Hey all! Thank you for your reports! This problem was caused by a server issue with one of our South America servers. Our team has patched this up and this should have resolved those in South America experiencing the issue.
If you continue to experience issues please let us know!
As for those on SEA or Oceanic connections experiencing this issue, It may be related to some of the cable issues mentioned earlier. Just a few questions for those experiencing the issue.
- What region?
- Does this happen on a different character?
- Does this happen on an alternative connection or VPN?
- Gather a WinMTR file until the problem occurs for 10 to 15 minutes. Copy and paste the text file created and paste it between two ~~~ like so:
If you have issues pasting here, use Pastebin and post the end of the link. (ie. 123456 for~~~ WinMTR Here ~~~
Thanks again for your reports and any details provided