FFA loot killed d2 and the game creator wishes everyone got loot FYI

I support separate communities.


People should be pushing for that instead of demanding only changes, or only no changes.

Logistically it’s not a huge challenge for them to implement that. And it’s a simple solution to the fighting.

The hardcore D2 fanatics can have their sandbox to the left, the rest of us can have our sandbox to the right. Everyone’s happy. Maybe some people will dip their toes into the other sandbox from time to time and learn to like it too.

'course if it turns out they’re only willing to do either changes or no changes, I’ll die on my hill pushing for changes. But why pick? That’s such a stupid risk. Just do both.


They don’t need two servers, they can just make it an option when you create the game. Then when you join a game you can filter by loot preference. That’s how it works in WoW dungeons essentially. The party leader can select how the loot is distributed.


Games I’ve played and enjoyed with FFA mechanics :

Ultima Online, Redstone, Diablo 2, Wasteland Zombie Survival.

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The typical argument against this is “but muh economy!”. Of course, the math does not support this at all. The economy would actually be completely unaffected, and this is extremely simple to demonstrate.

D2: 8 people in 8 separate solo games each doing 1 solo run in 15 minutes.
LOOT: 8 people get 1 drop each every 15 minutes.
D2 w/ personal loot: 8 people in 1 game doing 1 solo run together in 15 minutes.
LOOT: 8 people get 1 drop each every 15 minutes.

Same amount of loot.

The bonus MF you get from being in a party of 8 is not significant and is counterbalanced by the increase in difficulty.

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The increase in players just affects nodrop rates. The MF is based on who had the killing blow.


Then with personal loot you make it either an average of everyone’s MF, or you just use people’s individual MF. No big deal. Either way the impact on the drops and the economy is extraordinarily minuscule.

D2 drop rates are so bad that even a permanent 500% MF bonus to all characters would not appreciably improve the rate at which you find good items, and runes don’t care about MF at all if I remember correctly.

We should be taking about

End game
Class balance

Oh class balance you know only a few can beat hell mode with out gear??!!?

Charm tab

Gems and runes stacking

A proper trade site

The mass exit of players = ffa loot
Bring mass players back = everyone gets loot / shiny graphics

Listen sel your forum gold on the RMT site before it’s to late !!! Get all your toxic and anti fun solo game play on because it’s going to end

This game is dead Because of ffa loot it’s true then it’s true now!

We can not allow the 40-60k players world wide to control the future of this game they killed it back then it was sad and it still sad the same people who killed the game years ago are going to keep it dead great job enjoy your graphics and being the laughing stock of YouTube and the internet for about a week!

Your all responsible for D3 your the reason d3 happened sitting playing by your self was more fun then playing with others!!!

Shame on all of you! We need to be moving forward no backward

Ppl will mass return this game due to our dates features and the overall toxic game play that is ffa

Wow you can click faster and play broken classes due to broken class balance!

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I think the that shared loot is one of the things makeing diablo unique amongst games made today. Mostly because it created both negative and positive emotions and even funny moments. There was that intense feeling to pick up item as first. I cant explain it well but i feel its just the right way and it should stay.

FFA loot create unique situations. Personal loot is kind of boring :slight_smile: also anyone who doesnt want to share can create own private games.


Loot dispersing did not kill D2. It was game of the year it came out and is a all time classic. Stop being so simple minded and wanting to change history for YOUR personal gain. Pathetic post.


Wow, this seems to be about as true as the tooth fairy. Could make for a decent fiction story though.


One of those things that killed Diablo 2 was the spam bots. Freaking anoyingspam bots that spammed your entire half screen 1-3sec you joined the game. Ahhhh


They got so bad at one point the entire screen would be eternally filled with texts!

You had to speed mute everything that entered…
Even if it was a legit other player you couldn’t risk it lol


In a lot of comments and threads you created, your comments are really mostly identical without proper arguments more included.

For me it feels like you wanna force these changes, like you beggin for something.

Keep calm and formulize it with more arguments.

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Single player has always been there for personal loot.


And could be there for Ffa loot too :+1:

Not a great response is it?


The system should stay the same imo but won’t. You should play D3 if you want it watered down to where you barely have to pay attention (mindlessly farm until shiny light drops on ground or no loot pickup at all until the end of the run). This argument that FFA loot ruined the game is totally invalid. Sure, some players left because they didn’t like it, but to say it killed the game when there were so many other issues going on back then is absurd. I do understand why people want PLoot now more than ever though, it’s much easier to drone out. Unfortunately, with the mindset of most casual gamers these days (wanting to just drone out and not having to pay much attention) which imo will be magnified by the addition of consoles, there will no doubt be a setting for both. I just think they should tweak the drop chance to make it higher if FFA is selected (or lower if Ploot). This would still give pre-organized groups an advantage as the original game intended. Anytime they choose to change the games mechanics there should be some small penalty imposed for choosing those settings over the original. Just my opinions people!

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the game doesnt need personal loot what so ever dont fix what isnt broken all people want personal loot for is because they are scared of getting no loot leave the game as it is

people crying for personal loot clearly never played original d2


“FFA loot killed D2 and the game creators whishes everyone got loot”.

This could not be further from the truth.

David Brevik explains in an interview with Devcom Digital Conference 2020 on the making of Diablo 2 [David Brevik: "A Devil Makes History - Classic Post Mortem on Diablo 2" | devcom digital - YouTube]

At 29:27 “Keeping the core Diablo”

He says, “One of the things that is really paramount to the way how Diablo works is keeping that core of what it is. And that is the random generation that comes back from its roots as a rouge-like game. Retaining the randomly generated levels, the monsters, the treasure, and everything like that. Not just because it allows for replay potential. I mean that, being able to play the game over and over again wasn’t really, kinda, it is part of the core. But what is beyond that core is making each player’s game their own. And by that I mean nobody in the world would have the exact same experience you had. They would not have the same items. They would not have the same build as you… the same way that you went through the game.”


Please. FFA loot didn’t kill D2. Nothing “killed” D2. Certainly not any one of it’s own game mechanics. Do you remember how easy it was to walk into a store and buy the Diablo 2 battle chest years after it’s original release? Blizzard kept it in print and on store shelves. Heck you can still find new copies of D2 Battle chest on Amazon. That’s not what you typically see from a “Dead” game.

Like WCIII people have continued to play Diablo 2 for years. It was Blizzard’s own Remake/remaster of WCIII that did far more damage to WCIII than anything WCIII had.

People move on to other games naturally as time goes on. To try to say that FFA loot killed D2 is rather silly.