Economics tell us "Why personal loot is better"

I fixed the error and also clarified RNG personal loot versus assigned/ordered personal loot. Since you are focused on RNG assigned personal loot, some probabilities are 5 drops in 8 player game:

Longterm, personal loot will yield a result with a largely equal distribution among players in a multiplayer game. In FFA, this is not the case. This is illustrated by bots who have super-human reaction times. This also will occur to difference in drops take into account ping differentials where all drops are delayed so that the highest ping can see the drop at the same time as low ping.

Plasmagun, your deductions would be correct, but given all the post I now think they are just ignorant or trolling. My best guess is they either get that personal loot will lead to increase loot drops or they are leechers. The arguments can’t be in good faith and they must have ulterior motives.

I also think the people advocating strongly for personal loot are either intellectually incapable of understanding the arguments against it or have only played this game from a leeching capacity.

I am not saying someone should 100% be on one side or the other, but there a specific arguments that just make no sense for personal loot like “stealing” drops. I would think any reasonable ploot advocate would push for timed loot where maybe drops are shown to others after like a 10 second delay.

I would still be against that, but that would be a reasonable starting point to argue against.

Exactly, over the long term, the richest players will continue to swoop everything up with their vastly superior run speed and teleporting enigma armor. Swoop scoop, swoop scoop times a billion. Over the course of a month there would be such a dramatic statistical difference in distribution of items across characters comparing shared versus personal loot populations. “The rich get richer” as it were, 5% of players receiving 50% of drops or something of that nature. Whereas the “Average player” for the personal loot population would receive significantly more items, on average. Yes it averages things out but that’s fair.

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You get the point.

People who want PL and spam their stupid idea are like neo-communists : minority but noisy.
Sadly we all know they get what they want most of the time.

You throw 1,000 dollars (ot a set of item drops) amongst a group of 8 people. FFA can lead to good behavior or not so good behavior. Given the anonymity that exists in an online game, FFA often brings out the worst in some players than a more equitable wealth distribution. Botting is a problem in many games, pickit cheats are irrelevant to personal loot system because the pickit cheat can’t pick other’s loot.

It is not about financial systems, it is about common human decency and consideration of others, and not adopting a system that encourages misbehavior.

Personally, I do not extrapolate a preference for how loot drops to that someone wants to kill society. That is a bit of a stretch.

I don’t trust communists sorry.
You will kill the game before it even be released. As you kill society.
edit: just to add some fun :wink:

Communism is technically just a word, and most so called communist “things” are not actually communist. My issue is people will heavily take advantage of free loot, will open multi accounts to simply have follow their normal character for x7 multiplier of loot, or is the drop chance lowered so it is negated. You guys don’t take into account any human behaviour to exploit your glorious system.

You are actually improving botters drop chances.

If the drop chance get lowered, you’ll found 0-1 item on Baal.

If not, game is dead.

Ironically, Chris Lena, the lead D2R producer, spoke about wanting a robust modern D2R community and incorporating changes based on player feedback… Having a good community includes empathy for others.

Irrespective of the loot system, total drops do not change in a multiplayer game based on the loot system (personal versus FFA). If you wanted to bot 8 accounts in an 8 player multiplayer game, you would get the exact same number of total drops. If we consider that if is an 8 player game with 7 bots and one human player (not associated with the botter), personal loot means the human gets ~12.5% of the total drops. In FFA, it would be much less as the reaction time of 7 bots likely surpass the one human player.

None of what you typed actually makes sense, and you never listen to others about why… I am not sure what your goal is.

The botters have to do dramatically less work now, just follow command, no worry about items being picked up, just scour each account afterwards if need be. You could join games with 4 accounts, only pay attention to one and glance at the others for items. Don’t even need to be a speedy click, just check them all before the next game loads up. Like your system would need to change the whole loot drop rate system to accommodate, or just be aware that the person with the most accounts running will always get more as now you have no chance to grab said item.

And to add if the personal MF for the character is used this will be a BETTER system for botters, or even 8 individual players who use one character to clear for them while they all just stand around in MF gear.

It would be hard to figure out without a lot of math but any situation where drop chance is rolled on an individual would probably encourage botters. I am sure there would be chances the boss drops an item for each player.

Currently in a global loot drop multiplayer game there are X total drops and Y players.

In a personal loot game, there would be X/Y drops for each player. Since there are Y players, the total drops are X. There is no difference in total drops.

X = (X/Y) * Y

e.g., 200 = (200/8) * 8

So most of the time : 0 item drop on ground
Boss drop 0 or 1 item
LOOKS AMAZING :yawning_face:

Monsters drop the same number of total items. If a big boss drops 5 items in an 8 player game, those 5 items will be distributed among individual players. By definition, 3 will not get anything, but that is true irrespective of FFA versus personal loot.


Hahahaha. It is a bit like communism. So be it. I prefer it in an online game. I don’t want the Koch brothers in D2 Enigma-tele-stealing everything all the time. I just want a fair game for a team effort. Share the killing, share the loot. Among friends, you always share the loot. Among strangers we need things like police and rules. Otherwise, our evil Machiavellian tendencies arise in the most terrible of ways resulting in unrestrained greed and anti-social tendencies.


It is communism.
Lazy and unskilled people cry because they have nothing, so there will be adjustements to prevent coco crying, and results will have negative effectfs on experienced players


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I do not think that s/he knows that we earn our loot solo typically so we are the one who is doing all the work and not leeching. We are playing solo games primarily, because of FFA multiplayer loot.


Okay but it needs to now decide who gets the drop, is it going to be checking for the last person to get a drop, or conversely check who hasn’t had a drop and increase their chance (again messing with the numbers) or could you end up NEVER getting a drop based on shear mathematical chance.

Hahaha. You can play your capitalism version of the game where you take everything and leave nothing to players with slower run/walk speed or who cannot teleport to everything, like an item seagull full of greed. I want the option to play with strangers and not feel anguished about it when I see items dropping but them also being picked up by melee characters or teleporters. I play a necromancer summoner and have to solo or play with friends otherwise I find the experience far from fun, it is actually terrible.

If the drop chance is 1/8, you can calculate the probability ( P ) of no drops after n trials.

P= (7/8)^n

Item drops Probability of no drops
1 0.875
2 0.765625
3 0.669921875
4 0.586181641
5 0.512908936
6 0.448795319
7 0.392695904
8 0.343608916
9 0.300657801
10 0.263075576
20 0.069208759
30 0.018207134
40 0.004789852
50 0.001260093
100 1.58783E-06
500 1.00931E-29