Economics tell us "Why personal loot is better"

You may want to edit your post. Let’s not resort to name calling. Personally, I am trying to be incredibly respectful to highlight the nobility of the cause of “options”.

I already described this in one of my two previous posts, but they can’t understand this and never answer. They just stop arguing and go “anyway enjoy your shared loot I just want my personal loot okay ???”. Lmao, how pathetic. They keep adding more and more arguments to complexify the subject, but in the end personal loot beggars still can’t pierce our logic shields.

You would be better off advocating for a loot roll system like in an mmo as opposed to personal loot which has proven to be awful in games like diablo 3.

That wouldn’t work either. It would be far worse in fact. People usually avoid ninja in loot roll system because items are usually soulbound and very specific to a class so you have very few interest in being a ninja since it wouldn’t be tradable anyway.

The profound issue with personal loot in the end is that you want this option only for a very small percentage of the game content and time investment. It would only be active on specific Baal run rooms made by high level and properly geared players not aware that they will just get less loot than doing it alone or with friends. Thus, a feature that will get less and less used and become useless. Not worth the development investment because a false need and false insecurity.

It really is absolutely game breaking for multiplayer PvE with strangers. It is like playing in a casino and others are grabbing everything you win and you end up with nothing in your hands after 5 hours of gambling, despite winning multiple jack-pots.


It really is absolutely game breaking for multiplayer PvE with strangers. It is like playing in a casino and others are grabbing everything you win and you end up with nothing in your hands after 5 hours of gambling, despite winning multiple jack-pots.

You are talking about personal loot ? Because it feels like it. With personal loot, I win a jackpot, but the manager comes in and takes it. Then he proceeds to call everyone around, assign them a number, and then distribute my jackpot randomly to given numbers. And I could end up with nothing in my “hands after 5 hours of gambling, despite winning multiple jack-pots”.

See how your logic is flawed ? It’s easy if you at least went and graduated from college. Just joking, elementary school is enough…

That is ok that you feel that way. It does disprove the notion that magic find can not be incorporated into a personal loot system. D2 and D3 are different in many ways: itemization, skill trees, 8 player versus 4 player, the loot drop rate, etc…

For people who think that D3 is awful, personal loot may be on the list but it is not in general the things that is cited most.

No. Magic find players (not all specs but many) do inferior damage. In the absence of good DPS, monsters are killed slowly and the ltotal loot per unit time is less.

This is also a problem. Why woud a group want to carry a mf leech where they have to carry an extra person, thereby reducing total drops per unit time for each non-MF player.

That is your opinion. It is clear that it is not shared with many on the D2R forum nor was it shared in the D2 playerbase in the early days (early 2000s). Global loot was one of the most widely criticized game design decisions that were made by D2 players.

If you think that having this option will not be widely used, then its introduction in parallel will not effect the game. Let’s assume you are wrong and that many players will play it, then the developers are adding a selectable option that keeps both camps happy.

More personal attacks. You do not know the education levels to whom you address.


At least I would have something with personal loot instead of always nothing. See how your logic is flawed. People who are near loot or can teleport have an unfair advantage at picking up where loot is generated. It results in almost no gear what so ever for people not near the gear to click to pick up when it drops. It makes playing with other people in such scenarios completely worthless and to be avoided. Terrible disincentive for a multiplayer capable game, turns it into a single player or friends only experience when it could be so much better. I don’t like how you use rhetoric involving education attainment levels, extremely pathetic.

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This has got to be one of the dumbest statements. I played with global loot for 20 years and never had an issue getting loot. Even on necromancers, sorceresses, and amazon’s that are way in the back.

If you are an active participant in the battle you don’t have issues getting gear. Anyone that is saying otherwise must have not been playing diablo 2 because it was really not that difficult.

And now we see your disdain for a person who is directly responsible for the quality of drops in the game.

Let me address this also, not all magic find characters are leeches many can carry there own weight just fine. They are characters that are more skill based damage then gear based damage so right off the bat this argument is a flawed one.

Secondly a magic find character can go to a personal game and get the same quality drops. A good “damage character with 0 MF” can not go to a personal game and get the same quality drops as with the as you put it “MF Leech”

I feel like the issue we have here microRNA is you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the way global loot is balanced. You make it very clear with comments like “magic find leech”

Sounds to me like what you want is a Communist system of loot where you take the good loot from the people who really deserve it.

You did not quote me fully. I was discussing the case where magic find in a personal loot system only benefits that person and not he group. I also discussed the case where MF benefits the entire group. You distinguished these two scenarios as I did.

I want a system where one player in a party can not monopolize the wealth. Strikingly, in FFA system, there is no guarantee whatsoever that the person who did the most work will get any good drops. In a personal loot system, the player that does the “work” will get a fraction of all good drops. This can also be true in FFA loot but not always.

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At least I would have something with personal loot instead of always nothing

False. Let’s do a little bit of maths here, shall we ? Only a highschool level in statistics is required.

Let’s assume we are all (8 players total) happily running Baal with personal loot. Baal drops 5 items. What is the probability that I end up with at least one item :face_with_hand_over_mouth: ?
(Answer is only 48.7%)

EDIT : updated since it wasn’t obvious enough that my example dealt with personal loot :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Keep it up with your veiled insults and you will lose your posting privileges. There is no reason to engage in this nonsense.


The answer is zero if you are a summoner not on the frontlines. You need an opportunity to click to pick up the item, if you are running toward an item and it gets picked up by someone else you cannot pick up anything, ever. Your character needs to be right at the item to pick it up. This isn’t hungry hungry hippos, there is no equal opportunity click, ever, if people can teleport or are already beside everything that dies they get to pick up absolutely everything, provided they have inventory space.

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that’s why prior to the monster’s death you position yourself close to them so that you have a chance.

Exactly which is why again you have to be an active participant in the battle paying attention to what is going on so that you can position yourself correctly for the drops when they happen.

Inventory space is deliberately a premium in Diablo II specifically for that reason. They want players to have to force to choose between one or another item when more than one good item drops. Those people who keep their inventory clear are rewarded for proper inventory management.

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Just a reminder : the probability and thus the answer is NOT zero, I was obviously talking about personal loot, not shared loot for which obviously no probability can be given. But you failed to even get that. I’m out of this topic, letting it rot.

Ok all this talk bout shared loot. Let me just ask the question WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH BOTS ??? Are you that lazy you can’t play with a clan members or friends or hey here is a idea SOLO. I have never had this problem. If you go and join a BOT game you made that mistake not Blizzard. So party up with friends and Clan members you don’t have to worry who is quicker on the draw for loot. It has worked for 21 years and it can work for another 21 years. So yeah if you want to play with BOTS I think this is a great encouragement not to do so with the way loot is now.

For any one Mephisto drop, there are 2 distinct ways personal loot can handle this.

  1. Drops are assigned randomly. In this case, you need to use binomial probabilities to make an accurate calculation. There is a possibility that 1 player will get two or more items if personal loot (but that chance is ~12%). 51% of the time, a player will get no drops.
  2. The second system assign drops in player order. Player 1 gets a drop then player 2, so on and so forth. In that case 5/8 of players get exactly 1 drop and 3/8 get nothing

For any one Mephisto drop, in FFA. one player may collect all or most of the loot. This can not happen if personal loot is assigned in order. If personal loot is assigned randomly, it is still possible one player gets everything, the odds are
0.00003051757813 = 0.003051757813% = 1in 32,768

You’re right, I do have a serious hate for a fundamental part of Diablo 2, always have. Multiplayer with strangers is fundamentally broken, always has been. People owe nothing to strangers and it shows in how people behave in the game. Single player or friends only is what it amounts to.

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False. The probability for a player to get at least 2 items is 12% in this case which is by far superior to 2%. Now stop bothering me with your fallacious arguments and false facts. And thus 5 different players would not automatically get loot.

I’m truly amazed that personal loot beggars failed to even do this calculus prior to suporting personal loot. It’s truly insane to ask for something you have no idea how bad it is for you, actually.

The problem with these statistics is that we are presuming “equal” opportunity to click at the drops which is totally not the case and often people will click at the right spot repeatedly like hockey players at a face-off and up scooping everything that drops and no one else gets anything at all, especially if your character needs to walk to the items first. Tie in lag and hacks and it is just bad feelings all around.

The problem with these statistics is that we are presuming “equal” opportunity to click at the drops which is totally not the case

Oh my god, no no no … again the subject is personal loot. Let’s redefine it :

  • A monster is killed.
  • It drops N items which are to be distributed equally to everyone present. Be it by popping it right into the player’s inventory or by making it so only said player can see it and thus click on it.
  • By equally, it doesn’t mean round-robin style. It just means that each item is rolled randomly with all the players present. So a player might get all of 1, 2 or the N items, or nothing.

Statistics be dammed, the Hammerdin got 1-3 items because he was sitting exactly where Baal died using his right mouse button to click out his hammers while his left mouse button was hovering right over the spot everything dropped.

The Barb got the other 2

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