Diablo players wants two different servers

How will you have to deal with that if you’re only making and joining games with FFA loot enabled though? Make it make sense.

So you basis for this prediction of player interactions on D2R, If it gets some sort of personal loot type system, is based off of the behaviour of players on D2 since release without that system in place?

Not to mention that a lot of the old D2 players you speak of are all grown up now (sadly) and I don’t think the old school leech will still exist since we have all learned the value of putting work in by now.
At least I hope so lol

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For me and for those players who never had problems with getting loot its only brings negative effect. More leechers. That is what i get from ploot. For amateurs who couldnt not get anything cus they were grown up on haedrig’s gift ofc its positive. But if a part of the players wants ploot sure ok. Then me and alot of the FFA supoorters want a seperate realm.

In a FFA game, 2 players are guaranteed to get nothing which is identical to a personal loot game.

A character can wait in town twiddling their thumbs and wait for the others to entirely clear a map. In a personal loot game , if the town character goes to the cleared area, they get no loot whatsoever. In a FFA game in D2, they can grab all the uncollected loot in the cleared ma without any risk.

Therefore, FFA promotes the freeloader just chilling in town waiting for others to do the work where that can get gear after the work is done. Personal loot at least requires you to be in close proximity and potentially harms way,

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so if its identical why change?
as i said befor iam for ffa.
but i relly dont mind if people gets ploot to toogle on and off. i just dont see the need for it

Because it will promote multiplayer more in my opinion. If you look at any server during the first month or so of a D2 reset, most people are farming in private solo games. I think with a ploot option, more people will play multiplayer as they want a portion of the distributed items instead of getting none playing with 7 other random people with FFA loot.

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Total loot drops are the same. The loot distribution is potentially different. In personal loot game, there is no such thing as ninja looter and using pickit is useless.

The second half of my post also showed how FFA promotes “town” freeloading while personal loot does not.

Some see the need for it. If you don’t mind, why are you fighting so hard against it? When Popeye’s started selling their chicken sandwich, did you argue that they shouldn’t because you wanted to order spicy fried chicken that was still on the menu?

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Loving this post. I seriously don’t get why people spend so much time arguing against something they aren’t necessarily against or that won’t even really affect them.

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If im a new player and i need to chose from ffa or ploot what i going to chose? Especially if i never played d2. Ploot ofc. And the only thing i need to do is following someone for free loot. It dosent matter if dont do any dmg. It dosent matter if i dont help. I just need to stand there.

I am almost 40. The players i play with are all between 30-60. All of them support FFA. And none of them wants to babysit new players. If you personaly wants that that is fine. We dont. And leech is going to start again cus for new players d2 is just to hard. They dont have the patience for farming. In 2 day most of them want full set gear and when they realize that this aint going to happen so fast they also going to leave the game real fast. An then we hardcore players need to stay there with an inside out game what we never asked for. So thats why we need seperate realms.

Isn’t that already the case for how it works now? People join and just leech drops without doing anything. This is what drives people into playing solo in private games. I feel like more people might play in ploot games because all of your drops won’t get stolen. You can at least get some of them and get max xp.

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You make a lot of assumption in your posts. You don’t know how any loot system would be implemented none of us do.

Eventually if there are no new players … well you know the rest.

so imo why make a whole new system, it will proberly take som time( i have no ide if its a easy thing to put in or not) if it anit broke why fix it?

if i was in the ploot game as a new player . kill diablo and dont get to se any loot at all. i would be pissed. at least in ffa you get to se the loot

we dont have popeye`s her wher iam from :astonished:

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If what you want doesn’t drop then kill him again :slight_smile:


At least you need to stand there in a personal loot game with the other players killing things. In FFA, you can wait in town. Wait for others to clear the map, Go to cleared map and grab all the uncollected loot. Your arguments is fundamentally flawed at its core.

Lol. What is your sample size? I am older than you and everyone I know wants personal loot. My friends and your friends do not represent the playerbase as a whole.

The reddit survey had >4,000 respondents where 99% reported being D2 players. 49% supported personal loot options while 39% wanted to keep FFA-only. Although I do not consider the reddit survey to be quantitative representation of the playerbase due to selection and sampling bias, it still informs. I think that it is fait to say that many want FFA only and many want a choice. Therefore, a choice should be added as the FFA only players can still only play in FFA games by making that selection.

No. If they did that it would be ok to me; however it is not necessary and can be determined upon game creation and not character creation.

I already showed based on how the game works and mathematically what you are saying is factually incorrect. I will not go through the facts and math again. You can see this thread:
Realm vs Game Loot Options - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)

Today are we dont have much leechers. With d2r millions of leechers going to join. And in FFA i can grab loot before the leecher. (btw leecher is not the same as weakly geared player). In ploot rng decides. If you want that then feel free to do that on seperate realm.

I never seen a single loot drop where it was writen on the item for who its belongs. If somebody boosted when i was low lvl i let the lootfor thebooster. Rly simple. He does the job then he gets paid. But this loot for everyone ideologie just makes the game leecher paradise. Agian: If you want to ply on this way then ok. Seperate from us.

It will be separate, that is why you choose FFA loot when creating and joining games. There is no need for a separate realm.


so should the ffa and ploot players be able to trade items?

Yes. Why wouldn’t they? They were all legit drops and it would be the same drop rates in each loot system. Ploot isn’t going to make items less valuable.

It is not a whole new system. Some say it is broken. The only opinion that matters is Blizzard’s.

Long story short, Blizzard in the survey that they sent out a few days ago asked if players were interested in personal loot instead of FFA loot at D2R launch.

I infer from this question

  1. Blizzard is considering implementing personal loot (or have already decided to implement personal loot)
  2. Blizzard thinks that they can have personal loot implemented by when D2R launces. Presumably they have a reasonable estimate to how long it would take to introduce personal loot in the game or they have already been working on it and it is either ongoing or already completed.

If Blizzard could not or it was impossible to have personal loot ready at D2R launch, why in the oogly-boogly would they ask the question in the first place.

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Hurray they need to stand there. And they also rewarded for it.
Uncollected loot? You mean gold? xD Or potions? I dont mind.

Yes i have talking from my firends. And all ofthem support FFA.

So a player who never played d2 for the ffa reason could not lie in the survey? 4000 responded? HOw many d2 copy was sold?

If hardcore playerbase is on seperate realm nobody going to farm out items so economy is going to be dead. That is the only reason that ploot supporters also dont want seperate realm.