Embrace Your Inner Goblin!

:partying_face: :moneybag: :moneybag:

Season 20 is dead anyways

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i was asking because i played xbox this morning and still single goblins feelsbadman. i double checked and there were no new updates either

Make sure you are on the Seasons mode and not normal. The buff only applies to Seasons right now.

Funny fact:

This buff also affects Snitchley.

Just found him in a Vault and he had a twin.

Thanks for the info. I shall go check it out. Maybe save that primal puzzle ring for the future in case they ever implement a primal treasure vault.

yeah i only play seasonal

I don’t sit in the smoking section, I’m out here in non-smoking and no free food.


Good timing… I was just about the shelf my chars for the season and play some D2. :upside_down_face:

I think double Goblin spawns would have been much better if they weren’t twins but different goblins. Higher chance for the rarer ones.

That doesn’t help those of us that don’t play seasonal though…


Typical to justify their existence throw a table scrap buff to the seasonal players whilst forgetting the rest, not like the days gone by anymore, the new harsh reality is they really don’t give a …


This is better than nothing. They probably had a massive drop in players due to the horrendous season 20 buff.

I would rather have had double bounties enabled. Then again, I have already run about 2500 bounties.

FLiggitly ZARRN ZARRN anger WUFF MY LGEEOOS aNcIEnT Blah blurgh.

Just be happy you got anything at all from this WONDERFULLY proactive company

I probably still would have been playing if the servers had been stable enough to not cause my HC character to be killed. He survived some lag spikes, but eventually died to what I guess was DDOS attacks earlier this week. A shame Blizz believes only in online-only play now.

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Maybe there was only a half a chance for a goblin and you got a whole one…

So now I get twice as much JUNK. How about an option to get a 10 % “magic find” to items instead of a experience or extra gold? Then I could get better drops.

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Activate this buff for NoSeason also. pleeeeeeeaaaaaaase


had the same vibe, feels pretty empty


Guess we just need to face the facts. Those of us who didn’t spend the extra money to buy the seasonal expansion pak just aren’t as valuable as the seasons players.

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Everyone that owns the game can create seasonal heroes…