FFA is CORE to D2

Do young people like you not read posts? I am probably older than you and much further away from being “woke” than you. You are inventing this idea that they are the only people wanting such improvements. I want most of these improvements.

Continuing to make up lies about your opponents is not helping your cause at all.

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This was one of the main reasons why I already put him on ignore.

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They only get information through Youtube :stuck_out_tongue:

If he was 10 when he started playing D2/D2:LoD, I am definitely older. I am the pong/atari generation and already graduated college when the original diablo was released.


Pretty sure a substantial majority of D2 players are older than that.

Which doesn’t really matter, since the age thing is pointless. Just funny its the youngsters throwing the age card :upside_down_face:

Well they should stop getting information off of YouTube and start listening to what is being typed to them. Whoop lol

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Geeeeeezer! Booomer!
Bahaha you old fart!
Always nice to know who the older then I people are

I’m not far off

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It seems to me the older people are much more in favor of further development. I could be wrong, of course, but whenever age is brought up it seems to play out. Also the posts in favor of various QoL improvements are in general much more well thought out and lack logical fallacy after logical fallacy.

I believe the so-called “purists” are just people that played the game for a little bit when they were really young, and want the nostalgia factor. They don’t realize that the actual D2 core community moved on from 1.14d long ago and are mainly playing heavily modded private servers now.

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I think that is why I have perspective.

For example, most people in their musical preference gravitate to the time period of their teenage/young adult years. It is a case of nostalgia. I bet there would also be some interesting age demographics among the anti-ploot crowd. The age distribution clearly overlaps between pro/anti crowd but I bet their is a difference in median age.

When I was young walking uphill to school both ways in the snow, video games were fun and you grabbed your buddies to play with you. With internet gaming, your gaming partners dramatically increased but then some took pleasure from internet griefing and ganking. This would not happen in real life if you were playing face to face with a colleague.

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Can you not do math. I stuggle to even believe your not a bot. A horrible bot

I can indeed.
Doesn’t seem relevant as a response to anything I wrote however :slight_smile:

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I don’t care what anyone says 90’s music was amazing.

I literally actually had to do this because my house was at the bottom of a very large hill and the school was on the other side of it kind of in a huge pit like area

Can’t agree with this, I was extremely and still am competitive, I played everything growing up.
The majority even if we were best friends still acted like this to each other face to face and honestly to me it makes everything more exciting….
But that might have just been how we were all raised around here

Btw I was just joking about the name calling incase you didn’t notice :+1:

Pew pew pew. Can’t wait for ladder and my loot!

But microna said POE has exactly the loot system you 4 need.

Maybe you guys can be friends ?

I said that Bliizard could use PoE as a potential model for having multiple loot systems that co-exist in the same game. (FFA, timed loot, and instanced loot).

What about the competitive nature of ladder? Ploot would dimish that.

I cant believe I’m saying this but ploot on non ladder. I care less about.

Ploot on ladder should never happen.

Personal loot makes it harder to gear up. In FFA, you can target build-specific and class-specific items with clicking. In personal loot, you get what you get.

Llama’s survey (thousands of respondents) showed a very significant amount of 30+. I am 40+.

It was great playing Diablo right when it came out, and enjoying D2 at release. I can’t wait to play D2R since I took such a long break from D2.

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Ffa works that way too. I get 1/20th the drops because I’m old and slow. But i don’t complain its hard for a reason.

Just like in cod I get blasted 3 mins into battle royal.

It would be nice if there was something worth reading in this thread, unfortunately, it’s just a bunch of people insulting each other and trying to yell (over the internet) at each other to see which one will stop talking first.

I’m fairly certain just about all posts on this forum are littered with trolls.

Also, Stravos, bro, we need to get you into an ESL class. You’re just not understanding what is being said and instead are regurgitating your repackaged lie over and over again. It’s pretty cringe dude.


You can thank me later.

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Hahaha. If only you knew how much more successful I am than you.

I don’t care what you have to say. Sorry I don’t speak to nobodies.