Fine, you can have Personal Loot

So it wasnt even an argument then. Just wild trivia.

Let me remind you again. My statement was: you did not react to the (simplified) math that was presented.

Your argument against that was: “I like the drop rates”

So if your argument is then not trying to refute mine, hence being a counter argument against my argument (which was the actual math showing that pLoot is not a disadvantage compared to FFA loot), then why on earth would you say it.
If you start replying to an argument with a post that seems like an argument but is actually not your argument. Then it is a troll post, right?

The droprate of a zod rune is an example for any valuable item.
When i argued without naming an item, your point was that the values of items are different. So i tried to simplify it for you and reduced it to one example which happened to be the zod rune. An item that is widely accepted as a drop that people like to loot.

With this simple example you can illustrate some basic concepts of statistics, which are also applying to all other items that you deem valuable. Because math works the same for all items. There is no special buriza math or stamina potion math. All that changes is the chance for the item.
So i took a veeeeery low chance. And showed you that even with that very low chance, you still have the same odds in pLoot.

Do you follow?

What is an insult about stating the fact that you did not react to my math and simply continue posting your troll faces.
That is not an insult. An insult is insulting. Telling you what you are doing in a non-insulting way is not an insult.

Heard it here first, Buriza and a stamina potion have the same value!

Wrong, as you’ve suspected all along my odds in FFA are well beyond 1/8 because I’m just way faster than the majority of players! I’ve been the ninja-looting villain all along! That’s the reason your conscience has allowed you to lie about and insult me with every post!

That is not what i said. I said the math of calculating their drop rates (across multiple runs) is the same. With the only variable being their drop chance.

I know it is a complicated subject. You can easily get lost and you only had 20 years to catch up with it.

Still the items that are dropped are the same. With the difference that they are shared in a fairer way. Which is a benefit for the players who put in the effort and not for a few players who put in the clicks.
Which is exactly where we started off our nice little chat 4 days ago.

You prefer clicks and competition, we prefer fair distribution (among participating players).
Those are the two opposing views (yeah, you also claimed about not splitting the community, but let’s forget that episode for the moment).

We know it about you and you know it about us.
The problem is that you are saying that our system is “garbage” which it is not. And that everybody who wants it does not belong into diablo or will surely quit fast. That is unnecessary for the discussion.

Just state your opinion, which you have and stop the insulting parts. And then we can all just see what will happen. (btw, i know what sentence your next post will contain)

That’s where you’re wrong, kid. The reason you’re wrong is related to this

But why think about that when you can be condescending and lie about anyone who disagrees with you?

:clown_face: loot is garbage compared to the existing system.

Yeah, I did state my opinion. Which is why trolls like you are replying to every single post I make with insults and lies about what I’ve said. Literally every time I’ve made a statement you’ve quoted it and lied either about the actual quoted text or made some bogus claim that I made an argument which I did not make, whether it was related to :clown_face: loot or not. You’re doing that because you’re a troll trying to elicit a response, not because you have any interest in discussing :clown_face: loot or it’s lack of merit.

You stated your opinion plus alot of insults (including your last post).
I merely took part in showing you all the gaping holes in your logic.
And of course there is always a glimmer of hope that you would actually grow during the conversation. Unfortunately it was not the case here.

No, all you did is troll me by outright lying about my statements and then ‘defeating’ those statements which originated from you and not me. Then you issue underhanded insults and are condescending about it, kind of like this:

You are in denial about your logical flaws.
I tried to help. If you feel threatended by being proven wrong. then maybe there is a bigger underlying problem. I certainly cannot help you with that and it is neither the time nor the place. I wish you the very best though. There is a long road ahead of you.

Just because you told the lie that I said something doesn’t make it my argument. Stop lying, troll.

You haven’t proven anything at all in this entire thread, much less proven me wrong. You’ve made tons of false claims about what I’ve said though.

You’re not trying to help anyone, you’re just trolling, telling lies, and dishing out underhanded insults while being condescending.

Most obvious lie you’ve told to date.

I don’t see why this couldn’t be a togglable option when creating a game as long as you could also filter out either version when searching other people’s games.


My sense is that since D2 is your favorite game of all time that there is no argument that can be made that is compelling to you about the merits of a personal loot option. FFA loot has been widely complained about for 20 years in the D2 community and all the misbehavior that it brings: botting, pickit hacks, and often player toxicity. Even David Brevik wishes with the clarity of hindsight that D2 had instanced loot instead of FFA if he could change things.

D2 was my favorite game at the time; however, even back then, many of us recognized objectively that D2 had deficiencies as is the case with all video games. D2 players expressed widespread unpopularity of FFA loot. I have matured since the early 2000s and know that there are many games out there and can see the pros and cons with different game systems objectively.

For historical reasons, it makes sense to me that D2R should include a FFA option. My intelligence of being 20 years smarter and more experienced from when D2 was my favorite in the early 2000s is that a personal loot option will make the game experience far better for a significant fraction of the D2R playerbase. It is a win-win. FFA players get their game, others get personal loot as an option either at game or character creation.


Exactly, PoE has 3 loot options that coexist so there is already a template:

  1. FFA loot
  2. Instanced/personal loot
  3. Time loot (a hybrid option between 1 and 2)

You’re right, no real argument exists which will convince me that :clown_face: loot is a better option. You’d have to trick me with a lie, and that is not going to happen.

You can not blame botting and hacks on FFA loot. “But people are cheating” is not an argument against FFA loot. Pickit is a stretch. People are toxic regardless. People cheat and bot on games with instanced loot that you can’t trade. Give up the cheater argument. Ban cheaters.

You almost had it.

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A better looting system is part of controlling cheaters.

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Wrong, a different looting system does absolutely nothing to ‘control cheaters’. You’re using cheating as an excuse to promote :clown_face: loot, very dishonest. Banning the cheaters is how you ‘control cheaters’.

Yes it does. A better looting systems is part of controlling cheaters. Nobody likes cheaters.


People bot and hack on instanced loot games. They bot and hack even when items are bound and cannot be traded. The only ways of controlling cheaters are breaking the cheats and banning the offenders. Changing looting systems accomplishes neither.

It makes it less profitable to run a bot. It makes it harder for the people who run bots to collect 8 player loot. It stops grabbit and kills it stone dead. A better looting system is part of controlling cheaters.

They are going to get banned anyway and blizzard is actually going to be trying to catch them again for a while but there should be no mercy. Change the loot system as well why not.


Banning the cheater does that. No need to implement a :clown_face: loot system to degrade the game.

Because :clown_face: loot is inferior. Don’t let cheaters further ruin the game by being your poor excuse to push an inferior loot system which does not belong in D2.

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Too late for that they already ruined the game better to say don’t let them ruin another game.

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It could be worse, it could have :clown_face: loot.