Does anyone here think d3 was a better game then d2?

Thats what happens when you trigger a die-hard fanbase by doing adverstising and hyping the hell out of them with broken promises and basically just toying with them, with the final goal of just sell to the mass and ditch the old community.
But yes, many people who come here are most likely because the devs told everyone to come here to post feedback for Diablo4, were disappointed with D3 and since everyone got a license already of D3 because of Blizzards marketing, this is what you get in the forums everyday.


There was one a while back that was ripping D3 left and right claiming it was the worst game ever, despite the dude having millions of elite kills and had participated in every season.

And there are some haters with 6k+ posts in the D3 forum, and so far, I havenā€™t encountered much of those said haters posting in D2R or D2 forum but then I rarely browse at those sections, so I may miss their posts, but I have the hunch that I may be right that they didnā€™t post at D2R or D2,or at least not as active like what they did in D3 General Discussion.

And I found one of the D3 haters has an insanely high paragon than most of the D3 fans here last time although I canā€™t remember his name now. :rofl:

Despite pre-purchasing D2R, I am unable to post or reply in those forums. Many players are experiencing the same thing.

Yeah, thatā€™s so strange. Itā€™s like when people compare Star Wars to Empire Strikes Back. What are they thinking?

To answer original question - yes, of course. D3 IS a way better game than D2.
Fun from lvl 1
way better combat mechanics
free to experiment with free respec
public games without someone stealing your loot or killing you
easy to find what you want to try, challenging to perfect it

Notice I didnā€™t mention graphics. None of this will change with D2R.

Better is a loaded word with too many subjective definitions. D3 is different than D2.

In the fact I can play D3 with my wife whereas not D2, yes it is ā€œbetter.ā€

In the fact D2 has classes and play that I like more, such as druids and a more ā€˜interestingā€™ necromancer then D2 is better.

So, I suppose both are better than the other in different ways.

This is just my opinion on why D2 remains a better game than D3. I tried to break it down by game mechanics. Please keep in mind, I still love Diablo 3. Itā€™s a great game. I play it a lot. There are several things it does better than D2, despite it falling short IMO.

Online/Offline & Battlenet Experience: No winner
Both games are lousy with bots. D2 had an awful problem with players duping items and its old battlenet wasnā€™t as reliable as the new battlenet. Still, D2 had an offline mode which I appreciated at times. While an offline mode would be nice, I also want tight controls on cheating. Hard to decide which gameā€™s method is better.

Graphics: D3 winsā€¦ sort of
Obviously Diablo 3 is a much newer game so itā€™s going to have better graphics. Yet, D3ā€™s graphics were off-putting to many Diablo fans for not conveying the dark tone shared by D1 and D2. They were also considered ā€˜cartoonishā€™ and too much like World of Warcraft.

Combat Gameplay: D3 wins
Diablo 3 has smooth, tight controls and visuals during combat (at least on PC, Iā€™ve never played a console version). Much less janky than D2, which was in turn much better than D1.

Loot: D2 wins
D3 finally opted (following Loot 2.0) for quantity over quality. The game throws vast amounts of drops at you, very little of which is actually what you need/want. Meanwhile, D2 is quality over quantity. I remember buying items from vendors at level 1 and still using that item at level 80+. D2 had such a unique way of presenting gear and no ARPG has been able to duplicate or surpass the rich system, even when straight-up copying it. Itā€™s much more satisfying and exciting when a legendary drops in D2. When they drop in D3, players in a hurry might not even pick them up.

Lastly on this: I miss D2ā€™s charms.

Crafting: D2 wins
This one is a bit weird, since D2 had very little crafting compared to D3. But crafting in D3 is a wasted mechanic. Other than (the only recently improved) Captain Crimsonā€™s set, the blacksmith is nothing more than a yellow-factory for upgrading rares in the cube. He has little else of value. The reason D2 wins this category is simple: Rune Words. Blizzard dropped the ball when they left Rune Words out of D3.

The Cube: D2 wins
D2ā€™s cube was a quirky and interesting thing. It had all kinds of hidden recipes I had to search online for. Plus, it was portable. I loved having a little Horadric suitcase full of goodies to carry around with me. In D3, the cube is nothing more than a tool for the developers to introduce power creep. It has its useful applications, like the ability to transmute, but its ultimately a hollow and unexciting thing.

Character Building: D2 wins
The only differences between ā€˜Barbarian Aā€™ and ā€˜Barbarian Bā€™ on my D3 roster is the characterā€™s gender. They are otherwise identical. If I start a new Barbarian, that one will be no different than any other Barbarian Iā€™ve ever madeā€¦ no different than any Barbarian anyone had ever made in Diablo 3.

But every character I ever made in Diablo 2 was unique. I could allocate attribute points, which helped shape the build. I could allocate skill points, which helped define the build. Diablo 2 allowed you to invest in your character, which made that character far more valuable than D3ā€™s cookie-cutter characters.

Quality of Life: D3 wins
Larger stash, shared stash, stackable items, auto-inventory on crafting mats, auto gold pickup, no silly potions, no silly identify or town portal scrollsā€¦ the list goes on and on. D3 absolutely wins, here. Weā€™ll see how quickly the charm wears off of D2R when it lacks some of D3ā€™s standard QoL features.

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That doesnā€™t mean discussing it on the D3 forums suddenly becomes on-topic.

The Rune Skill system of D3 is quite good and offers lots of flexibility. Unfortunately, some runes are cureently useless because left by the game (not boosted by items)

D3 is an Arpg, while D2 is an aRPG. Better action in D3, but better RPG elements in D2. For fast, mindless action combat D3 is absolutely superior to D2.

D3 is opening a can of chicken noodle soup, and microwaving it for dinner; D2 is growing the vegiā€™s, killing the chicken, making the noodles, and then spending all day making soup.

Both soup, butā€¦

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This is a problem that shouldnā€™t happen againā€¦ Donā€™t have to have all those ā€œgrowing all the veggies and boiling noodlesā€ part, in fact sometimes I donā€™t like them either if it takes too long to grind or doing ā€œoutsideā€ stuff, but the important part is that the combat itself shouldnā€™t be mindless (or at least the majority of time shouldnā€™t) tbh

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When I play DIII for prolonged periods of time, my mind begins to wander and numb, and ultimately my brain literally switches off. During those time I feel like Iā€™m one of the bots. Itā€™s a very strange, unsettling feeling, and itā€™s the only game to ever do that to me. Iā€™m firmly convinced DIII literally kills brain cells.


D3 canā€™t hold a candle to D2, it really canā€™t. People who didnā€™t play D2 from the year 2001 to about 2007 really have no idea what they missed out on, the level of joy people playing that game experienced, I will always cherish the memories. BLIZZARD NORTH FOREVER. :black_heart: :pray:

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I played D2 classic at launch and LoD until D3 is out and I donā€™t think I am missing out anything about D2. :slight_smile:

There are RPG elements in D2? Sure you are not talking about manually clicking the stat point huh or talk to NPC to trigger the quest right? Both Diablo games are just as RPG as JRPG where your decision doesnā€™t affect the main plot at all. :rofl:

I think thereā€™s also WoW but they stopped at '15, a year after RoS release.

Well, that might be the case, orā€¦ They knew there would be an underlying blackmarket with the introduction of Auction House and didnā€™t wanna affect its flow in a way. Maybe?

Played in 2000, then again when LoD was released played about a year or less each time. I thought it was good, nothing special.

I think D3 is better but again, nothing special.

I mean, D2 is consistently rated as one of the best, if not the best, ARPG of all time. Just out of curiosity, which ARPG, if any, would you consider to be special?

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I agree in general with you. However, one thing D3 fanboys like to omit intentionally or unintentionally about that 30 million sales number is that not only is it the combined sales between D3:V and D3:ROS it does not mean there were 30 million unique customers. In fact the number of unique customers is roughly half of that number because if I bought D3 vanilla and then bought D3 ROS that would count as 2 sales toward that 30 million but from 1 customer.

Reaper of Souls sold 2.7 million copies in its first week on sale.(https :// As of August 2014, Diablo III and Reaper of Souls have combined sales of 20 million copies. (https :// As of June 30, 2015, Diablo III and Reaper of Souls have combined sales of 30 million copies .

https: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Diablo_III:_Reaper_of_Souls

https ://
https ://

Yeah this sadly is a very dishonest way Blizzard is counting. Not that they are alone in doing it that way.
Wouldnā€™t be surprised if D3 has only sold like 20 million copies (at the time of the 30 million number, it likely has sold more since).
Which to be fair, is still a lot.

You mean unique customers, it sold around 30 million ā€œcopiesā€ of the game vanilla/ROS on various platforms. The unique customer count is most likely between 12-20 million unique customers. Many people who bought Vanilla/RoS on PC could have also bought Vanilla and RoS for their consoles which could have added 4 copies sold from 1 person to that total. So I think its definitely lower than 20 million unique customers.

Besides, when comparing these sales numbers to D2 a game that was only on PC, by D3 tapping into the console market and pretending that D3 did better on a 1:1 basis is disingenuous for a lot of D3 fanboys to say. Let alone there are many other factors at play that dictated a higher sales number such as technology, geographic regions, general growth of the gaming industry, and marketing ability.

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