Embrace Your Inner Goblin!

please add for non season also. non seasonal players also like fun, why leave us out?


Because they think non season is just second fiddle to gimmicky season buffs.


so is just that?no non season?rekt!


Well, then I’m one of those, I guess… thing is, they own a restaurant with two dining rooms and only offer that free dinner in one room while people in the other room would also like to feast. Instead they look at empty plates. Sounds fun, right?

Personally, I already finished my seasonal play a couple of days ago, deleted my characters and salvaged everything to go back to NS - right after that they add the buff.

“Okay, so what?” was what I thought… double goblin buff was always active non season as well, at least whenever we had it in the past. So, at that point I still was happy, only to log in and see that this time it isn’t, for whatever reason.

So, what should I be happy about now?

Now those telling me to go back to season… nope, won’t. The theme is boring, I would have to start from scratch (more or less if you exclude the already extracted cube powers and some mats) … that’s just not fun at all, at least for me.

But don’t misunderstand. It’s good that they do something, at least. All I’m saying is that I fail to understand why this buff is limited to the season this time, when it never was like that in the past. For me this is frustrating. But you lot go ahead and enjoy seasons as much as you like. I sure am not.

But maybe they reconsider and enable it globally. Wouldn’t harm and we all could enjoy this.


Thnx for that, only the sound makes you get crazy, is there a field of gobs, or just a pair…
In Bounties, there is a bug. I see small Bosses sometimes also come double…
For my feeling the gold reward seems to get less in Bounties, about 50% when fully dressed to receive massive gold (Avarice with max Boon Hoarder, Goldskin and Squirts Necklace).

Double goblin? what is the point if the item drop major are useless…


I’m not too wrapped with this idea. I commonly run into whole nests of goblins in rifts. It’s pretty cool when you have a screen full of loot.
Does this mean when I normally get 10 goblins, I’ll get 20???

I’m not sure, but if you start your season back up, won’t you still have paragon???..!!!
Double menagerist… Does that mean i’ll get the same pet twice???..……!!!

All these questions and more will be answered…………

When the restaurant owner allows you to sit in whichever dining room you choose, if you choose the one without free meals is that the owner’s fault?

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Yes, because they didn’t tell about free meals before I ordered, or rather they changed the offer on the menu later (too late for me).

But enough of this. It’s pointless.


Sadly whole world, including Blizzard, knows that seasons die pretty fast and are almost depleted of players after 1 month or so, tops. So, maybe instead of putting a bandade on the deep wound maybe you try something more profound? Like more character builds, or re-introducing auction house, and so on? Each season, every player in a specific class plays the same damn build and after around GRift Lvl 100 people get bored. So basically your game has only 7 builds each season. You did NOTHING to change that for years. But hey, throw a couple of more goblins our way, why wouldn’t you?


In the history of bad suggestions, this one’s a contender for Olympic gold.


Auction house…Yes!!!
I have about 5 collector’s edition dog tabs and the same with angel wings…They have already been applied to the account, but I was getting a tab for every char. I still have all of them in my stash.

Gold auction house was fine. Auction house was only an issue in vanilla because of the terrible loot drop and introduction of RMAH.

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No. The fact that the AHs existed is why we had such low drop rates of useful gear. I played back then. I don’t want to go back to that.


Auction house was just an overly convenient method of trading. Loot drop might be adjusted lower as a result of trading being implemented but vanilla D3 loot drop was problematic by itself, with zero ways to target farm specific loot AND its terrible drop rate. Blizzard recognised this and eventually changed it up. Late vanilla D3 (after patch 1.0.7 or so, can’t remember), the drop rate has been made more sane and it still co-existed with auction house. Just take out the real money auction house and it would have been awesome. An ARPG like D3 really should have trading, to give items value. The one decision to completely take it out for D3 post RoS is forever something I detest.


I can sign that, at least for items.

The only thing I really would like to see is a built-in material vendor/market. Or maybe they can allow us to salvage blue vendor items. At least elites need to drop stacks of normal mats that are in line with the increased DB drops.

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This thread here asked for a buff during the lockdown because WoW got one. WoW is offering double XP, why isn't D3? - #2 by DogBone-1354 The linked post specifically asked for double goblins. It was one of the suggestions in that thread, along with double bounties, or XP.

No. They did not forget. It works exactly like the Double Goblin buff worked the first time they did it. Double Trouble Incoming – 2x Goblin Buff Begins 11/6 - Diablo III

The only exception here is the other times it impacted non-season. This time it does not (but should IMHO).


Don’t worry, they love all of their player base including non-season. Now, please, take your seat at the back of the bus.

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does this apply to console or just on PC??

It applies to consoles and PC. Confirmed on Nintendo Switch just last night.