Caleko s28 Planner

Thank Caleko for this simple set extremely useful tool to plan out seal powers. Many players already knows about it, but there are some I feel from replies who dont know about it.


Really nice dude thank you very much

Caleko s28 Planner

Best post today this is for you :point_right: :beer: :pizza: :ice_cream:


A big Thanks to you Sir! :beers:

ill get to 24, not doing staff of herding

I came up with a pretty good one (I think) but cannot post links here.

You should be able to use code tags.

For example (Remove the spaces):

[ code ]
My Link Here
[ /code ]

There is no way to get double bounty caches before step 5 (we will need one full set of bounties at T10 or higher to unlock step 5), but you definitely want them before steps 8-11.
You will want the bonus progress orb before step 12 and the double DBs before step 21.

Personally, I just feel the Death Breath x2 and the auto collect Death Breath are just way too far down on the tree, that these will be the 2 I leave for post Staff of Herding.

You’re just going to be too low on materials, and there’s a massive amount of Forgotten Souls you’ll need to collect, preventing any real set piece conversion. 580 Forgotten Souls and 530 Death’s Breath by the time you clear a GR100.

By the time you get there, Death Breath farming from T16 rifts should be easily doable.

I put the bonus boss damage and less damage from missiles as last since neither of those seem particularly relevant to me. Most any decent build can crush bosses clear up to T16 really, so that bonus damage carries little weight for me.

I would prefer they get rid of the Staff of Herding and substitute in pages from the Black Rock Ledger.

Also, who the hell is going to farm up SoH in PTR to test out all seals active together?

Great tool!

Now watch us all bee line to that double bounties node :rofl:

Now, one critique in your plan is Permanent XP Pools being 4. By Haedrig’s Gift, whether you choose to use the cache or not, you should have 4 upgrades.

Double kill streak, No Item Lvl Req, and +25% Move speed should be the path for practically everyone. The permanent XP pools I feel you should wait on. I’ve never been higher than Paragon 40 when completing Haedrig’s Gift. Even with double massacre bonuses, that takes you to 50, and the pools will get you what, 5 extra paragon? I’m not saying you should put it towards the end, but it really is more of an end game bonus than a starting bonus.

Really, in terms of the tree build, I think Double Kill Streak should be where Permanent XP Pools is (and move that much lower in the tree).

If B was Double Kill Streak, and C was No Item Level Requirement, I feel that would make for a much harder choice, as to how to approach the second node.

If you’re on the console, obviously No Item Level Requirement, because Massacre Bonuses are useless on the console, and with the double time, that’s actually detrimental. And if you rift, as I assume most casual players do, Massacre Bonuses don’t really matter.

But for the rest, it becomes a question of, would you take double Massacre Bonuses, or No Level Requirement. And I think this is where it becomes a little more difficult of a decision. No Level Requirement makes the mid levels (18-50) easier, but tapers off quickly post 50. Double benefit of the Massacre Bonuses is marginally helpful in the mid levels, but way more helpful from 50-70. Plus both of them are really one off things that most players won’t care about a week into the season.

Maybe then move the shield up to A? And the DBsx2 up to H? Right now, I just don’t think the DBs are placed appropriately. Because at that point, you could say, do you go for double Kadala Legendaries, or do you go for +1 Progress Orb? And move Permanent XP Pools to M, where currently DBsx2 resides.

I think these changes would create a more balanced layout.

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Well I don’t control the layout of the nodes, only the Devs do. All we can do is pick the order that we activate them in. I just arranged the choices as I saw best for progression regarding materials and such. Also I like to play more than one class in a season, so having the pools activated sooner rather than later means I can more freely level up a 2nd or 3rd class when I so choose.

We ve waited long enough to this. So a little QoL 1-70 isn’t bad. I guess console don’t feel the need for massacre been A. But PC players don’t really feel the need for pool been A. Swapping massacre to B almost 100% will pick it over no level gear seal by using CR cache, removing that dilemma too.

Depending on need, 2x bounties May not be a priority over heading straight to right side to unlock pylon potion asap. 1-2 rounds or bounties could last a while if prioritise on GR spammings for quick paragon. One of my path is leaving double bounties after unlocking triune potion coming left from pylon potion, putting it jst before ancient HF cost, a heavy tilt to GR focused pathing.

Btw, ty for your videos on reddit for levelings. 1-70 not my strengths, need to get better.

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A better idea of what I was thinking:


Now, everyone gets a beneficial A Node. Previously, if you rift, massacre bonuses are useless. And console users can also choose to ignore it, so their Greater Rifts aren’t made significantly harder. But everyone can benefit from a shield. And that was early anyway, so it’s not too big of a problem, and will help in the leveling for all.

Then, you would have to choose to go double kill streak or No Item Level. Both are primarily used for only the beginning of the season. No Item Requirement sounds better at first, but that’s mainly useful for the mid levels, and its use tapers off for the higher levels. The Kill Streaks on the other hand are very useful at the higher levels, but not as great in the mid levels when you don’t have a Reduced Level Weapon.

Permanent XP Pools are now moved to the lower left side, which is more for players who want quick GR progression. And you can traverse the Center path instead and then head right to get an item path. That way, 2x Kadala Legendaries are far more balanced with getting 2x Death Breath. Thus casual players can get more items at the expense of quicker progression.

The overall effect here, is I feel this is more balanced, and creates more difficult decisions on how you should approach the season. Certain things seem useful on the superficial level, until you start to look deeper at it.

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Not me, maybe a few tho. I’ll just fart around with a few sets/builds.

Best thing about no level requirement is not the initial character but all subsequent alternates, even more so if the effect applies to followers. The primary character gains little from it… but if you play 2, 3, or 5 characters (who plays 4?) then they “start” with it, and that means trying out new stuff with them much quicker, possibly from level 1.

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Disagree. Once you’ve leveled up your primary character, using a GoE makes leveling subsequent character so easy. It doesn’t take long to level a GoE to something like level 40 or 50. Plus, if you have a decently leveled LoD, plus a hellfire ring and amulet and an ancient weapon, you can level yourself to 70 in minutes.

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Right and wrong, bucko. You can get the character to 70 in minutes, maybe, but you required leveling a Gem of Ease and that works on 1 item, the weapon. The allocation works for every item slot, so if you happen to have found or crafted some items already, they’re immediately good to go…

And, it is the best thing about that power. Not that it is best power.

Comprehension is amazing if you possessed it.