Double Primal Has to Be Clicked?

On the one hand, with sites like MaxRoll claiming you “automatically unlock” the last seal, I can understand why some people might get confused.

On the other hand, some people also think jet streams are actually chemicals that “big gov’t” is pouring into our “air supply” to control us. So idk if I’d necessarily blame Blizz for this one.

For my part I’m still waiting on 3 more primal drops to finish the altar, but with something as cool as the wings and double primals, not to mention the random tidbits of Nephalem creation lore, you can bet your butts I’d be clickity-clicking on everything anyway. I mean, the entire rest of the altar functioned that way, right?

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Not even conspiracy theorists are that stupid. Jet stream is high velocity air “stream” in higher parts of troposphere.

You probably meant contrails (condensation trails, ice crystals forming instantly in very cold air) which some people (especially flat earthers) believe to be chemtrails.

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I don’t make a habit of differentiating different kinds of stupidity, but I guess you’re probably right?

Though, there was that lady from like the early 2000’s on youtube who didn’t understand how rainbows worked and thought THAT was some sort of gov’t based poison, so I think all bets are off on how low the bar can go.

You made a post after finishing the altar complete?

I cannot understand why.

For me I clicked on the very bottom of the Altar after finishing the last potion and it was obvious to finish.

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Automatic or not, the design could have been better or clearer. No doubt about that.


It is for sure minuscule as a flaw but since, I assume that the last one don’t involve any other sacrifice, you have unlocked it it should activate automatically.

When we complete parts of the journey we don’t need to click on anything for Haedrig’s gift to appear in the mailbox. Design choice!

Yet again it is a rather small issue!


I missed that too. I went back to tree after primal drop and it was singular.
It is a bad design overall. Tree is not clear - locked and unlocked nodes are hard to differentiate. Every time I used the tree I had problem with clearly seeing what is and what isn’t unlocked. It should have been done much more clearer.
Even UI tool for planning on the internet made in 2 days had much better interface.

Also there is nothing to sacrifice at the final point so what you actually confirming. It is bad design to assume that 100% of your users thinks like designer did.


The UI needs to be fixed for the Altar in general.

It’s hard to even see visually which buttons you already have unlocked because there’s a tiny little circle around them that blends in with the color of the buttons themselves. Having to mouse over them all is annoying.


Yup exactly. And that unclearness has the same effect on the final note. All lines are enlighten so you think it is fine.
This element is even departed from the tree and you don’t know that this icon should look differently


In console version you can select it so it made sense to me that it has to be unlocked. When I had all potions I selected last thing and it said “the final seal” or something like that as requirement. When I had all seals unlocked I checked again and it allowed me to press A.

If it doesn’t fit, you must it click.

100% agree on this. :+1: When you unlock something it should change color.

I found it confusing when on the PTR that the weird looking dude at the bottom of the Altar had to be clicked and another seal broken at no cost to get the double primals. Obviously, I was aware by the time the season started, but I can definitely commiserate.

It’s a very bad design choice. Should have been awarded automatically when the final seal was broken.


Thanks for the heads up, I would have headed out and gone “what the?!” if/when first primal drops after that. Everything’s been done for days, just waiting for ONE MORE primal to drop. Shrugged shoulders and took a break from D3 yesterday. That’s what you need to do sometimes. :+1:


Glad to have saved you from the headache.

Positive feedback already made me feel good despite the trolling of some, but saving at least one person from missing a double definitely made putting up with the trolling worth it.


Just because you did not know what you were doing does not make other people trolls. But run with it if you must.

This guy has almost 9k posts, 8500 of which are trolling. The other 500 posts are telling you how “younger” people are dumb & lazy and how in the good ol’ days you had to walk two miles uphill in the snow to get to school, which quite frankly, is still trolling.


Because its color changed when you completed the potions and it was the end goal?

Fact of the matter is I have been thanked for pointing this out to someone else who was on track to be caught the same way. I’m good.


or, perhaps it is a bad design?

These forums are full of trolls who’ll attack anyone who dares criticise Blizzard and/or the game. Blizzard’s mods watch on and do nothing, but instead will punish these people criticising the company/game.

These particular forums are UTTER tripe.


Don’t feed the trolls. They live for this sort of thing.

As confirmed by other regulars on here… they’ve got nothing better to do so don’t interact with them.