FFA is CORE to D2

No one should be changing PUBLIC GAMES.

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The way you have it set up now ploot will have a huge advantage over ffa.

Because you are bad and want hand outs. You want this game to have a shelf life of 2 weeks.

Still mad someone grabbed that is rune before you.

Public games have already been changed.

28 Changes In D2:R So Far [More Coming Post-Launch] - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)

Nope. If no option is given, I will continue to play primarily solo where I kill everything myself.

Letā€™s consider the average player playing only in non-cheater multiplayer games. In a FFA 8 player game, that player would expect to get about 1/8 of the good drops (assuming average ping and no bias in ranged versus melee and all had similar thoughts on breaking immersion). In a personal loot game, that player would also get 1/8 of good drops. The frequency of collecting good drops does not change.

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You completely missed the point on purpose.

Mental gymnastics is all you know, since you want to dodge the real issue and say that public games is the only place that matters for your precious personal loot.

Your tiring. Thinking your correct and forcing your ideas on the masses only deters from your crusade. Thousands have told you to stop. When will you get the memo?

Right - all else being equal.

The thing is that ā€œfast foodā€ in North America has really taken a dumpster dive. In NYC - I can pay a small fortune for a box of 4 Cinnabons to be delivered. They donā€™t even prove the buns right, some layers miss cinnamon, and the cream cheese frosting often tastes diluted/starchy. Local Burger Kings? Cold Whoppers. McDs just sloppy assembly everywhere.

Popeyes is one of the chains that manages quality control to a pretty decent extent here. It is telling what these chains are capable of if you go outside of the USA say, to the Middle East, where the local franchise owners take the product extremely seriously. I had the best KFC of the past 30 years in Ankara a few years ago, shocked by how good it was.

It reminded me of fast food chains in North America in the late 80s early 90s - caring about each product they produce to try to ensure repeat business.

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Yes why would it matter if you ordered a sandwich and someone gave you the materials haphazardly in a box so you had to scrounge it together to consume it. What a great way to get repeat customers.

Perhaps you are thinking of a new chain restaurant idea, I can tell you this. It sucks.

Why would it matter?
In your stomach it will be the same.

No they havenā€™t.

Thousands have said they dont want Ploot. More have said they do, however.

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I wonder if he knows that the entire diablo forums (D3/D2/D2R) have only ~3105 members total including Blizzard staff that are trust level 2.


i see where still living in lala land here itā€™s FFA or play something elseā€¦based all these lala land changes being asked candycrush saga would sound suitable

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It wonā€™t be any different. If one part of the community can try to force options to make grouping in public games easier (in their minds), other parts of the community can band together and give them the ā€œtreatmentā€.

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How do you force options in groups? By definition, you select an option from at least 2 choices. No one is forced to pick option A or B. They choose option A or B.

And every person who desired ploot option quaked in thy booties.


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The 18-23 woke crowd can expect free hand outs. But this was made for the generation that faces problems and adversity head on.

If you didnā€™t get the FFA loot that game. Its okā€¦ there are more games to join!

Iā€™m probably older than you and have played since launch. Iā€™m in favor of optional ploot, item filters and continued development with balance changes. Iā€™m also very far from the woke crowd. Probably much further than you.

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i donā€™t think there is a big enough player base of centenarians to make a game targeting them

So the free hand out crowd uses mom and dads money.

The crowd that played this when we were 10 now make 6 figures. I should be the target. Iā€™ll spend money on an honest remake and D4 if this doesnā€™t fail and anything associated with D2R.

Iā€™m the whale in wow race changing and faction changing every week. Money is insignificant for me and others my age. The true target

they donā€™t care who they are getting money from for the remake just that they are getting money. They are not aiming for whales in a game without micro transactions that would be pointless they just want to sell as many copies as possible.

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When you were 10?
This is so silly. Every single day.

I guess you might indeed be the target for D4 then. Or more likely D:I.
Hopefully not D2R.

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Exactly, in World of Warcraft their new quarterly earnings report stated that they got most of their money (by a huge amount) due to their whales from their cash shop and not their active subscription numbers from their ā€œpuristsā€.