Double Primal Has to Be Clicked?

I suppose since everything else required a click I should have realized Double Primal reward had to be activated. One might figure, as I did incorrectly, it would be automatic with the unlocking of the last potion.

Why isn’t it automatic? That is gotcha design.


When you think you have seen it all, another one comes along. Others figured it out nothing is wrong with the design.

“I do not know what I am doing so something must be wrong with the design.” :cry: :crying_cat_face: :sob:


Just because someone else did something does not mean it is not a gotcha.

Always someone patting themselves on the back -insert rolleyes here-


Just because a fish can’t swimm, doesn’t mean the water is at fault.

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Just because a lot of random internet trolls do not understand basic design principals does not mean they are right.


I mean… you had to unlock every other node by clicking it, why would this be any different?


When it did not unlock it took me 2 seconds to click on it. Unlocked, done.

I watched a video on the altar and the fellow went through all the steps and said at the end of the video said something along the lines of “the last node that gives double primals unlocks automatically when you get the last potion - there’s nothing you need to do”.

And that left me thinking I didn’t have to click on anything to open that last node up. Fortunately, when I unlocked the last potion, I checked and found it was necessary to click, and I wondered how many people might have missed it if they watched that same video, and thought all they had to do was click on the last potion.

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First of all don’t trust anyone. Second, if in doubt click.


Just think what the forum is going to look like on the 17th with the beta.

“I did not know I had to press play, Blizzard sucks.”

Got my first dbl Primal today:
One was auto salvage
the other was a perfect Travelers Pledge w/ socket and dbl crit crit.

I really love this season as the best.


Sadly you can’t make anything 100% idiot proof. They are always a step ahead. Like if you don’t put blog posts or patch notes under their noses, they won’t even know where and how to find them, let alone reading them.

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The way you make things “idiot proof” is to not give choice–things happen when qualifications are met.

Thanks for proving my point and that you don’t know a blessed thing other than trolling.

Ultimately it was 1 lost primal…not worth wasting rolling in the mud with the thing which enjoys the activity.


It’s not trolling, just think, before you do anything.

Well, last node is not unlocked by sacrificing something. It’s just dependent on previous 3 potion unlocks. It should auto unlock when all the 3 required potions are unlocked. Ideally player should not click the last node to unlock as op suggested. Sad to see so many defending bad design.


It’s actually dependent on all previous powers and potions being unlocked. Otherwise, no one would be chasing after that damn gibbering gemstone.


You must be MASTER of the CLICK! If you are not, then miss out on stuff. Stuff I say! Stuff. You know? Stuff!

On a serious note, honestly, I almost missed it myself. I was curious. What would happen if I click this last bit on the altar. Oh cool. Double primals and ma wings. WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGS!!!

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I can tell you that good design is considered from that aspect aswell!

When something is intuitive thanks to the design you have a winner.

It is quite common that non intuitive, badly functioning solutions are so due to bad design!



And yet several of us had no issues activating the double primal buff. Imagine that.

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It took an entire 2 seconds. Point, click, done. Maybe next time the pet will unlock everything for us, poor guy.