Fine, you can have Personal Loot

How did you do all these multi-quotes?
I always have to copy-paste them and its quite a nuissance.

You lost me when you said “one could consider FFA loot against role-playing and immersion” and started talking about Gandalf stealing a good bow from Legolas because he clicked first. Lmao

Scroll through, highlight text, quote text. Doesn’t work quite as well on mobile.

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I’m not Nortroll. Yeah, I already knew you were merely throwing constant underhanded insults with no intention of having a conversation. Thanks for finally being honest about your intentions - to attempt to use moderators to silence opinions different from yours.

I already quoted them as they were coming in. I’m not lame enough to go and compile them all again into a mega thread just because a transparent forum troll asked me to. You wouldn’t read it anyways, or you’d just make some insane comment to try and annoy me. You two kids are cute , you know, I like to imagine you think you’re sticking it to me reaaal good. But the thing is, I enjoy laughing at :clown_face:s.

Strange. I tried that and sometimes it starts a new post instead.
Maybe i was doing some mistake in between.


Epic cherry-pick.

~30 quotes of your post and he mismarked one post with a similar avatar and ofc you complain about that one.

Alright, it must be “pompous” then.

I would much more prefer to stay on the topic. But it doesnt seem to be any of your concern.

You clearly do.

Yeah, judging by your history of replying to every single post I make, outright lying about what I said, and then slipping in an underhanded insult, I can see how you would think attributing someone else’s quote to me is no big deal.

I literally quoted 90% of your sentences in your last posts and argued on the point to each of them.

Much in contrast to you, who does not react to actual math.
Who dismisses surveys.
Who argues for 4 days (!) only to tell on the 4th day that he actually had a different argument all along (not splitting the community). Which we btw also reacted to quite a while ago. Which you also seemed to not register.
Who then changes the argument another time to not getting another completely unrelated change (/8p).
And then claims that he never wanted that other change to begin with.

So yeah, we all have to work on ourselves.

Apologies for getting one out of however many that is wrong. Edited, by the way.

You do realize the one that has brought up trolling in this thread the most - as evidenced by ALL THOSE QUOTES - is you, right?

Man, you’ve laid out enough rope that if I actually cared about “using the mods,” I could have done it days ago. Besides, you’re the one who started re-quoting (alleged) insults.


If you believe this you’re actually insane. Or don’t understand English. We both know that you’re merely trolling.

No, I am just happy with the current drop rates.

There you go lying again

Nah, you’re just trolling on purpose. Do go on.

But drop rates have been shown not to change under personal loot, so how can you be unhappy with those drop rates?


Maybe i missed a few of your troll faces. Sorry, maybe i should have quoted them as well to capture the essence of your posts better.
I still wouldnt count them to the english language though.

Good because - as said millionth times - we do not argue to change them.
So we agree. Boy that was hard! Another vote for pLoot!

Exactly. I think, we finally convinced him. I am surprised myself. But hey, every vote counts!

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Very surprising that the one who brings up trolling is the same one incessantly targeted by two overt trolls tag teaming replies to every post. Sorry :clown_face: loot was so important to you, but it’s not happening. Sorry you’re mad I disagree with :clown_face: loot, but my opinion is not the reason that it’s not happening. You’ve initiated a 9 post chain of nothing but flaming me because you don’t like my opinion on :clown_face: loot. It added nothing to the conversation about :clown_face: loot and culminated in a cringeworthy “aha” post where you meticulously quoted every post I’ve ever made which might offend someone. This is pure comedic gold, and you show no signs of slowing down.

ploot and drop rates are independent variables. We don’t agree, stop lying about what I said. Stop trolling.

So if they are independent. Why would you mention them in a discussion about pLoot as an argument?

You are hard to agree with. Everytime you say something that i agree with, you call me a liar and a troll and flip your argument to something else.

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If I tell you to stop lying again, will you listen? Because thats yet another lie you told about me. Troll. Maybe you believe that lying about what someone’s argument is defeats that argument? Sorry, but it doesn’t. Please stop telling lies about what I’ve said.

Yawn. That’s not a very good victim card. Only 3 people posting right now, if you weren’t aware. Go find some of your FFA loot pals if you like. More discussion never hurts.

I didn’t bring up trolling. You did (and have). Repeatedly and incessantly. Like every time you post.

Your repeated allegations of trolling and clownface don’t add anything either. Do you really want me to go see how big a post chain you have mentioning trolls?

No, I asked you how you could be unhappy with personal loot drop rates since they’re the same as FFA drop rates. Well, at least the version we’re arguing about is.

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I am not lying. Will you stop claiming that maybe?

You said that they are independent. That was the premise of my statement.
You mentioned them in this thread.
This is a thread about pLoot.
You used it as an argument against pLoot (“I am happy with the current drop rates”).

That is all i said. And all of that is supported by your own posts. How can that be a lie?

It is a contradiction of your own words in between 2 posts you make directly after each other. You seem to be in complete denial.

You’re not having a discussion about loot rules, you’re just flaming me over and over. What is it called when someone replies to literally every single one of your posts with an outright lie about you? Is that not trolling? Sorry you don’t like it when I call a spade a spade. Or, especially, :clown_face: a :clown_face: .

Oh okay, so you asked me why I’m unhappy about something I never said I was unhappy about. Logical. Why are you happy that your dog died?

I agree. But i am afraid you are not talking about your own replies here.

Because the window is open. (that is your kind of argument)

I won’t make that claim the first time you make a reply that isn’t overtly lying about me. You’ve diligently responded to every one of my posts and have yet to not include a lie about me.

I did not use it as an argument against ploot. Stop lying. Stop trolling.

“I am happy with the current drop rates” is not an argument. It is not an argument against ploot. It is a statement in reply to this insult you slung at me:

Because calculating the drop chances of a Zod rune is an argument to you, and anyone who says the drop rate of Zod is appropriate the way it is " does not react to actual math." You know, :clown_face: logic.

Can you make one post without being overtly dishonest or insulting? I doubt it.