Diablo players wants two different servers

  1. they just put it ther to make people fell like they get heard?

If they left out the “at luanch” part, there might be more credence to what you infer. Also, one of Blizzard’s press interview had a weird vague quote. I suspect what was being referred to is that Blizzard thinks personal loot will ruin the game for many new players. Blizzard wants to expand the playerbase and make more money.

If the goal was to simply cater to D2 purists,Blizzard could have offered instead of D2R, a $20 DLC pack for D2 that accomplished 3 things: transition to modern battlenet, updated graphics, and updated audio.

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So again. Lot of new players just makes economy dead. If you want to play with them its your choice. You dont going to miss us anyway cus you are the majority.

How will a lot of new players make the economy dead? If anything, the economy will be more lively. If you implement no changes in D2R the game will return to the dead state that D2 is in now. Hence why there are more players on private servers like PD2 than D2.

If they cant even farm for them self then how would they farm items for trade? Most of them are going to leave before even gearing out 1 single character.

I said make seperate realms aka servers. You play on your changed side. How can the game dead if you play just seperate from us?

You’re assuming a lot of things. Who says they won’t be able to farm items for themselves? We were all new to D2 at some point. The point is that we want ploot so that playing multiplayer makes more sense. We don’t all want to be playing on battle net, but stuck in private games for mfing. If you don’t want to play with ploot people, then only join games and create games with FFA loot enabled. It is really that simple.

If it wasn’t for the D2JSP community personal loot wouldn’t be necessary.

Rather than divide it like the op said

why not

Server 1. Everyone except the D2JSP community
Server 2. D2JSP community, botters hackers grabbit users rmt players.

Then the people who just want to play a game for fun can do that and the people who want to try and cheat or make money from a game can do that too… make it so they cant trade with the normies btw lol lets see how “strong” that community stays then shall we.

D2JSP lol don’t make me laugh. If blizzard could cheaply find a way to shut them down they would have done years ago

Well i told yout hat i was at diablo since day 1. We had the same problem. But today the gaming community is even more spoiled than 20 years ago.

What? Everybody going to be on battle.net. What are you talking about?

Well i want an working economy and that is not happening with ploot. If you are majority then you dont to worry for the hardcore playerbase anyway.

I’m saying we are playing on battle.net for a reason. We want to play multiplayer. Not be forced into mfing in private solo games because ploot doesn’t exist. You still haven’t said how ploot will ruin the economy. Btw. And stop calling yourself hardcore unless you actually play hardcore mode. Lol

Well with seperate realm you can play with anybody who chose ploot system and i can play with anybody who chose FFA system.

And i already said why it will ruineconomy. Lots of amateurs who leaves anyway in 4-5 months who also cant farm items cus they just dont have patience for it so less items to trade aka items price are going to skyrocketing. And higher price on the market makes the game more harder for new players so everything is going to collapse.

so what you say is blizzard is speeking with 2 tongue`s

they say

At it’s core we want this to still be the same. So right away things the balance, the monsters you see, spawn rates, item drops and things like that are the same.

And what we’re doing is trying to take any of the rough edges you see: compatibility issues, resolution issues, and obviously the art - improving the art as well… all these kind of things you come to know from a remaster but still very much maintaining what the game is.

Andre Abrahamian - Lead Designer

and then put survey out ther says somthing els?

Ok i dont care anymore we throw to many arguments in so many topics against the loot system for amatuers now we need to throw some other terms…

yes we dont want this noobish loot system, if this will be happen then we want 2 realms, community is automaticcaly splitted if this piece of **** system gets implemented.

We should carry this economy with these noobs? NEVER…tyrael would vomit if he hears that.

Tyrael last words :

“I am not impressed, noob. You have skipped the greatest challenge in this world has ever faced and leeched trough the last of the Prime Evils. However, we are too late to save this Game. Plooters destructive touch has corrupted it completely.”

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Separating the players is required at this point! If the anti social crowd is worried about a Zon or barb that can’t deal damage due to class balance that’s fine they choose to carry because only a few classes can clear hell with out gear…bye no one will miss you ! Enjoy your 20-40kish player base while the masses enjoy the goat with features

Personal loot will happen. We are in the majority. Blizzard will not risk alienating millions of new players for an outdated mechanic advocated by a few thousand purists. What Blizzard should do is try not to influence the drops too much, to start at least.

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True words you are speaking

If personal loot does happen, I really hope they don’t mess with drop rates.

Personal loot is a pretty minor change, compared to getting rid of MB bug, Snakes, and topping it off with changes to drop rate would be too much for me.

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Using the words “Blizzard,” “Blue,” or any community team or development team members’ names in a thread topic is frowned upon.

Everyone would like Blizzard to read and acknowledge their post, and we understand that; however, use of such words in the subject line does not help that come to pass. Please make your thread title relevant to the post subject. Threads violating this guideline are subject to deletion.

with only 12 hearts and over 278 reply’s. im going to say no. Players don’t want two different servers.

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Good logic. Pls tell me how many d2 copy was sold? Players want different servers.

“Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.” The last thing Blizzard is need is false advertising accusation.

No it’s not because you still get to play the same Diablo 2 that you knew. Choose FFA games. Easy.

We do not want separate servers.