The one defending the insurrectionists, the one booing factual statements, the one complaining she has crazy people make comments to her about what they saw on the internet meanwhile she follows the Q conspiracy crowd, the one harassing school mass shooting survivors, the one who thinks an elementary school got billions of dollars of relief money. Georgia 14th district.

The one who makes you question alien life because it sure as hell isn’t human.

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Featured in cow level.

No you can’t. Builds like strafe impale or the old Nat rework are very minor outliers.

You guys are really overlooking the fact that strafe is the only ranged damage skill delivery system that lets you move at or above run speed. It also requires zero targeting. You’re not going to strafe multishot with the buffed UE. Instead, you’re going to have to run manually, aim, plant your feet, cast, dodge projectiles, vault. It’s called the strategy of playing a ranged build, of which strafe builds have none. With one button strafe impale, strafe multishot, and the previous Nat’s rework moved around AND automatically targeted everything on screen with zero effort with one button. No weakness, no downside, always powerful.

At least melee spinning builds like WW and PoJ have to get in melee or near melee range, where they deal with way more threats while managing sufficient monster density to time a GR.

You guys want to move around and clear the screen simultaneously without aiming with 1-2 buttons, and then demand that this be a top-tier or near top-tier build. Now you’re also demanding that any maintenance buff (momentum stacks) be removed to make this absurdity even easier. Why do you think that impale and multishot were suddenly way more powerful builds because they could be delivered by strafe? Because now those skills are being applied to everything on the screen without you having to target and without having to sacrifice time manually moving.

Manually playing UE well is a rubix cube compared to strafe impale, strafe multishot, GOD strafe, or the previous Nat’s rework. That’s why all the “casuals” (not actually casual) gravitate towards the latter builds while demanding top-tier performance.

manually casting a generator is already required to improve dps against elites/bosses

what people basically want is to not have to constantly shot a generator if more dps is not required

so in pratice

  • people would still smash the generator key while spd farming against packs/boss
  • people would still smash the generator key while pushing against packs/boss
  • people wouldnt smash the generator key while moving in between packs
  • people wouldnt smash the generator key while doing T16

in the end
people wanted QoL for strafe
not to make it a brain dead build like you guys are trying to paint it


They have nearly identical button presses. Strafe hold force standstill and strafe so when you use your generator it works. UE holds force run and when you fire it stops moving. UE doesn’t need vault, you can use smoke screen the same as GoD, except UE hungering arrow can spam it, not much dodging required. UE gameplay is stay around 30-40 yards away for max distance but your rockets still track the target. GoD is much more up close in the thick of it.

Both are very easy to play, GoD is more tedious with the actual presses compared to UE Holding click.

I think a reasonable example is people refreshing a website to buy tickets or something. hitting F5 every 5 seconds to hitting it every 1 second. Neither requires much intelligence but from a comfort perspective I’d prefer not to mash it every second.

Remember when they reworked Firebirds and the disintegrate stacks fell off super fast making you use it every 1-2 seconds to keep stacks reasonable, then they changed it so they fall off slowly for ease of use. Same buttons had to be pressed, just not as often.

As for WW and PoJ, they are both incredibly tanky.

That is both right and wrong. Yes you could move and attack at the same time but the greatest factor in damage is because attack rate of the damaging skill is greatly increased while strafing. If they were to reduce the proc rate in s27 of impales or multishots being fired, to your normal attack speed while strafing they would have been several tiers lower.

GoD still has to dodge all the ground damage, melee damage, random projectiles while UE sits attacking 30 yards away.

Bottom line there is no harm to you or anyone else in the community if they extended the timer to 5 seconds for QoL.

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The only time I’ve seen a nerf reversed, was when Free and his barb buddies launched the “Watch a Grown Man cry a river of tears” campaign after Blizzard finally fixed the WW Barb, then nerfed it back to almost useless again.

Free and his friends (including me) posted endlessly begging Blizzard to revert the nerf.

Blizzard did something I’ve never seen before which was to ‘almost’ put the WW Barb back to what it was before nerf.

They did a bang up job BECAUSE there were thousands upon thousands of posts of screaming and crying people begging for weeks to fix the WW Barb.

Unless we can do this with the GoD DH, don’t expect anything.

Blizz, like a giant White Whale will only turn around if something big gets it’s attention.


MTG = Magic the Gathering

No they didn’t… They brought back the lamentation belt Rend damage buff back, but not back to the original before nerf state…

Lamentation belt before they removed the increased damage, gave 150-200% increased damage to Rend, but after all the drama and countless of MEME images posted on the forum they "brought back the increased damage, BUT to 100-150% instead of how it was on PTR to 150-200%…

Yeah me too, mocked the h3ll out of their ridiculous nerf…

From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND - #1999 by Gasnick-2400

Posted a lot of memes while I still could in that thread and was strongly against the lame nerf as for any nerfs to any build…


Sry I’m blind didn’t notice your “almost” word in the quote… :expressionless:

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Not sure why you want a brain dead build to becoming even more brain dead. You may as well get a bot or macro for full auto pilot mode. Your GoD key binding is wrong like majority of casuals & as Cavendar said, strafe with one hand and HA refresh on the other, this allows momentum refresh while strafing, not stopping and refresh with same hand atm on all your GoD DH.

Speed build in this game needs more engagement not less. Might as well inbuilt a bot mode otherwise.


Not for nuthin’, Abella, but when GoD was first introduced before PTR, everyone assumed the auto-fired generators would generate momentum. It was supremely disappointing to some that it didn’t work that way.

So this request has been made repeatedly since the set came into being and wanting a “brain dead” build has nothing to do with it.

Just sayin’.

Obviously blizzard does not want less engagement with these kind of builds.

Yes. Obviously. But that doesn’t mean it makes sense for the auto-fired generators not to generate momentum.

For the record, I like GoD the way it is. The way it is, “stutter stepping” is built into the set which helps folks like me who can’t stutter step worth a damn. I’m just sayin’ this request is an old one and it shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand.

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It’s easy to keep stacks up and not really that bad but to max out as much DPS as possible in the build, you want to manually shoot arrow in-between strafing as it’s almost double the over DPS you pump out so momentum is kept up anyway.
It was the same as strafe this season with empale, ue and marauders

Try playing it with Odyssey’s End. For me, it was more fun than Multishot and those little arrows Tore Sh-t Up.

I think HA is the wrong skill for GoD6, especially after the pierce cap nerf to Ninth Cirri. At this point, I’d consider beefing up Elemental Arrow legendary items and changing the classification of GoD6 AND Hunter’s Wrath to Generators instead of Primary Skills.

A GoD6 EA build wouldn’t take Simplicity Strength or Depth Diggers (because those belong to other classes). Instead it equips Taeguk, Trapped, Zei’s, and/or Stricken. With a free armor cube slot for Mantle of Channeling or a new item:

A bracer that buffs all Secondary Skills could help the class out big time. Think…

  • LoD Rapid Fire
  • S6 Impale

I was almost expecting OP to be asking for an unnerf of the pierce cap. I confess myself sorely disappointed.

Constantly firing HA doesn’t make the build interactive, it makes it annoying. I refuse to play GoD because of this mechanic, whereas S27 strafe impale was an absolute blast.

Honestly, many of these 6s-long or less buff durations are annoying, and have been since the game came out. But some are worse than others, like the GoD requirement.

So yes, a change here is needed for some QoL, and I hope the devs will consider it.


Lmao… that kool-aid is real powerful, huh bub?

I think you’re misunderstanding. We are not going out of our way to stop/stand still to fire hungering arrow. Manually firing hungering arrow automatically makes your character stand still for the animation no matter how you bind it.

The way you are suggesting and the way we do it are the same outcome. With strafe on right click while held down, it overrides (force standstill) and you keep strafing, when you left click hungering arrow it fires and goes right back to strafing. You can set force stand still to auto hold, and play with just the mouse hand. Use opposite hand for vengeance/pet/smoke screen/potion.

What you state is also correct that you can put HA on a key and just press that and it does the same thing. I’ve done both and prefer to HA on left click. Like I said it’s the same exact outcome.

Pressing every second or every 5 seconds isn’t extra brain power. It’s just a repetitive task. Just asking for some better QoL and it’s mostly for anything that’s not pushing. Pushing we will still have to mash it to get out as many arrows as possible.

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And you have range to steer out of trouble.

Where they stutter-step non-stop for full efficiency at the pushes. They’re abusing force move between their already rapid attacks, throw their generator inbetween somewhere and still get to dodge everything thrown at them. That’s extra input as well.
Do UE6 does that animation cancel every time and in a constant rate? No, but when they have the position and get to blast a wide area or kite, they put small flicking moves to use. Just like you don’t have to maintain your 20 stacks at full force in a constant, but close enough to give you enough power because you have to dodge as well.

This high maintenance requirement is a given if a build happen to be at extremes in one of their traits; be it their sustain, effective range, slow windup effects and so on. This cognitive checks are part of all games throughout the history and players always find shortcuts, so you shouldn’t be surprised. Nor do anything borderline against forum rules.

As others before me mentioned already, you can bind your primary attack to a secondary button to save yourself some trouble. UE6 players use their mouse wheel slides while moving, so I reckon you can bind your primary attack to another button from the settings as well.
Put your generator at one of the numbered action slots, then attend a secondary button for that; such as space bar or a specific mouse wheel up command while mouse wheel down forces move. Problem solved. You don’t have to complain now, hopefully.

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