Economics tell us "Why personal loot is better"

The mental gymnastics required to make this conclusion is something else.

Have you considered thinking about players who do all the “work” during a gameplay session and then have to watch loot get gobbled up by the “leechers” because there is no personal loot to protect them?

See, it works both ways. And the real conclusion is that personal loot makes the game much more fair across the board. Especially if it’s optional.

assuming they can keep bots out of the game. personal loot would eventually replace them to the point i believe HR’s would be even cheaper than they are now on d2 lod. both arguments are solid to a certain degree but ultimately i would have to side with leaving it as is. this is a remaster not a new game, at least not yet it isnt.

D3 had shared loot games terrible
D2 shared loot no bueno not happening … !!

D2 is not only about simple efficiency. Sometimes I enjoy grouping with other and sometimes I play solo. players do not need to play “optimally” all the time. I hated the fact that the original D2 did not have respecs. I wanted to experiment with high end builds without having to relevel another character. Early D2 was annoying in that regard.

Have you seen the complex formuals used to determine item drops and quality in D2? 20 years later, it would not be hard to do 1 extra calculation per drop. You feel it is unnecessary, others don’t.

You knw very well that many favor personal loot. Too categorize us as “nobody smart enough” is simply disgraceful in my opinion.

If t here is no point to discuss this in your mind, then why do you keep discussing it?

More generalizations and personal attacks. I was not a leecher in D2 and I did clear the entire game. Depending on the playthrough, I did this often solo so who precisely did I leech from?

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How can you still fail at understanding that the guy doing all the work would never do it in the first place if it was for loot because, for the 8324834th time and the love of god, it is SUB-OPTIMAL for loot. How many times will we need to have this discussion ? Please discuss the facts/existing arguments instead of always bringing new arguments. It’s very direspectful.

Let me resume your thought :

  1. You hate releveling so your prefer to get rushed
  2. We can easily deduce for 1. that you obviously never solo’d normal+nightmare+hell but this was already obviously true from all of your other posts.
  3. Thus, you prefer being rushed, and while doing so, you want loot.
  4. From point 3. we deduce what I already said, i.e that you are a leecher who doesn’t even realize than personal loot will dissuade anyone to open public runs to rush you.

At least, thank you for confirming things without you even realizing them in the first place. We’re to help and you’re welcome.

You’re not even close to the number of implications of such system. What you seem to be asking now is for personal loot to account for each one’s MF, so someone with a low MF will end up with the worst loot. Or maybe to avoid such MF advantage, you’re just asking for another calculation (taking the median MF, or establishing a more complex calculation to filter too low or too high MF compared to the group’s median). All of this leads to bad consequences and you must stop plaguing these forums with ridiculous ideas that even you do not understand and WE have to complete for it to make sense just so we can correctly crush your arguments as we’ve been doing since the game’s announcement.

You’re avoiding the subject once again by now invoking that “many” favor personal loot. This is vague as usual with your posts : we have no numbers, and even if we made yes/no poll, it wouldn’t account for anyone’s experience. Experienced D2 players’ opinion should matter more than newcomers or people who spent their life getting rushed.

Because people in favor of personal loot simply will not understand. Teaching involves repeating as many time as possible facts until anyone gets it.

If you did, then you wouldn’t be worried about missing a loot in a Baal run since you would know you would be way more efficient by yourself. Stop mocking us this is getting painful.


You are terrible at arguing, dismissive and arrogant. I hope it is an option so you and the other “high level players” can enjoy shanking each other in the shadows and I can play with other people with the option of personal loot. Until this, I will only play with friends or alone, which is so sad for a multiplayer with the potential of people enjoying playing with others instead of being constantly wary and disappointed by the greed of strangers.

Can’t wait for you to miss that Tal rasha armor because it went to a lv 40 afk leecher then if personal loot is ever to be implemented. And you’re wrong, I’m very good at arguing, probably one of the best out there. And you know why ? Because I discuss the facts, unlike what you just did : avoid them and argue instead that I’m arrogant, dismissive, and blablabla.

I did not hate releveling. I simply though it was a waste of time if I want to experiment with a build for an hour or two to see if I liked it. In D2, I never was “rushed”/ was powerleveled.

I did on multiple characters. You can “deduce” all you want. The reality is different.

Again, I never was powerleveled ever in all the years that I played D2. As I said, most of my games were solo, because I disliked the D2 loot system.

How can I be a leecher if I mainly played solo games, in part because I dislike the loot system in multiplayer games.

Maybe you should deduce that I disliked the D2 multiplayer loot system and then played solo. Leeching is not possible in solo.

Of course, I am vague about the numbers. As you know, we have no numbers. Do you want me to say 67.346578% want X?

Really. The “facts” you deduced about me are completely untrue. You have also made several other factual errors in your arguments.

In real life, does it bother anyone else when someone appoints themselves “one of the best out there”"? People who feel the need to say this about themselves are rarely in that category. LaVar Ball can not beat Michael Jordan in basketball.


The fact is many people HATE the shared loot system of D2. HATE IT. You were probably the one tele-sniping everyone’s stuff. I play mostly solo because I like to play as a summoner. I get 0 items when playing with other people because they are nearest to the enemies that die. Ultimately, this game is an addictive slot machine in a casino where people can jack your jack-pots and you’re supposed smile. Imagine paying for a slot machine where you poke it with a long stick from a distance but if you win something you need to walk over to it, as you walk over someone next to the machine grabs what comes out repeatedly. Or someone teleports to your slot machine and scoops it. Does not really motivate you to play the slots with anyone around does it? May as well lock the door and play the slots alone, without evil people swooping and being evil.


You are completely leaving out magic find.

In a realistic game of 8 people if 7 have no magic find and one player has 500 magic find all the loot in reality pretty much belongs to the magic finder.

This is something people completely forget about in an 8 player game.

Everyone is getting the benefits of the magic find characters. You might see a piece of loot drop and cry that you didn’t get it but would it have even dropped had there not been a 500mf sorc in the group attacking targets?

Then we lead ourselves down a completely new road of single player loot also means far less good loot unless you yourself are willing to build into magic find.

I feel like a lot of people who advocate for single player loot are either people who never built magic find characters and Don’t in reality know how hard it is to make the really rare stuff drop. Which means in a single player loot system they are quickly going to realize just how poor drops can be.

Or they are people who build magic find and Don’t like the idea of anyone benefiting from their MF equipment.

Either way both ideas are stupid because In the end to get good drops you either need to build magic find yourself or group with someone who is.

A personal loot system would literally require every single character to build magic find which is going to gimp everyones character builds.

FFA loot is without a doubt the worst thing in the game


I disagree, I feel like FFA global loot system is one of the defining characteristics of the game and has led to many unique moments that are not possible under a single player loot system.

Yes, loot being stolen by pickit and otherwise going to the person with better ping is a unique moment avoided by games that were designed better in the future.


Personal loot can also take into account magic find in modifying the total drop number irrespective of whether the drop system is global or personal loot.

Yes it sure can, your own magic find applies to your own personal loot.

In a personal loot system there is no way magic find would apply to anyone but yourself.

What is this soviet russia? My magic find isn’t even mine under a personal loot system? Lol everyone gets to steal a piece of my pie no matter what?

Now your just back to global loot imo.

Your forcibly taking part of my personal loot because I have better magic find and giving it to people who don’t.

Lol so your gonna advocate for a system that splits loot evenly but when it’s obvious one person deserves more loot because they have 500 magic find your answer is take the loot away from the person who deserves it and give it to everyone else lol?

Under a global loot system at least the 500 MF person actually has a chance to get the drops. In your system he/she is going to be deliberately denied drops that they deserve so you can maintain an illusion of fairness.

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Says who? There is no logic to this at all. They can code it to work that way…

Even a diablo game in the past had magic find benefit the entire party when drops were personal. Initially, D3 had magic find on one player benefit the entire party. One of the D3 patches got rid of this (I think it s now 10% of the MF becomes group or became additive rather than multiplicative), because they felt players speccing for magic find (that often led them to do little damage) was problematic.

Lol my bubble rarely pops. Most if not all of these arguments for personal loot systems have serious problems that they create by making these changes.

Most of the time all you post are crappy workarounds that while they do address the issue they always end up creating further complications.

Diablo 3 is a terrible game compared to diablo 2 let’s not draw comparisons from that game.

Diablo 3 has massive issues with both it’s loot system, drop rate, and more. It’s poor at best to use it as an example…

Which was exactly one of my points.

Either A magic find is left to affect the entire group which imo means the person or people running magic find deserve the lion’s share of the loot.

Or B it only effects self which means you then have to gimp character builds in the process.

Both choices are crappy and I don’t see a good solution.

Because option A will lead to unfairness in the division of drops as well as higher drop rates overall which can potentially lead to a flooded economy

Option b leads to people having issues with damage due to everyone stacking magic find or poor drops which also leads to everyone having damage issue with damage.

You can still experience that in your own game mode where the legacy psychopath shared loot mode is enabled. Allow it as an option.

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Sounds like you have a serious hate for a fundamental part of what diablo 2 is.

Global loot may not be perfect but it is far and away better then the idea of personal loot.

You would be better off advocating for a loot roll system like in an mmo as opposed to personal loot which has proven to be awful in games like diablo 3.

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