Does anyone here think d3 was a better game then d2?

False figures are also garbage. Wonder where you pulled these from?

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keep dribbling derpers, no wonder you love d3 so much looool. anyways, not wasting more time with braindeads here, you carry on playing this amazing game many years into the future :slight_smile: lets see how alive it is in 2033, 21 years after itā€™s release.


I stopped playing actually. I think i played it enough. I do know i had more fun in D1 than any of the series though (took me ages to get over the rocks and even longer to find Diabloā€™s lair). D4 looks better than all though.

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Please cite you source that 90% instaquit or your claims are meaningless.

D3 has better combat for sure. ARPGs are about the loot hunt and D3 gets it REALLY, REALLY wrong Iā€™m afraid. There are things they could do to improve it, but they simply donā€™t have the resources for it.

Haedrigā€™s gift is really a bad idea although the true diehards will still get their sets super fast anyway based on how it all drops like candy.

A SSF ladder with no haedrigs or challenge rift chests as well as drastically reduced drop rates could provide more longevity imo. It would improve the gearing up curve rather than just endlessly farming for the gear you have in ancient/primal form.

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D3 was best at the start it HAD the best combat out of all. Now you plow through mobs like they are nothing. I liked D2 for items and itemisation with the cube, although gems and enchanting was good in D3. For originality itā€™s obviously D1. How you had to actually pull mobs back and creep through places was awesome. And gear was cool.

Yeah, agreed. It was good and challenging.
Now it is just bad.

And sure, lots of other things in vanilla D3 was terrible, like itemization and progression balance, but basic combat was pretty good.

Haedrigā€™s gift is good for what its intention was. An easily acquired set to try out new builds. I think too often people try to critique D3 under the guise that itā€™s supposed to work like D2.

As someone pointed out earlier, they are in the same genre but they are completely different games. If you take the systems as they were designed for D3, they work and work well. However, if you apply these systems to a game like D2, they just wonā€™t work.

I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s bad itā€™s just not as challenging as people make out anymore. When gear is hard to get (not quite as hard as vanilla xD), thereā€™s more to do than GRā€™s, levelling is slow paced and you donā€™t find yourself doing the same thing over and over itā€™s like gravy. Also trading needs to be there to stay. End game is the make or fallā€¦ DLC needs to be more of everything when it comes and not just 1 thing. If someone plays it and stops, they want to come back to mainly new content not just gear. Doesnā€™t need to be more levels as such but if there are then we donā€™t need upgraded gear to the extents in D3 (100000%)

Letā€™s see:

  • Running Act 1 Bounty for Khanduran Rune

  • Running Act 2 Bounty for Caldeum Nightshade

  • Running Act 3 Bounty for Arreat War Tapestry

  • Running Act 4 Bounty for Corrupted Angel Flesh

  • Running Act 5 Bounty for Westmarch Holy Water

  • Leveling multiple legendary gems for your characters.

  • Augmenting your Ancient/Primal Gear.

  • Extracting Legendary Powers.

  • Farming Ramaladniā€™s Gift

  • Running Nephalem Rift for GR keystones and Death Breathe.

  • Paragon Levelling

  • Forgotten Souls Farming

  • Running Vault for golds and marquise gems.

  • Completing Seasonal Conquests

  • Pushing Leaderboard or your character to his limit.



Hahahaha sorry man but this is so funny.
All these things you can achieve by Going into the Rift or into Grā€™s!
To compare this to farming in Diablo 2 is laughable at most.
The determination you displayed to make D3 sound like its more than just Rifts is great! good job :ā€˜ā€™'D
Real MVP :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


Itā€™s all just farming. Trying to say itā€™s any different or better one way or the other is really disingenuous on both sides. Both have practically no actual endgame. I donā€™t consider farming for gear endgame as that is not any specific content just battling RNG.

Uberā€™s and PvP for D2, Ubers and GR climbing for D3. Thatā€™s it. Every thing else is just farming.

Farm, farm, farm, farm.

Of course, it is funny because I am intentionally mimicking those ā€œdisingenuous partsā€ from you guys. :sunglasses:

Thatā€™s why I say D4 should not embrace the concept of target farming (or farm in general)ā€¦ And SOME mechanic should be added to prevent it (not time delay or anything, but maybe add some nasty dungeon guardians at the entrance that are stronger even than perhaps the boss itself of such a dungeon if it was already beaten a few times in last X days or hours)

Either that or just ā€œteleportā€ the dungeonā€™s entrance to somewhere random in the world (you beat Diablo 3 times in a row ?, now the Chaos Sanctuary is placed in the shadow realm :P), yeah doesnā€™t have to be THAT retarded but something should be done to prevent people doing same thing over and over at the same place all the time tbh

I wouldnā€™t mind uniques that drop in certain zones with lore tied to something there. Like how certain act items can be farmed in act bounties, but to the zones themselves.

As for dungeon farming, it seems keyed dungeons are the ones people will want to run to get the best loot. Those keys are random drops, so unless you looking for randoms to run a specific dungeon, you probably canā€™t farm them like that. Not to mention the original intent was to have 100+ dungeons, so the chances if finding people with keys for what you want specifically might be hard as well.

But people will farm no matter what. Itā€™s the nature of loot based games and RNG. I donā€™t think being locked out, unless you donā€™t have keys, is a good idea, however progressively harder runs each time you attempt may be something.

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It amazes me that so many ā€œD3 bad, D2 masterpieceā€ people hang around these forums. Whatā€™s even the point when you hate the game that much.

Many of us enjoy D3 for what it is. It has probably the best combat of any ARPG ever made, and production values as well. It trounces D2 in just about every category except for itemization and atmosphere (and maybe story, though letā€™s be honest D2 isnā€™t that much better than D3).

D2 is legendary, but D3 has its place. And as far as ā€œplaying the gameā€ goes, Iā€™d much rather stick to D3 than D2.


Heck, they even have the D2 and D2R forums now and they still insist on being in the D3 forums instead to tell us weā€™re wrong for preferring it.

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While I donā€™t think D3 is extremely bad (although kinda bad), and D2 has a ton of flaws, I would assume many people hang around due to D4. Which have its official home here, as silly as it might be.

I donā€™t understand the eternal need people have for comparing D2 and D3 though.