Fine, you can have Personal Loot

Yes, you are.

From Blizzard’s Forum Code of Conduct:

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase

What are you up to now, 20+ uses of clownface? In a day? I’d call that pretty darn excessive.


It’s not my problem that you’re offended. All you’re doing here is trying to start a flame war, so have fun with that.

An emoji is not a phrase. This is honestly all you’ve got? Go on and keep misusing the forum’s flag system because you disagree with me and you’re apparently real angry about it. Hit me up with some more insults out of left field while you’re at it – it won’t make :clown_face: loot happen.

That’s what you’re hiding behind? Seriously, the only reason to use that emoji THAT much is to try and piss off whoever disagrees with you. Which is what trolling is.

Remember when you said “don’t mis-align me, bro?” You’re doing it.


Please stop trying to instigate a flame war with me. I’m not interested in you or anything you have to say. You’re not interested in any honest discussion and are simply repeatedly insulting me.

Not hiding, just not going to be passively bullied by random :clown_face: insults.

How many honest discussions have you been in where one of the guys in the room puts on a clown costume 2 dozen times?


Why are you replying then?

Says the guy who is so concerned about “splitting the community”.

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Your unwillingness to stop trying to start a flame war is noted. Please feel whatever emotion it is that you’re looking to feel by this acknowledgement that I have read your most recent unprovoked insult towards me. Even though you’ve just chained four posts in this thread which are merely insulting me and do nothing to further the conversation, I appreciate your effort. If you wish to discuss :clown_face: loot and how it’s not happening, please choose a different target to hurl random insults at.

What exactly was insulting about me tallying up how often you emoji?

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Am I not allowed to respond when someone quotes / replies to me? Just because they have nothing to say other than to insult me? I should just read it and move on? Is that your unsolicited opinion, troll?

I’m not concerned about that. I just want higher population in the same games, because it seems unlikely that /p8 command will be added to bnet. As illustrated by this thread the community here is quite worthless.

Don’t worry, the insults are quoted since you forgot already.

Well, the more you want PvE competition between players, the less population you’ll have. The more you cling to the outdated tenets of 20+ years ago, the less population you’ll have.

That’s the reality, like it or not. And if the community is all like you and absolutely dismissive of other peoples’ ideas, then - you guessed it - the less population you’ll have.


Of course you are. I am just asking why you reply to people, you claim that you dont want to talk with. It is yet another contradiction. So i am curious how your reasoning for it works.

So you are arguing this change for a completely unrelated other change that you do want. Despite that it changes drop rates, splits the community and changes the original game.
Thanks for the honesty. This last point actually makes sense (for your perspective). But why not say it like … 4 days ago… would have saved us both as lot of breath.

Again you try speaking for the community, which you are not a spokesperson of. Feel free to speak for yourself though.

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Your opinion. Worthless to me, but good job managing to simply insult the entire remaster instead of insulting me directly.

emphasize mine

So you cant deal with statistics and you cant deal with conjunctive verbs.
Are you really not understanding what he is writing or are you misunderstanding on purpose?

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I don’t have to justify responding to :clown_face: randomly insulting me.

I am not arguing for any change. For the thousandth time please stop overtly lying about what I’ve said. Why not say it? Because it’s off topic. This topic is about :clown_face: loot and why it’s a terrible idea. Unlike you two trolls I make an honest effort to stay on topic.

I’m starting to wonder if you have a brain tumor or you’re merely trying to cause me to grow one. Stop lying about what I’m saying. Nowhere have I tried ‘speaking for the community’. No reasonable person could possibly make that mistake from the text you’ve quoted. Stop trolling.

Thanks for the random insult which added nothing to the conversation, but once again you completely missed the point:

Nobody is insulting you.

You literally just wrote that you argueing against change A, because you dont see it very likely to get change B.
Hence i would assume that you would like change B. A change that affects everything that has been listed in this thread (including by you) as negative effects that we should avoid when making changes.

So if you neither argue for nor against change B, why would you even bring it up? Was it just a random figment that made it into your post?

Thanks for asking, i am completely fine, god willeth.

As illustrated by this thread the community here is quite worthless.

“the community here is quite worthless”
quite a broad statement, dont you think?

Ok, scratch the conjunctive part and add reading comprehension problem.

He clearly didnt insult anybody.
You might also want to look up “tenet” in the dictionary. Not every word that you dont know is an insult.

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You have a real problem with reading comprehension

There is that reading comprehension problem again. Stop lying about what I wrote, you insufferable troll.

Good job, now explain the insane leap in logic where this is “speaking for the community”.

You’re just trolling

What is his insult then?

Let’s see:

  • claiming that people are worthless
  • stating that as a fact
  • expanding that “fact” across the community “here” (whatever that here is)

I assume that you are instead just talking about your own opinion and mainly about 2-3 people who you are chatting with here. Still “worthless” is quite harsh and most likely in conflict with the ToC. I dont mind, but maybe others do.

If you actually cared you would have already read them. Stop trolling. You’re adding nothing to the :clown_face: loot conversation.

If there actually was one, you would have quoted it.