Fine, you can have Personal Loot

We already said that the lobby system argument is not applying here. You already filter through games, mr “real player”. So obviously that is not your problem.

So you want to remove hardcore? And ladder? And low level duels? Alright. Good argument!
Kinda strange to hear you care about community after you stole so many items.

You are posting the same non-argument for several days now, which we always replied to in detail, which you seem to ignore completely. Who is the one with the fingers in his ears here?

Says you. One person on the internet.
Opposed to every modern game with a loot system.
But well, even columbus had a point when he set out to find india. And after only 3 months he discovered it. So i have high hopes for you.

This clown-face seems to be your dominant argument by now.

Where did he say anything about your alignment? He simply stated a fact.
Good players should not be infighting. You can draw your conclusions.

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The whole “Real player” argument is a “True Scotsman” logical fallacy.

Secondly in D3, it is a simple click of a button in D3 with modern battlenet to filter by public game type. Considering that you think it is important to be able to click fastest to get good loot, I think that it would also be reasonable to click once leisurely to filter game type. This assumes that the personal loot option is implemented at game creation.

If it as character creation, you would never be “tasked” with filtering anything. Given this fact, is a personal loot option at character creation acceptable to you?

Ironically, the lead D2R producer stated “Be mindful of ninja looters.” He is correct. I am not sure who the “WE” are you are referring toy; however, your arguments and their underlying logic have been subject to widespread critique from multiple individuals.

If a bunch of people criticize my argument, I take a moment of introspection to see if I am the one in error.


Wrong, :clown_face:

Don’t put words into my mouth :clown_face:

Purposefully obtuse and wrong troll, D2 items are not analogous to eggs or cakes. Their value is wildly variable. I’m done rehashing this for you to still fail to understand.

Pure and transparent trolling from this :clown_face:

Thankfully this horrible idea to divide the player base and add the chore of avoiding noob settings will never happen.

No, This is what YOU are asking for through your :clown_face: system. Troll. I want the opposite.

No, I meant “laughable” because that’s what it is. More transparent trolling from this :clown_face: user. IRONIC how the CHANGES you are advocating in a REMASTER are LESS FAIR.

Ninja looting doesn’t exist in the context of Diablo II. “WE” are all against you, ask daddy Blizzard to please reserve an item.

“We” are wrong then, because adding more :clown_face: options inherently means more garbage to filter through.

Can trolling be more transparent than this? Nowhere have I advocated such changes, YOU are the ones advocating for poor :clown_face: carebear changes.

Wrong, you’re just a troll on repeat: “MORE FAIR MORE EQUITY ITEMS ARE EGGS 6 IS EVENLY DIVISIBLE BY 8”.

Yeah, why am I not surprised the only parts of my messages you can actually read or comprehend are the illustrated ones :clown_face:

Where did he say anything about your alignment?Good players should not be infighting. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

If the personal loot option was selected at character creation, there would be nothing for you to sort through when looking for games. Given this fact, is there any other argument that you have that would exist against adding a “clown option”?

Some hardcore players consider softcore as a carebear option. Should D2R get rid of softcore so character death has more meaning?

You missed the fact that he said x runs. He and I have both said that FFA and instanced loot is identical in that for boss drops in an 8 player game, at least 2 players get no drops.

He even went through the mathematical calculation to show the odds of x runs not getting anything for a specific player earlier in this thread. It is simple math.

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Stop lying. Boss drop capped at 6 items, player count capped at 8. 2 Players get 0 items. Troll.

That doesn’t translate to “In your world nobody is deserving anyway.”. Engage brain, halt trolling.

Stop trying to make it even more simple because you already clearly don’t understand. Baal isn’t dropping 8 windforces. Even if he did (impossible), windforce mana leech varies, meaning they are not the same value. You fundamentally don’t understand, or are trolling. It’s incredibly simple to understand so I assume you’re trolling.

The :clown_face: isn’t the argument, merely the only section of the message you comprehended. I’m done responding to you, you’re an obvious troll and transparently dishonest, outright lying about the things I’ve said.

That’s even worse, you’re then permanently dividing the player base by offering noobs the option to accidentally ruin their character upon creation.

Regarding PvM they are correct, however, PvP exists - NO. I’ve never once brought up Hardcore/Softcore , you are merely trying to deflect with this flawed argument and false equivalence.

I played D2:LoD thousands of hours. Picking a personal loot option does not ruin their character at creation.

I am not saying that they are equivalent. I am simply showing that your perception of “care bear” is not someone else’s. Some players do consider softcore care bear mode relative to hardcore where death is permanent.

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I never said anything about that. Stop lying, you troll.

You are posting to plead for CHANGES that will make this 20 year REMASTER into a JOKE. This is my favorite game, so I am posting in opposition to your :clown_face: ideas, which makes you angry so you are incessantly replying with lies about what I have said.

They can’t be split evenly, so your :clown_face: system is less fair. Completely missed the entire argument again I see.

There the troll goes again, outright lying about what I’ve said! BIG SURPRISE!

Clearly illustrating you still can’t read the arguments and only see :clown_face: pictures.

blash, talking to you is worse than talking to a brick wall. I’ll just not respond to you any more. Since you’re such a kind and equitable person I’ll expect you to stop quoting and replying to me with your pure and utter nonsense. Bye.

Adding a personal loot option that you can choose to select or not does not change D2R into a “JOKE” in my mind. It would make the game more emjoyable for a significant fraction of the playerbase.

You do know that Blizzard explicitly asked the playerbase if they wanted personal loot at D2R launch?

I do not think that they will do it; however, they did ask which is interesting to me as why ask if Blizzard had no intention whatsoever to consider personal loot in D2R.

Moreover in a distinct non-Blizzard survey, we know that more players prefer personal loot options than keeping FFA only if the survey with >4,000 respondents of self-reported D2 players is representative of the D2R playerbase more broadly. Although you are passionate in your view, it is clear that this viewpoint may not be as widely shared as you may think.


I didn’t. You forgot that RNG is RNG, no matter how much you want to idealize mathematics there are still players getting 0 drops because (int)(6/8) = 0. You’re supposed to be fighting for casuals right? That X for casuals is a lot lower. Uh oh.

Random internet survey is exploitable and meaningless. Many passionate players, myself included, were not a part of this survey. Anyone with technical skill can submit an infinite number of responses to that survey. Even if this survey reached every D2 player and they submitted only one response, the resulting changes could still lead to an inferior product. It’s easy to think ploot is “fair and equitable” without following the implementation through to conclusion which is inevitably an inferior game no matter how clever the implementation was. This is a remaster, please stay true to the original. We’ve waited 20 years for this, and these reddit posters will probably stop playing in under a week.

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I do not follow. According to you what is the mathematical formula for determining the probability that a player will not have any success with n trials where the odds are 1/8 success & 7/8 fail?

If you are concerned about RNG in instanced loot, loot can be allocated in an ordered fashion. Therefore, if the same group plays /stays together for 2 games, then all with get the same number of item drops +/- 1. There will be no binomial variance in this case.

I agree that there is sampling bias in all internet surveys; however, surveys by definition are a sample and do not query everyone. You did not need to be surveyed as long as the survey respondents are representative of the larger population that is being modeled.

In terms of stuffing the ballot box, do you know what you need to do to submit a response? You can clearly look at the results and their variability per question to see that the ballot box was not stuffed. Also, they published 86 pages of survey comments. Do you honestly think that someone rigged the survey results by submitting thousands upon thousands of survey responses and had the time to make so many unique comments to get to 86 pages?


0 Arguments. Just name-calling. Very convincing.

So before you said, we are wrong, because you are the majority.
Now we tell you, that maybe we are the majority.
First you say it is fraud.
Then we say it is unlikely for several reasons.
Then you say the majority is wrong anyway.
You just make your facts up as you go, right?

My mistake.

Nope. I am asserting that you did not understand my math and your equation has absolutely nothing to do with anything that we are talking about here.
Talking about statistics on the base of n=1 is absolute nonsense. And i hope deep down you are actually aware of that.

So you want pLoot to be mandatory? I didnt know that.
We would rather keep it as an option to not offend people who prefer the old system.

And why would you say that? You think playing diablo is the only way of having an opinion?
Diablo is essentially a slot machine. There are thousands different systems that work on exactly the same concept: Try multiple times, get a chance for something “valuable”.
That is the essential drive that brings you to repeating the same task over and over again. And since you decided not to look at anything else that happened in the last 20 years, you might actually be a little bit left behind on what is out there.

I dont need to lie to point out the gaping holes in your logic. Sometimes you even do it for me.

When somebody is proposing something, it is usually their opinion. That’s how opinions work.
You propose that it is far worse. that is your opinion.
I registered and proved that opinion wrong by numerous examples. (actually multiple people, including yourself did). Hence your opinion might still be yours, but is less convincing.

I did several examples up there. I think you stopped at the eggs and zod-runes part. It was too hard apparently.
There are a few more things up there. Like calculating (simplified) the chance of 30 runs in a row without pLoot. If you have questions, just ask.

I just summarized what you said. You literally said:
“i can take everything, its mine, if i click faster.”
“everybody who doesnt click it, is a noob.”
you also rarely show understanding of what other people are writing. In the best case, you find some ultra-constructed edge-case where both systems fail.
In the worst case you just insult people.

I did not intend to insult you in any way.
If i did, i apologize, it must be due to the frustrating nature of communicating on seemingly different levels of understanding.

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The arguments are above, you should know because you’ve misquoted and misrepresented all of them. You’re a troll through and through.

More lies from a troll, I never said this. Stop lying, stop trolling.

I said random internet polls are meaningless, not that it was fraud. Stop lying. Stop trolling.

I said that the majority of people CAN be wrong. In this case, they are IF the majority wants instanced loot. You lack nuance, but have an abundance of lies and misrepresentations.

More insults from the lying hypocrite

RICH AF! (int)(6/8)=0 has nothing to do with 6 whole items attempting to be split between 8 people eh? Yet I’m the one who doesn’t understand the math. Kindly stop lying about me and insulting me you troll.

Are you aware that trolling is against the code of conduct here? Is there any way not to interpret this as trolling?

There is some interesting work/articles on why facts do not change people’s opinions. They make an interesting read and have relevance.

Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds | The New Yorker

Why People Ignore Facts | Psychology Today


Congratulations, all lies. Nothing I’ve said. Shocking. Nice trolling, great work.

Oh good keep going with the lies. I never claimed to speak for all players. Keep going, I love this villain you’ve built up in your delusions.

Another lie. Just arguing with a phantom from your diseased brain.

prove it.

This is the response the “math an logic” guy gives? Disappointing.

It does not.

Who is speaking for all players now?

Oh look, another lie. I didn’t claim not to hold the arguments, I claimed not to have put them forth. Those aren’t the arguments I gave you, but you have no problem just pretending that they are.

You missed literally everything. You’re just a completely transparent troll trying to bait a response to get me moderated. You completely ignore all of my arguments and simply make up some nonsense to pretend I’ve said. I would be surprised if you authored even a single reply to me which doesn’t feature an insult or a lie.

Ok. What did i miss?

Remember, you just claimed not to hold the quoted arguments. So you cannot repeat them now.

Other Arguments i did not list:

  • Player base would be split by allowing to chose one of two loot options

Alright. Point taken.
Since you are not holding any of the arguments i mentioned then, what is your argument?

It is common knowledge.
The game is designed to be repeated 3 times per character just from the normal progression.
The exp system forces you to grind certain areas.
Fighting Bosses is extremely motivating despite being repetitive (like a slot machine).
Claiming that players are killing a boss only once is actually, what you claim me doing: a flat out Lie.

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I don’t believe you. You sound like the kind of guy who makes cicadas jealous whenever something dies on your screen.

Not really, since non-contributing members have a much better chance of clicking before I can. You know, since I’m busy playing the game.

That rather depends on other factors, like if there’s a range limit to loot assignment.

snort At this point we could probably put a picture of you under the word “pompous,” so… that’s some irony.

The point isn’t whether or not people are breaking agreements. The point is there’s nothing to stop anyone from doing it. And while I’d like to believe the Internet is full of decent people, decades of gaming have taught me otherwise. Heck, a lot of people act worse while gaming and posting on the 'net. I’d be willing to bet you’re an example of this yourself given how offensive you are.

Complete nonsense. PoE has personal loot; trading isn’t dead there.

The reason most RPGs don’t have thriving trade is that they don’t have the playerbase to sustain an economy. Or, like in Destiny, they really don’t want you to be buying your Exotics from other people.

Translation: “WAAAAAAH I can’t try and get 100% of the loot in a game now”

That doesn’t make much sense. If you believe the two systems are functionally equal then you should have no preference for one. Yet you do, so… obviously that isn’t the case.

Chaotic evil, by the looks of it.

Not if you only need to filter it once, or at character creation.

Actually, it does, since your only named criterion has been “who clicked fastest.”

Sounds like you should be on the PoE forums screaming about how easy it is to ruin a character unless you plan your build beforehand.

The chance is even. 1/8 is always 1/8, and nothing can influence it. Under FFA, things like lag and bot scripts and distance from the monster can all influence whether you have a shot at item drops.

You do realize that your 50 uses of clownface could very reasonably be considered trolling, don’t you?


There is nothing wrong with having OPTIONS.

■ Option for loot filters
■ Option for instanced loot in group games


Yeah, I’m the offensive one.

Actually read what I was replying to if you want it to make sense.

I don’t play PoE so keep your irrelevant and random insults to yourself, thanks.

You can’t split 6 items 8 ways. Bots and scripts are not an argument, ban cheaters. Everyone has a chance at drops, unless :clown_face: loot is implemented, lucky for all of us it won’t be!

Not by anyone who knows the definition of trolling.