FFA loot killed d2 and the game creator wishes everyone got loot FYI

i left because i literally did everything there was to do in the game. Years later, ive forgotten a lot and now that there’s this, i’m wanting to play a little bit again.

The way loot is, is the way the game is supposed to be played. The game is unforgiving. The game doesn’t and shouldn’t cater to you.


@dev make sure you get this one checked off please. Current technology now supports instanced loot and we wish you implement this feature as you had in Diablo 3. It’s abso-loot-ly imperative that you do.

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Don’t forget another reason so many people are against personal loot is due to the RMT site and that precious forum gold! The YouTube guy and several other have mentioned said site!!! They have major stakes to lose and it’s why they get so angry it’s about $$$$$$$$$$ to them!

I don’t want this game to die like it did all those years ago! It may require two servers which is fine but don’t mistake or don’t let purist get to you! anti social game play and leeching is a lie when a few classes can only beat hell naked / no gear so it’s carrying when the balance is so broken hahahahaha

I click faster then you YouTube click god but my dad can again beat your dad get on my clicking level rofl

The past will repeat if we don’t get personal loot ffa loot killed d2


Personal loot removes a key component of social interaction of the game. Whether FFA loot’s interaction is ‘social’ or ‘antisocial’ - it still has a social component to it. Its better than there being essentially none. Social interaction is what helps make games great - you want more of it not less. Its why WoW’s dungeon finder is somewhat controversial - you don’t have to go and meet people to group up you just get grouped up with randoms and rarely form the bonds that people want when they play and otherwise would be looking to create when manually creating a group themselves.

If you want this form of gameplay - you have it. Its called singleplayer! or even a private game.


Your saying it removes social interaction but then say go into a private game? Wouldn’t people be more prone to group and do Baal runs ??? I mean you literally just lied to your self about what you said! It removes what !??? Was that a sad joke??? If anything more people will do public games!!! more people will play with each other!

It’s kinda lame being in discord with your friends and your all I. Private games so you maximize farming instead of playing together thst is anti social that causes people to not play with each other and breeds toxicity

The leech thing is a lie due to only a few classes being able to clear hell at the start! Saying your carrying because class balance is broken?! Grats your naked sorc is king!!

Literally ppl playing together vs solo private games


They’re not mutually exclusive and no i am not a liar for realizing that. You can have an incredibly shallow experience with personal loot where you never have to ‘compete’ or otherwise do anything with other players beyond accept the party invite and enter the TP to the throne of destruction. You don’t have to worry about picking anything up because its all there for you. All you have to worry about is 1) not dying by actually going near anything 2) picking up anything you want before the next game fills. You don’t have to have any other interaction with other players from there since all loot is personal. Nobody knows what you found and you don’t have to tell them. Nothing prompts them to ask about what you found or otherwise.

That system is a more shallow experience than where players may have to actually do something more than just wait for the loot to fall.

Also hilarious you think the leech thing is somehow a lie when plenty of people leech as it is while undegeared. The game can be beaten by naked characters if necessary. Personal loot just ensures the leechers will get something for tagging a mob. Sorry that you want to impose a solo player experience’s consquences on a public experience which is the rest of the game.


In FFA, you can get loot without even being in any danger.

You’re not going to be getting godly drops for the most part without being at some risk.

Nobody really cares that you managed to grab the 4th thul rune that dropped.

If the leecher/ninja looter/pickit user is present in the boss room, these can get gear (often more than random chance alone) since they do not need to worry about doing damage than what personal loot will yield.

Balancing around hacks is a great way to go into an endless regression as to what to remove. No, the leecher isn’t going near Lister in hell hardcore naked.


Well, that statement right there pretty much sums up that “1.10 ruined the core” by making builds and items pretty homogeneous. The moment that the game went away from rares being mostly BiS and shifted to uniques and runewords is pretty opposite of that quote. What that quote doesn’t say however, is anything related to personal loot vs FFA.

Wow, you guys are stooping to new lows in your effort to… tell us shared loot is “better”. Now I’m just seeing constant misinformation being spread as well as opinions being stated as facts. Another thread calling D2 a “failure”. It’s hard to be civil when you guys are becoming poison to these forums. And for the record I’m OK with changes but you guys act like your opinions are gospel.


Why dont you just play diablo 3 its clear you dont like diablo 2 .

Also for all the free for all looters you already have what you want its called diablo 3 .

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No one complained about FFA until there was some game that implemented personal loot :). So this really translates in FFA != killed d2.

Secret Cow Level = 1000’s pieces of loot.

Chaos Sanctuary Runs = ~200 pieces of loot to include 3-6 Rare item drops btwn six (6) Elite mobs and Diablo himself (Diablo drops anywhere from 1-3 Rare items)

Baal Runs = ~500 pieces of loot

Tomb Runs = ~700 pieces of loot in total of 6 Tombs

Y’all should take a look at WoW right now if you really think there’s no loot in Diablo 2. Can’t believe this is STILL a discussion on how ppl can’t seem to get loot weather it’s vanilla D2 LoD or PD2. Y’all funny at this point. PLAY THE GAME. Public games are NOT meant for “all the things” loot seekers. Make your own group with “private games” if you want ALL the loot, “THAT’S” your personal loot. These “new” or returning players to D2 who’ve barely invested a months worth of D2 in 2000 (bet some of you here weren’t even born then) and heard about D2R want these changes because it’s the “norm” in today’s modern gaming. Sorry, but D2 LoD “IS” a finished game with the modern vision to “remaster” it solely based upon the purpose of upgrading visual graphics/effects and updated QOL that has been warranted since 2000, this does NOT include personal loot. There never was a problem then for 21 years with “shared loot”. Now, all of sudden, it’s a issue. Gee, that sounds very familiar with a lot of things going on right now IRL society. If it don’t fit the needs of someone there NEEDS to be change just for reasons because the next guy thinks “Well, this is changing, why not this too or that, or that”. Not because it’s broke, someone doesn’t like the old ways (hence why D2 was shared loot in the first place and has been for 21 years now) and make it more conducive to appease everyone else. Sorry, but If you play the game for a solid day and get mad because someone “clicks faster” or has more experience than you getting loot on a boss drop, then maybe public servers isn’t the best option for you if you’re afraid of not getting loot. There’s no telling what pieces of loot you’re going to get or how much will drop from that boss, the absurd amount of loot in the D2 loot table files is astronomical. That’s what makes D2 challenging, the hunt for loot. Have you ever been totally shocked about getting a piece of loot that was a rare drop for you that you’ve grinded for and you finally got it weather it was on single player or public servers? How did that make you feel? Accomplished? Did you kick and scream because it wasn’t personal loot but you’ve managed to grab it? Heck, 21 years later and I’m still getting messages from people in game how I’m garbage for taking loot. Sorry, either click faster, make your own game or play single player, my experience with looting isn’t a “me” problem. Some people are just better at games. You think you’re going to come into a game where there’s years of experienced veterans and think you’re going to win over them with kicking and screaming how it’s not fair on “public servers”? Let’s be real, the main reason ppl want personal loot is because these “new” players to D2 are going to get a hardcore lesson about looting in public servers when the D2R servers go live “if” it’s going to remain shared loot. I’m willing to bet a lot of D2 Veterans are going to play D2R and with that the experience will be a nostalgia walk in the park for us.

With you guys in favor of personal loot, you’re going to ruin a beloved game that hasn’t had a issue with shared loot for 21 years. D3 is one click away with all your personal loot desires. Go nuts there, it rains personal loot along with Legendries.

People that asks for personal loot doesnt play the game, or cant understand how it works when we speak about public runs.

In the case of full drops for every player, there will be lots of people trying to just leech. I’m tired of starting chaos runs in both legit d2 and pd2 and finding myself surrounded of players that cant play, they just leech. I wont party people who just want to get gear from my effort, so there wont be games for you.

In the case of personal drops in a random distribution in wich every player gets a share of them, i wont make a single public run, would be just pointless, i will better do private games for just myself that will be easier/faster and get the same drops.

Where I say “I” i mean any actual d2 player.

By the way, it is false that shared loot was ever an issue for d2 players and that lead to loss of playerbase, it is just a plain lie.

No, because personal loot=less guaranteed loot for every individual.

How is this argument for ploot? If you will be with friends together with ploot. Total number of items which will drop will be same as without it.

there’s always diablo 3

Both of those ideas are drastic changes to how the game would play. I join an 8 player game with my full MF sorc, looking to boost a few low level players and drop them some loot.
Lets go with some nice round numbers. I have 400 MF, they each have say 40 MF. Going by the first idea, they all GAIN 45 MF because I joined the game and I lose 315 MF because I decided to try and help out some low level characters.
Now yes they may get some slightly better drops but if it were FFA and not ploot they would have had a chance of much better stuff. - overall result worse loot drops. This is going to be across the board for any multiplayer games. No one would bother joining with they high MF characters because averaging it out there is a good chance you lose MF without any gain in power, which is generally the offset - More MF slightly weaker, more power slightly less MF.

So lets go with the other option, people personal MF, again you’re reducing your chance of getting drops. You no longer benefit from someone with high MF killing, so unless you are running an MF build you’re going to get less loot.