Double Primal Has to Be Clicked?

Do you even read what you write before hitting post?

“nothing else was automatic, this is the same… so its a gotcha design”

No, youre dumb. Thats not anyone esles fault but your own, other than maybe whomever raised you, could probably pin some of that blame on them I guess.

To be honest this fooled me for a bit too. However, I didn’t lose any primals on account I was looking for the wings after activating the last potion. Couldn’t find them. Thought maybe the game had to update, so exited the game and went back in and still no wings. Then I went back to the Altar and finally thought, “maybe I have to click that head thing”.

Got my wings and primal unlock and all that stuff. Point is, it wasn’t intuitive and to behonest the head thing looks like an ornamentation and not something you would just click like the rest of the Altar.


It does, however, tie into the world of diablo. A lot of exploring is required, and there is much that is left to the player to figure out. After all, Zoltan Kulle could have said, “Go to the 2nd level of the Ruins of Sescheron, and head to the northeast corner to find Kanai’s Cube.” But he doesn’t. In fact, he barely says anything useful at all.

Same with the set dungeon locations. If you’ve read the set tome pages, you know just how cryptic the information is. And there are a lot of game mechanics that require trial and error, or letting others do the trial and error, to figure out.


Why does it have to be automatic? Does ToS assumes you agree with it automatically by visiting the ToS section or upon clicking the “agree button”

Same concept, you click the node to acknowledge you have unlocked double primal. With all the ignorant players shown on this forum, its better to have it than not. More often than not, players will jump on here and report is it a bug that 1 primal drop and another dropped at same time!!.

This isn’t specifically aimed at you, it’s just that you’re the most recent case I’ve seen…

Why has everyone been all hostile toward other folks on the forums. I mean, if it isn’t situation like this where someone points out that maybe the design is faulty, it’s folks attacking anyone that says they’re not enjoying the season as much as they anticipated.

It started on the PTR and I thought maybe it would end there but it hasn’t.

Some of you folks need to chill out, seriously.


you have to click it… they got me also. I am most people will be glad this game finally is gone. I mean… they changed the Nat set… .then last minute made it useless and dumb… now we find out it is broken and you can one shot everything if you lay a trap and cast fan of knives… so now ZDH is the doing 150s in like 3 minutes… GLAD We decided to stop playing after the season journey was finished… WHICH… in all fairness was very fun. LOVED the alter and early NON glitching season.

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The word is “you’re”, not “youre”.

As for who is dumb…

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If we’re doing that sort of stuff, perhaps we should point out that “you’re” is not a word, it’s a contraction of the two words “you are” and the apostrophe is used to indicate the omitted letter from one of the words so contracted.

Now, what does this have to do with UI design decisions?


Did you read Corpius’s post? Being that rude was way past uncalled for.

Contraction are still words.

But hey, you were not here to discuss design decisions because you made no comment on one, but rather tried to get into the matter of what signifies intelligence. Smart catch, no?

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Can you point out where, in this post of yours, you’re discussing design decisions?

As for the Altar, I’m firmly with the “I had to click every other node, why wouldn’t I be expected to click the last node?” camp on this one.

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Can you point out where you so meticulously analyze the post of the person I am responding to. As for who you are with, that is your business. As noted, other have thanked me and feel the same.

A fundamental of design is you try to remove room for errors. The end of the path is the goal and the icon changes color with the unlock of the last potion. There is room to believe that one is done at that point. Others have noted this.

You can disagree about the quality of the design but what is -=NOT=- up for debate is that more than one person came across this and thought as I did. Proper design takes into account the possibilities of how people view/approach things.

I do not really care what some random person, who believes that on a planet of 8 billion people, anyone who does not see things as they do is “dumb”, evaluates my intelligence as.

Last word can be yours because frankly, I have said what needs to be said here.


Well, because it’s not a node and because it doesn’t have a cost.
It just looks like a decoration, a sort of hybrid of Diablo, Tyrael, and (maybe) Malthael. There is a little circle on Tyrael’s forehead, but it’s well disguised.
Very bad and counter intuitive design.


More than one person drive the wrong way down a freeway and gets in accidents every day, it doesnt mean that theres a problem with the onramps or road systems. It means that the drivers arent paying attention, are drunk, or are just plain stupid.

Youre showing so much of a typical victim mentality its comical. “Its never my mistake, its always someone else doing it to me”.

Pay more attention. Stop assuming. Problem solved.

Freeways come with markings and consistency in how things are labelled and accesseed.

You undermined your own post, but then you have not really shown much in the way of understanding pretty basic concepts.

As much fun as it is showing you up, afraid I am just going to have to ignore you from here on out. You are not much of a challenge.

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If the irony in that comment escapes you, you’ve got more of a problem that we all think.

Shall we go full circle?

You literally contradict logic and common sense IN the original post… and are still crying about it.

These forums have been trash like that for a LONG time.

I don’t even know why I’m playing the game this season and trying to complete the altar, since I have the prime evil wings already, and double primals whoopy doo. It would have been nice to get something unique for this stuff, but hey, Blizzard re-purposing…