Economics tell us "Why personal loot is better"

What prevents the 50-80% of current leechers in FFA game from getting “your drops”?

The fact that they will either die trying to catch the drop, or just not be able to keep up to my pace, with personal they don’t need to engage at all, just stay close enough to trigger the personal loot. Hell strong players will wait for weaker ones to get swept by baal in your scenario and then kill him :slight_smile: Could increase range, but then that’s inviting easier multiboxing.

My D2 experience was different. Depending on the danger level, most savvy leechers stayed close to the action but not necessarily in the thick of battle and were highly mobile. Others played zDPS tank builds. By doing this, they were able to get FFA drops easily. My experience was largely 2000-2005. It may be different now.

I also play hardcore :slight_smile: so people running in to be greedy usually went poorly for them :slight_smile:

Softcore here. Death was still annoying just not permanent. Props to you.

I just preferred it after while because the market was cleaner, less bots survive running :slight_smile: and getting up the leader board was a bit easier.

Sorry participation trophies / ribbons weren’t available until the year 2008 and latter… Diablo II was created before the world went soft as baby s***.

So yeah, play alone or don’t expect to get boss drops… just sayin’.

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Yes I would ask for a refund. Because the personal loot case has already been solved by the smartest people out here on the forums and no longer requires further discussions. We’ve provided strong arguments to keep shared loot only, we provided maths YOU couldn’t provide to show how personal loot makes it some implementations ruin the economy or just make players feel they are less rewarded thanks to either leechers or the simple fact that it’s a non-RP mechanic to see zero loot with people not even discussing what they get in FFA games so you are kept in the fog and can’t even ask for a tradd for that sweet tal rasha armor. Simply because the looter didn’t bother to interact to say what loot he got.

You never discuss the ultimate fact that no properly geared player will make baal runs anymore if personal loot is active. Yes a very small percentage that either admit or even don’t know they will get less loot with personal loot will still make these rooms like MicroRNA. But don’t come and tell me that so many players are still going to deliberately do this far sub-optimal loot plan. It is simply not true and you’re lying to yourself : it will either be non-existant or a tiny, decreasing minority.

Now stop throwing very vague arguments like we’re enriching the personal loot cause because that is totally disrespectful of the work we’ve done. Accept defeat. Accept and embrace what the game is, was, and will ever be.


Thanks is for posting this! I didn’t see this earlier.

When the Lead Designer for the original Diablo 2 says he would have changed it to instanced loot, to encourage cooperative play, all other arguments drop off.

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as expected, you personal loot beggars do not discuss the facts. Thus, we win by default. And by the way, the former lead designer argument has already been invalidated by various other posts you obviously never read and I won’t repeat them. Because that’s what we’ve been doing : repeating things, over and over again, while you spam the forums relentlessly.

Some implementations =/= all implementations. Therefore, it can be implemented successfully and keep the economy the same.

You talk in absolutes “no poperly geared player will ever make”. This argument is preposterous. You could try ti argue less but none. Please.

It is a fact that Brevik stated that he would change D2 to instanced individual loot.

No. My post covered all possible implementations. But that’s on me for not making that clearer like when I explained to you highschool maths on how to compute the probabilities which proves the impression you had of personal loot being a fair thing was wrong all along.

I don’t give up, I’m just reporting you for spamming the forums with the same arguments over and over again, while WE are spending way more time constructing rigorous arguments while you bring nothing to the conversation.

The simple fact is there is not a consensus on the D2R forum or the D2 community as a whole. You can try to dismiss other’s opinions but they are valid. The idea of adding personal loot is not some crazy, illogical idea. I think this has been shown over and over again. Even the lead designer of the original D2 (who knows something about D2) talked about it as one of the 3 changes he would implement.

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Nobody want personnal loot, except casual players and people who never play D2.

Shared loot is part of the game, deal with it.

Play solo if you scared. W/E multi is for XP, not for farming.
And people who lead the run deserv shared loot. He took risks by teleport when you sit at town with your useless crap-build, just to leach XP, and now items? let me laugh.

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Let Diablo 2 be Uniq from other games.
That’s why Diablo 2 is one of the greatest game. Because no other games are like this beauty game and that is also why It’s a masterpiece.

If you keep copy stuff from other games, then It wouldn’t be uniq anymore and It will also lose It’s sparkel.

With a personal loot system, if a player waits in town, they get no loot. You have to be near a monster when it is killed to get personal loot.

And “afk” people who just leach xp and can’t tank baal or strong monsters will have access to free stuff.
Worst idea ever.

Anyway, we all know they will not make such a change which will affect to much the game.
But we will still spam after you, in case Blizzard take in consideration your stupid idea.

Yes he also said all files were gone and making Diablo 2 will be all but impossible.

That is not what he exactly said.

  1. The original source code has been lost. Meaning they can never go back to the source and re-update from scratch.

  2. David mentioned that the way AI functions depends on pixel and screen size. These differences make it far more difficult to customize a game with native 800x600 resolution to new 1080p/1440p resolutions. He did say it would be difficult but not impossible.

but the original source code was not lost, the game continued to use said source code for updates, D2R guy said it specifically. Also said most assets were gone, would be impossible to understand his spaghetti code. My argument is you guys have yet to give good reasons for personal loot that cover why anyone would want to rush people like before? with only diminishing returns for items. You just keep saying the same things over and over without actually accounting for how diablo 2 player leech or how big leeching to get high level is… or do we not rush people now?

You have to be close enough to get XP, are you now close enough to leech my drops as well, if so, guess what I ain’t rushing anyone but friends.